[ 0s] Using BUILD_ROOT=/srv/build/root_6/.mount [ 0s] Using BUILD_ARCH=aarch64 [ 0s] Doing kvm build in /srv/build/root_6/root [ 0s] [ 0s] [ 0s] w32 started "build _service:gbs:elementary.spec" at Thu Oct 20 17:47:08 UTC 2016. [ 0s] [ 0s] Building elementary for project 'Tizen:Common' repository 'arm64-wayland' arch 'aarch64' srcmd5 '5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05' [ 0s] [ 0s] processing specfile /srv/build/root_6/.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:elementary.spec ... [ 0s] running changelog2spec --target rpm --file /srv/build/root_6/.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:elementary.spec [ 0s] init_buildsystem --configdir /var/run/obs/worker/6/build/configs --cachedir /var/cache/build --prepare --clean --rpmlist /srv/build/root_6/.build.rpmlist /srv/build/root_6/.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:elementary.spec build rpmlint-Factory ... [ 0s] registering binfmt handlers for VM [ 0s] /.build/qemu-reg: No such file or directory [ 0s] /.build/qemu-reg: failed. Trying alternate binfmt file [ 0s] write: Invalid argument [ 0s] /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register: write failed [ 0s] /usr/lib/build/qemu-reg: line 7: write failed. Content: :arm:M::\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x28\x00:\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfe\xff\xff\xff:/usr/bin/qemu-arm-binfmt:P [ 0s] [ 0s] /usr/lib/build/qemu-reg: binfmt registration failed [ 0s] Copying qemu-fix-build-hang.sh [ 0s] cycle: libsoftokn3 -> nss [ 0s] breaking dependency nss -> libsoftokn3 [ 0s] [1/40] preinstalling libmagic-data... [ 0s] [2/40] preinstalling setup... [ 0s] [3/40] preinstalling filesystem... [ 0s] [4/40] preinstalling glibc... [ 1s] [5/40] preinstalling bash... [ 1s] [6/40] preinstalling diffutils... [ 1s] [7/40] preinstalling grep... [ 1s] [8/40] preinstalling libattr... [ 1s] [9/40] preinstalling libbz2... [ 1s] [10/40] preinstalling libcap... [ 1s] [11/40] preinstalling libelf... [ 1s] [12/40] preinstalling libfreebl3... [ 1s] [13/40] preinstalling libgcc... [ 1s] [14/40] preinstalling liblua... [ 1s] [15/40] preinstalling liblzma... [ 1s] [16/40] preinstalling libncurses... [ 1s] [17/40] preinstalling libpopt... [ 1s] [18/40] preinstalling libsmack... [ 1s] [19/40] preinstalling libsqlite... [ 1s] [20/40] preinstalling libuuid... [ 1s] [21/40] preinstalling nspr... [ 1s] [22/40] preinstalling sed... [ 1s] [23/40] preinstalling zlib... [ 1s] [24/40] preinstalling qemu-accel-aarch64... [ 3s] [25/40] preinstalling qemu-linux-user-cross... [ 4s] [26/40] preinstalling coreutils... [ 4s] [27/40] preinstalling libacl... [ 4s] [28/40] preinstalling libblkid... [ 4s] [29/40] preinstalling libreadline... [ 4s] [30/40] preinstalling smack... [ 4s] [31/40] preinstalling bzip2... [ 4s] [32/40] preinstalling libmagic... [ 4s] [33/40] preinstalling libxml2... [ 4s] [34/40] preinstalling libmount... [ 4s] [35/40] preinstalling tar... [ 4s] [36/40] preinstalling util-linux... [ 5s] [37/40] preinstalling util-linux-su... [ 5s] [38/40] preinstalling nss... [ 5s] [39/40] preinstalling libsoftokn3... [ 5s] [40/40] preinstalling rpm... [ 5s] [ 5s] [1/9] preinstalling libext2fs... [ 5s] [2/9] preinstalling libpcre... [ 5s] [3/9] preinstalling libsmartcols... [ 5s] [4/9] preinstalling libuuid... [ 5s] [5/9] preinstalling perl... [ 6s] [6/9] preinstalling grep... [ 6s] [7/9] preinstalling libblkid... [ 6s] [8/9] preinstalling libmount... [ 6s] [9/9] preinstalling util-linux... [ 6s] copying packages... [ 6s] reordering...cycle: gio-branding-upstream -> libgio [ 6s] breaking dependency libgio -> gio-branding-upstream [ 6s] cycle: nss -> libsoftokn3 [ 6s] breaking dependency nss -> libsoftokn3 [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore -> efl [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore -> ector [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore -> ector [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore -> eet [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore -> eet [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore -> eeze [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore -> eeze [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore -> eina [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore -> eina [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore -> eldbus [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore -> eldbus [ 6s] cycle: efl -> ecore -> emile [ 6s] breaking dependency efl -> ecore [ 6s] cycle: efl -> eina [ 6s] breaking dependency efl -> eina [ 6s] cycle: efl -> eo [ 6s] breaking dependency eo -> efl [ 6s] cycle: efl -> eo -> eina [ 6s] breaking dependency eo -> eina [ 6s] cycle: eolian-devel -> eolian [ 6s] breaking dependency eolian -> eolian-devel [ 6s] cycle: ecore -> evas [ 6s] breaking dependency evas -> ecore [ 6s] cycle: ecore-devel -> eeze-devel [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore-devel -> eeze-devel [ 6s] cycle: eldbus-devel -> ecore-devel [ 6s] breaking dependency ecore-devel -> eldbus-devel [ 6s] done [ 11s] booting kvm ... [ 11s] /usr/bin/qemu-kvm -no-reboot -nographic -vga none -net none -cpu host -kernel /srv/obsw/vmlinuz -initrd /srv/obsw/initrd -append root=/dev/vda panic=1 quiet no-kvmclock nmi_watchdog=0 rw elevator=noop console=ttyS0 init=/.build/initvm.x86_64 -m 6000 -drive file=/srv/build/root_6/root,if=virtio,cache=none -drive file=/srv/build/root_6/root,if=ide,index=0,cache=none -drive file=/srv/build/root_6/swap,if=virtio,cache=none -smp 4 [ 13s] [ 0.000000] tsc: Fast TSC calibration failed [ 14s] doing fast boot [ 14s] Creating device nodes with udev [ 14s] Waiting for device /dev/vda to appear: ok [ 14s] fsck from util-linux 2.21.2 [ 14s] [/sbin/fsck.ext4 (1) -- /] fsck.ext4 -a /dev/vda [ 14s] /dev/vda: clean, 5631/2392064 files, 289058/9568256 blocks [ 14s] fsck succeeded. Mounting root device read-write. [ 14s] Mounting root /dev/vda [ 14s] mount -o rw -t ext4 /dev/vda /root [ 14s] replacing /etc/mtab with symlink to /proc/self/mounts [ 15s] 2nd stage started in virtual machine [ 15s] machine type: aarch64 [ 15s] swapon: /dev/vdb: found signature [pagesize=4096, signature=swap] [ 15s] swapon: /dev/vdb: pagesize=4096, swapsize=2147483648, devsize=2147483648 [ 15s] swapon /dev/vdb [ 15s] VM_IMAGE: , VM_SWAP: /dev/vdb [ 15s] mount: none is already mounted or /proc busy [ 15s] mount: none is already mounted or /dev/pts busy [ 15s] logging output to //.build.log... [ 15s] processing specfile /.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:elementary.spec ... [ 15s] init_buildsystem --configdir /usr/lib/build/configs --cachedir /var/cache/build /.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:elementary.spec build rpmlint-Factory ... [ 16s] running qemu-linux-user-cross postinstall script [ 16s] running qemu-accel-aarch64 postinstall script [ 16s] ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/lib64/gcc/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/4.9.2/liblto_plugin.so': No such file or directory [ 16s] running setup postinstall script [ 16s] .init_b_cache/scripts/setup.post: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `name' [ 16s] .init_b_cache/scripts/setup.post: line 1: `for i, name in ipairs({"passwd", "shadow", "group", "gshadow"}) do' [ 16s] initializing rpm db... [ 17s] [1/224] installing libmagic-data-5.28-4.1 [ 18s] [2/224] installing setup-0.9-3.8 [ 18s] [3/224] installing terminfo-base-5.9-1.14 [ 18s] [4/224] installing filesystem-3.1-10.1 [ 18s] [5/224] installing glibc-2.20-12.1 [ 18s] [6/224] installing bash-3.2.57-3.6 [ 18s] [7/224] installing capi-base-common-0.4.11-24.1 [ 18s] [8/224] installing cpio-2.11-2.1 [ 18s] [9/224] installing diffutils-3.3-1.8 [ 18s] [10/224] installing findutils-4.3.8-3.1 [ 18s] [11/224] installing fribidi-0.19.7-6.1 [ 19s] [12/224] installing giflib-5.1.2-12.1 [ 19s] [13/224] installing hostname-3.12-1.7 [ 19s] [14/224] installing libatomic-4.9.2-15.1 [ 19s] [15/224] installing libattr-2.4.47-1.13 [ 19s] [16/224] installing libbz2-1.0.6-2.7 [ 19s] [17/224] installing libcap-2.24-1.86 [ 19s] [18/224] installing libdrm-2.4.58-18.1 [ 19s] [19/224] installing libelf-0.153-5.28 [ 19s] [20/224] installing libelf0-0.8.13-1.10 [ 19s] [21/224] installing libevdev-1.2.2-8.5 [ 19s] [22/224] installing libexpat-2.1.1-2.8 [ 20s] [23/224] installing libext2fs-1.42.13-2.9 [ 20s] [24/224] installing libffi-3.1-2.6 [ 20s] [25/224] installing libfreebl3-3.23-4.46 [ 20s] [26/224] installing libgcc-4.9.2-15.1 [ 20s] [27/224] installing libgomp-4.9.2-15.1 [ 20s] [28/224] installing libhyphen-2.8.8-2.4 [ 20s] [29/224] installing libitm-4.9.2-15.1 [ 20s] [30/224] installing libjpeg-8.0.2-10.5 [ 20s] [31/224] installing libjson-0.12-9.1 [ 21s] [32/224] installing libltdl-2.4.2-3.6 [ 21s] [33/224] installing liblua-5.1.4-1.11 [ 21s] [34/224] installing liblzma-5.1.3-3.1 [ 21s] [35/224] installing libmtdev-1.1.5-7.1 [ 21s] [36/224] installing libogg-1.3.2-6.4 [ 21s] [37/224] installing libpcre-8.39-3.1 [ 21s] [38/224] installing libpopt-1.16-2.4 [ 21s] [39/224] installing libpython-2.7.8-3.6 [ 21s] [40/224] installing libsmack-1.2.0-4.8 [ 22s] [41/224] installing libsmartcols-2.28-8.1 [ 22s] [42/224] installing libsqlite- [ 22s] [43/224] installing libuuid-2.28-8.1 [ 22s] [44/224] installing libwayland-egl-1.0-24.1 [ 22s] [45/224] installing libxkbcommon-0.4.3-12.1 [ 22s] [46/224] installing m4-1.4.17-1.5 [ 22s] [47/224] installing net-tools-2.0_20121208git-1.7 [ 22s] [48/224] installing nspr-4.12-4.17 [ 22s] [49/224] installing patch-2.7-1.6 [ 22s] [50/224] installing pixman-0.32.6-5.11 [ 23s] [51/224] installing pkg-config-0.28-1.9 [ 23s] [52/224] installing sed-4.1c-2.5 [ 23s] [53/224] installing ttrace-extension-1.0.0-4.1 [ 23s] [54/224] installing update-alternatives-1.16.3-1.5 [ 23s] [55/224] installing which-2.20-1.5 [ 23s] [56/224] installing zlib-1.2.8-1.11 [ 23s] [57/224] installing libncurses-5.9-1.14 [ 23s] [58/224] installing shadow-utils- [ 23s] [59/224] installing build-compare-2015.04.28-4.10 [ 23s] [60/224] installing qemu-linux-user-cross-2.7.0-1.1 [ 24s] [61/224] installing capi-base-common-devel-0.4.11-24.1 [ 25s] [62/224] installing coregl-0.1.10-13.2 [ 25s] [63/224] installing coreutils-6.9-8.1 [ 25s] [64/224] installing cpp-4.9.2-15.1 [ 25s] [65/224] installing fribidi-devel-0.19.7-6.1 [ 25s] [66/224] installing gawk-3.1.5-2.9 [ 25s] [67/224] installing gcc-c++-4.9.2-15.1 [ 26s] [68/224] installing grep-2.5.2-2.9 [ 26s] [69/224] installing less-466-1.7 [ 26s] [70/224] installing libacl-2.2.52-3.8 [ 26s] [71/224] installing libasm-0.153-5.28 [ 26s] [72/224] installing libblkid-2.28-8.1 [ 27s] [73/224] installing libglib-2.44.1-22.1 [ 27s] [74/224] installing libkms-2.4.58-18.1 [ 27s] [75/224] installing libopenssl-1.0.2j-10.1 [ 27s] [76/224] installing libpcreposix-8.39-3.1 [ 27s] [77/224] installing libpng-1.6.21-9.1 [ 27s] [78/224] installing libreadline-5.2-2.6 [ 27s] [79/224] installing libstdc++-4.9.2-15.1 [ 27s] [80/224] installing libuuid-devel-2.28-8.1 [ 28s] [81/224] installing libvorbis-1.3.4-8.5 [ 28s] [82/224] installing libwayland-client-1.10.0-19.5 [ 28s] [83/224] installing libwayland-server-1.10.0-19.5 [ 28s] [84/224] installing libxkbcommon-devel-0.4.3-12.1 [ 28s] [85/224] installing make-4.0-1.6 [ 28s] [86/224] installing nss-certs-3.23-4.46 [ 28s] [87/224] installing smack-1.2.0-4.8 [ 28s] [88/224] installing ttrace-extension-devel-1.0.0-4.1 [ 28s] [89/224] installing binutils-2.25-6.12 [ 28s] [90/224] installing bzip2-1.0.6-2.7 [ 28s] [91/224] installing libmagic-5.28-4.1 [ 28s] [92/224] installing libxml2-2.9.4-5.7 [ 29s] [93/224] installing xz-5.1.3-3.1 [ 29s] [94/224] installing libkmod-18-6.5 [ 29s] [95/224] installing libdw-0.153-5.28 [ 29s] [96/224] installing libstdc++-devel-4.9.2-15.1 [ 29s] [97/224] installing file-5.28-4.1 [ 29s] [98/224] installing libgmodule-2.44.1-22.1 [ 29s] [99/224] installing libgthread-2.44.1-22.1 [ 29s] [100/224] installing libmount-2.28-8.1 [ 29s] [101/224] installing libwayland-cursor-1.10.0-19.5 [ 29s] [102/224] installing libwayland-extension-client-1.0.53-39.1 [ 29s] [103/224] installing linux-glibc-devel-3.10-1.4 [ 29s] [104/224] installing openssl-1.0.2j-10.1 [ 30s] [105/224] installing tar-1.17-2.7 [ 30s] [106/224] installing db4-4.8.30.NC-2.1 [ 30s] [107/224] installing doxygen-1.8.2-6.6 [ 30s] [108/224] installing gettext-runtime-0.19.7-2.7 [ 30s] [109/224] installing glibc-locale-2.20-12.1 [ 30s] [110/224] installing gzip-1.3.12-2.9 [ 30s] [111/224] installing libblkid-devel-2.28-8.1 [ 30s] [112/224] installing libfdisk1-2.28-8.1 [ 30s] [113/224] installing libfreetype-2.6.5-8.1 [ 30s] [114/224] installing libgobject-2.44.1-22.1 [ 30s] [115/224] installing libubsan-4.9.2-15.1 [ 31s] [116/224] installing lua-5.1.4-1.11 [ 31s] [117/224] installing pam-1.1.6-4.8 [ 31s] [118/224] installing libicu-57.1-12.1 [ 31s] [119/224] installing libpcrecpp-8.39-3.1 [ 31s] [120/224] installing libsndfile-1.0.26-9.1 [ 32s] [121/224] installing tzdata-2016f-2.3 [ 32s] [122/224] installing ttrace-1.0.0-25.1 [ 32s] [123/224] installing libtiff-4.0.6-8.7 [ 32s] [124/224] installing elfutils-0.153-5.28 [ 32s] [125/224] installing shared-mime-info-1.3-2.6 [ 36s] [126/224] installing glibc-devel-2.20-12.1 [ 36s] [127/224] installing libicu-devel-57.1-12.1 [ 36s] [128/224] installing libmount-devel-2.28-8.1 [ 36s] [129/224] installing lua-devel-5.1.4-1.11 [ 36s] [130/224] installing libdrm-devel-2.4.58-18.1 [ 36s] [131/224] installing perl-5.20.0-3.61 [ 37s] [132/224] installing libsystemd-219-47.1 [ 37s] [133/224] installing libharfbuzz-1.3.0-10.1 [ 37s] [134/224] installing pcre-devel-8.39-3.1 [ 37s] [135/224] installing fontconfig-2.12.1-14.1 [ 40s] [136/224] installing wayland-devel-1.10.0-19.5 [ 40s] [137/224] installing gcc-4.9.2-15.1 [ 40s] [138/224] installing python-2.7.8-3.6 [ 41s] [139/224] installing util-linux-2.28-8.1 [ 41s] [140/224] installing systemd-219-47.1 [ 41s] [141/224] installing build-mkbaselibs-20120927-1.3 [ 42s] [142/224] installing qemu-accel-aarch64-0.4-9.7 [ 44s] [143/224] installing autoconf-2.69-1.4 [ 44s] [144/224] installing dbus-libs-1.10.6-40.1 [ 45s] [145/224] installing python-xml-2.7.8-3.6 [ 45s] [146/224] installing systemd-devel-219-47.1 [ 45s] [147/224] installing util-linux-su-2.28-8.1 [ 45s] [148/224] installing wayland-extension-client-devel-1.0.53-39.1 [ 45s] [149/224] installing zlib-devel-1.2.8-1.11 [ 45s] [150/224] installing gettext-tools-0.19.7-2.7 [ 45s] [151/224] installing libsndfile-devel-1.0.26-9.1 [ 45s] [152/224] installing libinput-0.11.0-17.1 [ 45s] [153/224] installing python-devel-2.7.8-3.6 [ 46s] [154/224] installing libdlog-0.5.1-43.1 [ 46s] [155/224] installing dbus-devel-1.10.6-40.1 [ 46s] [156/224] installing libdlog-devel-0.5.1-43.1 [ 46s] [157/224] installing libinput-devel-0.11.0-17.1 [ 46s] [158/224] installing automake-1.14.1-1.4 [ 46s] [159/224] installing libopenssl-devel-1.0.2j-10.1 [ 46s] [160/224] installing build-20120927-1.3 [ 46s] [161/224] installing libpng-devel-1.6.21-9.1 [ 46s] [162/224] installing libpulse-5.0-47.1 [ 46s] [163/224] installing libtbm-2.0.5-58.1 [ 46s] [164/224] installing libpulse-mainloop-glib-5.0-47.1 [ 46s] [165/224] installing libtbm-devel-2.0.5-58.1 [ 46s] [166/224] installing libtool-2.4.2-3.6 [ 46s] [167/224] installing freetype2-devel-2.6.5-8.1 [ 46s] [168/224] installing libwayland-tbm-server-0.1.9-30.1 [ 47s] [169/224] installing ttrace-devel-1.0.0-25.1 [ 47s] [170/224] installing libtdm-1.4.4-45.1 [ 47s] [171/224] installing fontconfig-devel-2.12.1-14.1 [ 47s] [172/224] installing libgbm-1.0-6.2 [ 47s] [173/224] installing libtdm-devel-1.4.4-45.1 [ 47s] [174/224] installing libgbm-devel-1.0-6.2 [ 47s] [175/224] installing eo-1.16.0-125.1 [ 47s] [176/224] installing nss-3.23-4.46 [ 47s] [177/224] installing libgio-2.44.1-22.1 [ 47s] [178/224] installing gio-branding-upstream-2.44.1-22.1 [ 47s] [179/224] installing efl-1.16.0-125.1 [ 47s] [180/224] installing libsoftokn3-3.23-4.46 [ 47s] [181/224] installing glib2-tools-2.44.1-22.1 [ 47s] [182/224] installing rpm- [ 48s] [183/224] installing rpmlint-mini-1.5-3.26 [ 48s] [184/224] installing eina-1.16.0-125.1 [ 48s] [185/224] installing glib2-devel-2.44.1-22.1 [ 48s] [186/224] installing rpm-build- [ 48s] [187/224] installing rpmlint-tizen-1.0-1.3 [ 48s] [188/224] installing embryo-1.16.0-125.1 [ 48s] [189/224] installing ector-1.16.0-125.1 [ 48s] [190/224] installing eina-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 48s] [191/224] installing eolian-1.16.0-125.1 [ 48s] [192/224] installing harfbuzz-devel-1.3.0-10.1 [ 48s] [193/224] installing libpulse-devel-5.0-47.1 [ 48s] [194/224] installing emile-1.16.0-125.1 [ 48s] [195/224] installing embryo-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [196/224] installing eo-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [197/224] installing eolian-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [198/224] installing emile-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [199/224] installing eet-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [200/224] installing efl-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [201/224] installing eet-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [202/224] installing evas-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [203/224] installing ector-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [204/224] installing ecore-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [205/224] installing edbus-1.7.9-6.16 [ 49s] [206/224] installing efreet-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [207/224] installing eldbus-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [208/224] installing eeze-1.16.0-125.1 [ 49s] [209/224] installing eio-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [210/224] installing evas-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [211/224] installing edje-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [212/224] installing ecore-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [213/224] installing eet-tools-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [214/224] installing eldbus-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [215/224] installing efreet-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [216/224] installing eio-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [217/224] installing edbus-devel-1.7.9-6.16 [ 50s] [218/224] installing edje-tools-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [219/224] installing eeze-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [220/224] installing emotion-1.16.0-125.1 [ 50s] [221/224] installing ethumb-1.16.0-125.1 [ 51s] [222/224] installing emotion-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 51s] [223/224] installing edje-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 51s] [224/224] installing ethumb-devel-1.16.0-125.1 [ 51s] removing nis flags from //etc/nsswitch.conf... [ 51s] now finalizing build dir... [ 52s] qemu: Unsupported syscall: 219 [ 58s] build target is aarch64-tizen-linux [ 58s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 58s] I have the following modifications for elementary.spec: [ 58s] 8c8 [ 58s] < Release: 0 [ 58s] --- [ 58s] > Release: 79.1 [ 58s] 1261a1262 [ 58s] > %changelog [ 58s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 58s] ----- building elementary.spec (user abuild) [ 58s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 58s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 58s] Running qemu build hang workaround... [ 58s] /bin/ps command not found [ 58s] qemu: Unsupported syscall: 219 [ 58s] + exec rpmbuild -ba --define '_srcdefattr (-,root,root)' --nosignature --target=aarch64-tizen-linux --define '_build_create_debug 1' --define 'disturl obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary' /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/elementary.spec [ 58s] Building target platforms: aarch64-tizen-linux [ 58s] Building for target aarch64-tizen-linux [ 58s] Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.70FEwE [ 58s] + umask 022 [ 58s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 58s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 58s] + rm -rf elementary-1.16.0 [ 58s] + /bin/bzip2 -dc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/elementary-1.16.0.tar.bz2 [ 58s] + /bin/tar -xf - [ 60s] + STATUS=0 [ 60s] + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' [ 60s] + cd elementary-1.16.0 [ 60s] + /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #0 (3c8ec4e-to-d968d06.diff.gz):' [ 60s] Patch #0 (3c8ec4e-to-d968d06.diff.gz): [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] + /bin/gzip -dc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/3c8ec4e-to-d968d06.diff.gz [ 60s] patching file config/default/base.src.in [ 60s] patching file config/mobile/base.src.in [ 60s] patching file config/standard/base.src.in [ 60s] patching file configure.ac [ 60s] patching file data/themes/edc/elm/border.edc [ 60s] patching file data/themes/edc/elm/button.edc [ 60s] patching file data/themes/edc/elm/calendar.edc [ 60s] patching file data/themes/img/simple-border.png [ 60s] patching file data/themes/img/simple-button-close.png [ 60s] patching file data/themes/img/simple-resize-marker.png [ 60s] patching file po/LINGUAS [ 60s] patching file po/POTFILES.in [ 60s] patching file po/ar.po [ 60s] patching file po/as.po [ 60s] patching file po/az.po [ 60s] patching file po/bg.po [ 60s] patching file po/bn.po [ 60s] patching file po/bn_BD.po [ 60s] patching file po/ca.po [ 60s] patching file po/cs.po [ 60s] patching file po/da.po [ 60s] patching file po/de.po [ 60s] patching file po/el_GR.po [ 60s] patching file po/en.po [ 60s] patching file po/en_PH.po [ 60s] patching file po/en_US.mo [ 60s] patching file po/en_US.po [ 60s] patching file po/es_ES.po [ 60s] patching file po/es_US.po [ 60s] patching file po/et.po [ 60s] patching file po/eu.po [ 60s] patching file po/fa.po [ 60s] patching file po/fi.po [ 60s] patching file po/fr.po [ 60s] patching file po/fr_CA.po [ 60s] patching file po/ga.po [ 60s] patching file po/gl.po [ 60s] patching file po/gu.po [ 60s] patching file po/he.po [ 60s] patching file po/hi.po [ 60s] patching file po/hr.po [ 60s] patching file po/hu.po [ 60s] patching file po/hy.po [ 60s] patching file po/id.po [ 60s] patching file po/is.po [ 60s] patching file po/it_IT.po [ 60s] patching file po/ja_JP.po [ 60s] patching file po/ka.po [ 60s] patching file po/kk.po [ 60s] patching file po/km.po [ 60s] patching file po/kn.po [ 60s] patching file po/ko_KR.po [ 60s] patching file po/lo.po [ 60s] patching file po/lt.po [ 60s] patching file po/lv.po [ 60s] patching file po/mk.po [ 60s] patching file po/ml.po [ 60s] patching file po/mn_MN.po [ 60s] patching file po/mr.po [ 60s] patching file po/ms.po [ 60s] patching file po/my_MM.po [ 60s] patching file po/my_ZG.po [ 60s] patching file po/nb.po [ 60s] patching file po/ne.po [ 60s] patching file po/nl.po [ 60s] patching file po/or.po [ 60s] patching file po/pa.po [ 60s] patching file po/pl.po [ 60s] patching file po/pt_BR.po [ 60s] patching file po/pt_PT.po [ 60s] patching file po/ro.po [ 60s] patching file po/ru_RU.po [ 60s] patching file po/si.po [ 60s] patching file po/sk.po [ 60s] patching file po/sl.po [ 60s] patching file po/sq.po [ 60s] patching file po/sr.po [ 60s] patching file po/sv.po [ 60s] patching file po/ta.po [ 60s] patching file po/te.po [ 60s] patching file po/th.po [ 60s] patching file po/tl.po [ 60s] patching file po/tr_TR.po [ 60s] patching file po/uk.po [ 60s] patching file po/ur.po [ 60s] patching file po/uz.po [ 60s] patching file po/vi.po [ 60s] patching file po/zh_CN.po [ 60s] patching file po/zh_HK.po [ 60s] patching file po/zh_TW.po [ 60s] patching file src/bin/run.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_focus.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_win_state.c [ 60s] patching file src/examples/Makefile.am [ 60s] patching file src/examples/layout_example_01.c [ 60s] patching file src/imported/atspi/atspi-constants.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/Elementary.h.in [ 60s] patching file src/lib/Elementary_GL_Helpers.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/Makefile.am [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_app_object.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_proxy.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_proxy.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_proxy.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_bg.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_bg_legacy.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_button.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_check.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_color_class.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_color_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform_legacy.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_ctxpopup_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_datetime.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_deprecated.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_focus.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_hover.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_hover.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_hoversel.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_icon.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_component.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_component.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_text.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_window.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interfaces.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_label.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_list_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_macros.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_module_priv.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_naviframe_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_plug.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_plug.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_theme.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_calendar.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_datetime.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_entry.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_gengrid.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_photocam.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_spinner.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_toolbar.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win_common.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win_legacy.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/els_tooltip.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/tizen_vector.c [ 60s] patching file src/modules/Makefile.am [ 60s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/Makefile.am [ 60s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 60s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.h [ 60s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 60s] patching file src/tests/elm_test_atspi.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #1 (0002-Genlist-added-atspi-support-for-drag-n-drop.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #1 (0002-Genlist-added-atspi-support-for-drag-n-drop.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0002-Genlist-added-atspi-support-for-drag-n-drop.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #2 (0003-list-perform-a-null-check-before-accessing-its-membe.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #2 (0003-list-perform-a-null-check-before-accessing-its-membe.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0003-list-perform-a-null-check-before-accessing-its-membe.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #3 (0004-genlist-add-signal-process-for-syncronous-message-af.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #3 (0004-genlist-add-signal-process-for-syncronous-message-af.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0004-genlist-add-signal-process-for-syncronous-message-af.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #4 (0005-popup-fix-theme-apply-problem.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #4 (0005-popup-fix-theme-apply-problem.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0005-popup-fix-theme-apply-problem.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #5 (0006-popup-fix-popup-size-problem-in-landscape-display-mo.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #5 (0006-popup-fix-popup-size-problem-in-landscape-display-mo.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0006-popup-fix-popup-size-problem-in-landscape-display-mo.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #6 (0007-popup-visual-related-signals-should-be-processed-imm.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #6 (0007-popup-visual-related-signals-should-be-processed-imm.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0007-popup-visual-related-signals-should-be-processed-imm.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #7 (0008-popup-fix-create-scroller-bug-when-list-item-add.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #7 (0008-popup-fix-create-scroller-bug-when-list-item-add.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0008-popup-fix-create-scroller-bug-when-list-item-add.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #8 (0009-popup-fix-scale-calculation-in-_scroller_size_calc.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #8 (0009-popup-fix-scale-calculation-in-_scroller_size_calc.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0009-popup-fix-scale-calculation-in-_scroller_size_calc.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #9 (0010-popup-If-popup-s-parent-is-resized-popup-need-to-res.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #9 (0010-popup-If-popup-s-parent-is-resized-popup-need-to-res.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0010-popup-If-popup-s-parent-is-resized-popup-need-to-res.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #10 (0011-popup-make-config-option-to-change-popup-scrollable.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #10 (0011-popup-make-config-option-to-change-popup-scrollable.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0011-popup-make-config-option-to-change-popup-scrollable.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file config/default/base.src.in [ 60s] patching file config/mobile/base.src.in [ 60s] patching file config/standard/base.src.in [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #11 (0012-Fixed-the-bugs-and-warnings-in-atspi-relationship-AP.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #11 (0012-Fixed-the-bugs-and-warnings-in-atspi-relationship-AP.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0012-Fixed-the-bugs-and-warnings-in-atspi-relationship-AP.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #12 (0013-popup-and-ctxpopup-accessibility-highlight-impementa.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #12 (0013-popup-and-ctxpopup-accessibility-highlight-impementa.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0013-popup-and-ctxpopup-accessibility-highlight-impementa.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_ctxpopup.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #13 (0014-Colorselector-add-callback-for-elm-state-selected-fo.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #13 (0014-Colorselector-add-callback-for-elm-state-selected-fo.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0014-Colorselector-add-callback-for-elm-state-selected-fo.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #14 (0015-naviframe-Add-a-signal-for-internal-usage-item-pushe.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #14 (0015-naviframe-Add-a-signal-for-internal-usage-item-pushe.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0015-naviframe-Add-a-signal-for-internal-usage-item-pushe.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #15 (0016-ctxpopup-Accessible-methods-for-children_get-extents.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #15 (0016-ctxpopup-Accessible-methods-for-children_get-extents.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0016-ctxpopup-Accessible-methods-for-children_get-extents.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_ctxpopup.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_ctxpopup_item.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #16 (0017-Colorselector-1.-Access-UX-0.3-based-changes-and-ope.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #16 (0017-Colorselector-1.-Access-UX-0.3-based-changes-and-ope.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0017-Colorselector-1.-Access-UX-0.3-based-changes-and-ope.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_colorselector.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #17 (0018-popup-set-proper-parent-object-for-elm_access.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #17 (0018-popup-set-proper-parent-object-for-elm_access.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0018-popup-set-proper-parent-object-for-elm_access.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #18 (0019-Trace-add-Performance-Clock-log-level.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #18 (0019-Trace-add-Performance-Clock-log-level.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0019-Trace-add-Performance-Clock-log-level.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #19 (0020-Flipselector-top-bottom-buttons-added-for-accessibil.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #19 (0020-Flipselector-top-bottom-buttons-added-for-accessibil.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0020-Flipselector-top-bottom-buttons-added-for-accessibil.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_flipselector.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #20 (0021-flipselector-fix-accessible-at-point-functionality.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #20 (0021-flipselector-fix-accessible-at-point-functionality.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0021-flipselector-fix-accessible-at-point-functionality.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #21 (0022-elm_win-fix-build-error.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #21 (0022-elm_win-fix-build-error.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0022-elm_win-fix-build-error.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #22 (0023-Elm-entry-fix-returning-wrong-focus-region.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #22 (0023-Elm-entry-fix-returning-wrong-focus-region.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0023-Elm-entry-fix-returning-wrong-focus-region.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file data/objects/test.edc [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #23 (0024-elm_widget-Added-relationship-API-for-widget-item.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #23 (0024-elm_widget-Added-relationship-API-for-widget-item.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0024-elm_widget-Added-relationship-API-for-widget-item.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #24 (0025-scrollable-fix-scrollbar-unvisible-problem-in-ctxpop.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #24 (0025-scrollable-fix-scrollbar-unvisible-problem-in-ctxpop.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0025-scrollable-fix-scrollbar-unvisible-problem-in-ctxpop.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #25 (0026-widget-set-the-parent-child-relation-again-when-the-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #25 (0026-widget-set-the-parent-child-relation-again-when-the-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0026-widget-set-the-parent-child-relation-again-when-the-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_box.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flip.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_grid.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_mapbuf.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_table.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #26 (0027-elm_win-fix-documentation-related-with-elm_win_keygr.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #26 (0027-elm_win-fix-documentation-related-with-elm_win_keygr.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0027-elm_win-fix-documentation-related-with-elm_win_keygr.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #27 (0028-elc_naviframe-Hide-preserved-content-after-its-item-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #27 (0028-elc_naviframe-Hide-preserved-content-after-its-item-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0028-elc_naviframe-Hide-preserved-content-after-its-item-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #28 (0029-elm_win-Deleted-correct-cbs-removed-unused-fucntions.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #28 (0029-elm_win-Deleted-correct-cbs-removed-unused-fucntions.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0029-elm_win-Deleted-correct-cbs-removed-unused-fucntions.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #29 (0030-elc_naviframe-Append-title-subtitle-while-reading-ti.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #29 (0030-elc_naviframe-Append-title-subtitle-while-reading-ti.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0030-elc_naviframe-Append-title-subtitle-while-reading-ti.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #30 (0031-elm_win-In-order-to-avoid-creating-unnecessary-part.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #30 (0031-elm_win-In-order-to-avoid-creating-unnecessary-part.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0031-elm_win-In-order-to-avoid-creating-unnecessary-part.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #31 (0032-gengrid-update-accessibility-highlight-change-during.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #31 (0032-gengrid-update-accessibility-highlight-change-during.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0032-gengrid-update-accessibility-highlight-change-during.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_gengrid.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #32 (0033-calendar-Fix-buffer-overflow-in-ICU-function.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #32 (0033-calendar-Fix-buffer-overflow-in-ICU-function.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0033-calendar-Fix-buffer-overflow-in-ICU-function.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #33 (0034-apply-new-selection-handler-VI-features-based-on-tiz.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #33 (0034-apply-new-selection-handler-VI-features-based-on-tiz.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0034-apply-new-selection-handler-VI-features-based-on-tiz.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_entry.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #34 (0035-atspi-move-atspi-initialization-to-elm_run.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #34 (0035-atspi-move-atspi-initialization-to-elm_run.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0035-atspi-move-atspi-initialization-to-elm_run.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #35 (0036-gengrid-improve-item-scrollto-alignment.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #35 (0036-gengrid-improve-item-scrollto-alignment.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0036-gengrid-improve-item-scrollto-alignment.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #36 (0037-Conditional-registration-of-elm_access-object-as-ats.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #36 (0037-Conditional-registration-of-elm_access-object-as-ats.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0037-Conditional-registration-of-elm_access-object-as-ats.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #37 (0038-Spinner-Fix-for-atspi-inc-dec-btn-bug.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #37 (0038-Spinner-Fix-for-atspi-inc-dec-btn-bug.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0038-Spinner-Fix-for-atspi-inc-dec-btn-bug.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #38 (0039-Multibuttonentry-Applied-Access-UX-0.3.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #38 (0039-Multibuttonentry-Applied-Access-UX-0.3.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0039-Multibuttonentry-Applied-Access-UX-0.3.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_multibuttonentry.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_multibuttonentry.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #39 (0040-genlist-atspi-The-addition-name-of-the-group-item-as.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #39 (0040-genlist-atspi-The-addition-name-of-the-group-item-as.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0040-genlist-atspi-The-addition-name-of-the-group-item-as.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #40 (0041-Elm_Main-Elc_Naviframe-Access-frame-is-not-shown-on-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #40 (0041-Elm_Main-Elc_Naviframe-Access-frame-is-not-shown-on-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0041-Elm_Main-Elc_Naviframe-Access-frame-is-not-shown-on-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #41 (0042-elm_colorselector-Use-layout-instead-of-edje-object-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #41 (0042-elm_colorselector-Use-layout-instead-of-edje-object-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0042-elm_colorselector-Use-layout-instead-of-edje-object-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #42 (0043-elm_progressbar-Added-description_get-API.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #42 (0043-elm_progressbar-Added-description_get-API.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0043-elm_progressbar-Added-description_get-API.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #43 (0044-Elc_Naviframe-Register-naviframe-items-as-page-tab-a.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #43 (0044-Elc_Naviframe-Register-naviframe-items-as-page-tab-a.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0044-Elc_Naviframe-Register-naviframe-items-as-page-tab-a.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #44 (0045-elc_ctxpopup-fix-auto-hide-property-setting.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #44 (0045-elc_ctxpopup-fix-auto-hide-property-setting.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0045-elc_ctxpopup-fix-auto-hide-property-setting.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #45 (0046-elm-ctxpopup-fix-auto_hide-mode-to-work-correctly-fi.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #45 (0046-elm-ctxpopup-fix-auto_hide-mode-to-work-correctly-fi.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0046-elm-ctxpopup-fix-auto_hide-mode-to-work-correctly-fi.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #46 (0047-elm_spinner-Forcefully-setting-highlight-frame-on-sp.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #46 (0047-elm_spinner-Forcefully-setting-highlight-frame-on-sp.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0047-elm_spinner-Forcefully-setting-highlight-frame-on-sp.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #47 (0048-genlist-atspi-add-atspi-support-for-group-item.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #47 (0048-genlist-atspi-add-atspi-support-for-group-item.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0048-genlist-atspi-add-atspi-support-for-group-item.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #48 (0049-elm_index-call-selected-when-mouse-is-up.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #48 (0049-elm_index-call-selected-when-mouse-is-up.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0049-elm_index-call-selected-when-mouse-is-up.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #49 (0050-elm_win-added-code-to-handle-utility-type-window.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #49 (0050-elm_win-added-code-to-handle-utility-type-window.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0050-elm_win-added-code-to-handle-utility-type-window.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #50 (0051-elm_entry-Added-atspi-action-interface-in-entry.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #50 (0051-elm_entry-Added-atspi-action-interface-in-entry.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0051-elm_entry-Added-atspi-action-interface-in-entry.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #51 (0052-Revert-apply-new-selection-handler-VI-features-based.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #51 (0052-Revert-apply-new-selection-handler-VI-features-based.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0052-Revert-apply-new-selection-handler-VI-features-based.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_entry.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #52 (0053-popup-dismissed-callback-is-omitted-in-API-Reference.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #52 (0053-popup-dismissed-callback-is-omitted-in-API-Reference.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0053-popup-dismissed-callback-is-omitted-in-API-Reference.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #53 (0054-elm_photocam-remove-TIZEN_ONLY-code-for-zoom-settig-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #53 (0054-elm_photocam-remove-TIZEN_ONLY-code-for-zoom-settig-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0054-elm_photocam-remove-TIZEN_ONLY-code-for-zoom-settig-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #54 (0055-elm_index-added-index-accessibility-highlight-implem.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #54 (0055-elm_index-added-index-accessibility-highlight-implem.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0055-elm_index-added-index-accessibility-highlight-implem.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #55 (0056-elm_box-Added-_elm_box_evas_object_smart_calculate-i.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #55 (0056-elm_box-Added-_elm_box_evas_object_smart_calculate-i.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0056-elm_box-Added-_elm_box_evas_object_smart_calculate-i.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_box.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_box.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #56 (0057-elm_conform-apply-Tizen-2.4-feature.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #56 (0057-elm_conform-apply-Tizen-2.4-feature.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0057-elm_conform-apply-Tizen-2.4-feature.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #57 (0058-elm_win-loop-auto-throttle-only-do-this-once-a-windo.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #57 (0058-elm_win-loop-auto-throttle-only-do-this-once-a-windo.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0058-elm_win-loop-auto-throttle-only-do-this-once-a-windo.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #58 (0059-elm_slider-Moved-atspi-value-change-signal-to-delay-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #58 (0059-elm_slider-Moved-atspi-value-change-signal-to-delay-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0059-elm_slider-Moved-atspi-value-change-signal-to-delay-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #59 (0060-elm_win-added-active-window-orientation-getter.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #59 (0060-elm_win-added-active-window-orientation-getter.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0060-elm_win-added-active-window-orientation-getter.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #60 (0061-elm_win-Use-ecore_job-instead-of-ecore_timer-for-_el.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #60 (0061-elm_win-Use-ecore_job-instead-of-ecore_timer-for-_el.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0061-elm_win-Use-ecore_job-instead-of-ecore_timer-for-_el.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #61 (0062-Edje-Elementary-Remove-password-off-tag-when-passwor.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #61 (0062-Edje-Elementary-Remove-password-off-tag-when-passwor.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0062-Edje-Elementary-Remove-password-off-tag-when-passwor.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test.c [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #62 (0063-elm_win-implement-the-elm_win_active_win_orientation.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #62 (0063-elm_win-implement-the-elm_win_active_win_orientation.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0063-elm_win-implement-the-elm_win_active_win_orientation.patch [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #63 (0064-elm_win-handle-icon-object-lifetimes-more-accurately.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #63 (0064-elm_win-handle-icon-object-lifetimes-more-accurately.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0064-elm_win-handle-icon-object-lifetimes-more-accurately.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #64 (0065-elm_spinner-Highlight-frame-should-not-come-when-ats.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #64 (0065-elm_spinner-Highlight-frame-should-not-come-when-ats.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0065-elm_spinner-Highlight-frame-should-not-come-when-ats.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #65 (0066-entry-Show-Hide-guide-text-immediately.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #65 (0066-entry-Show-Hide-guide-text-immediately.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0066-entry-Show-Hide-guide-text-immediately.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #66 (0067-entry-selection-handler-of-password-mode-should-be-s.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #66 (0067-entry-selection-handler-of-password-mode-should-be-s.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0067-entry-selection-handler-of-password-mode-should-be-s.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #67 (0068-elm_entry-fix-duplicate-text-set.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #67 (0068-elm_entry-fix-duplicate-text-set.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0068-elm_entry-fix-duplicate-text-set.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #68 (0069-popup-add-popup-compress-mode-UX-Tizen-2.4.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #68 (0069-popup-add-popup-compress-mode-UX-Tizen-2.4.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0069-popup-add-popup-compress-mode-UX-Tizen-2.4.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_popup.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #69 (0070-genlist-ctxpopup-Merge-tizen-2.4-genlist-and-ctxpopu.patch.gz):' [ 60s] Patch #69 (0070-genlist-ctxpopup-Merge-tizen-2.4-genlist-and-ctxpopu.patch.gz): [ 60s] + /bin/gzip -dc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0070-genlist-ctxpopup-Merge-tizen-2.4-genlist-and-ctxpopu.patch.gz [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/Elementary.h.in [ 60s] patching file src/lib/Elementary.hh.in [ 60s] patching file src/lib/Makefile.am [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup_eo.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup_legacy.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_ctxpopup.eo [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_ctxpopup_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.eo [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_common.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_eo.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_legacy.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_pan.eo [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_widget_ctxpopup.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #70 (0071-widget-Override-evas_obj_paragraph_direction_set.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #70 (0071-widget-Override-evas_obj_paragraph_direction_set.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0071-widget-Override-evas_obj_paragraph_direction_set.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #71 (0072-widget-Apply-paragraph-direction-when-language-is-ch.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #71 (0072-widget-Apply-paragraph-direction-when-language-is-ch.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0072-widget-Apply-paragraph-direction-when-language-is-ch.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #72 (0073-popup-add-a-allow-eval-flag-not-to-call-another-sizi.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #72 (0073-popup-add-a-allow-eval-flag-not-to-call-another-sizi.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0073-popup-add-a-allow-eval-flag-not-to-call-another-sizi.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_popup.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #73 (0074-popup-fix-popup-didn-t-show-content-at-first-time.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #73 (0074-popup-fix-popup-didn-t-show-content-at-first-time.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0074-popup-fix-popup-didn-t-show-content-at-first-time.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #74 (0075-popup-add-outside_pad-for-portrait-mode.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #74 (0075-popup-add-outside_pad-for-portrait-mode.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0075-popup-add-outside_pad-for-portrait-mode.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #75 (0076-elm_interface_scrollable-Overscroll-effect.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #75 (0076-elm_interface_scrollable-Overscroll-effect.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0076-elm_interface_scrollable-Overscroll-effect.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #76 (0077-elm_entry-restrict-focus-region-to-inside-of-entry-o.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #76 (0077-elm_entry-restrict-focus-region-to-inside-of-entry-o.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0077-elm_entry-restrict-focus-region-to-inside-of-entry-o.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file data/objects/test.edc [ 60s] patching file src/bin/test_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #77 (0078-box-add-support-size-hint-padding.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #77 (0078-box-add-support-size-hint-padding.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0078-box-add-support-size-hint-padding.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/els_box.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #78 (0079-Hoversel-fix-calculation-to-make-items-fit-to-dropdo.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #78 (0079-Hoversel-fix-calculation-to-make-items-fit-to-dropdo.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0079-Hoversel-fix-calculation-to-make-items-fit-to-dropdo.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #79 (0080-Hoversel-rearrange-hoversel-when-its-parent-is-resiz.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #79 (0080-Hoversel-rearrange-hoversel-when-its-parent-is-resiz.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0080-Hoversel-rearrange-hoversel-when-its-parent-is-resiz.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #80 (0081-spinner-Add-entry-visible-focus-check-flag-for-react.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #80 (0081-spinner-Add-entry-visible-focus-check-flag-for-react.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0081-spinner-Add-entry-visible-focus-check-flag-for-react.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_spinner.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #81 (0082-popup-remove-max_sc_w-because-it-s-duplicate-job.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #81 (0082-popup-remove-max_sc_w-because-it-s-duplicate-job.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0082-popup-remove-max_sc_w-because-it-s-duplicate-job.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_popup.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #82 (0083-Progressbar-initialize-progress-unit-NULL.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #82 (0083-Progressbar-initialize-progress-unit-NULL.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0083-Progressbar-initialize-progress-unit-NULL.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #83 (0084-ctxpopup-check-auto-hide-disable-mode-when-bg-clicke.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #83 (0084-ctxpopup-check-auto-hide-disable-mode-when-bg-clicke.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0084-ctxpopup-check-auto-hide-disable-mode-when-bg-clicke.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #84 (0085-genlist-fallback-to-default-style-when-style-set-fai.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #84 (0085-genlist-fallback-to-default-style-when-style-set-fai.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0085-genlist-fallback-to-default-style-when-style-set-fai.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #85 (0086-genlist-repeat-the-event-on-banded-bg-rectangle.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #85 (0086-genlist-repeat-the-event-on-banded-bg-rectangle.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0086-genlist-repeat-the-event-on-banded-bg-rectangle.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #86 (0087-genlist-enable-item-align-feature-for-wearable-profi.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #86 (0087-genlist-enable-item-align-feature-for-wearable-profi.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0087-genlist-enable-item-align-feature-for-wearable-profi.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_pan.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_pan.eo [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #87 (0088-Panel-added-content_size_set-to-make-panel-visible.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #87 (0088-Panel-added-content_size_set-to-make-panel-visible.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0088-Panel-added-content_size_set-to-make-panel-visible.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #88 (0089-disable-dlfcn-header-inclusion-for-windows-hosting.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #88 (0089-disable-dlfcn-header-inclusion-for-windows-hosting.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0089-disable-dlfcn-header-inclusion-for-windows-hosting.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #89 (0090-win-to-switch-application-window-icon-on-runtime.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #89 (0090-win-to-switch-application-window-icon-on-runtime.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0090-win-to-switch-application-window-icon-on-runtime.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #90 (0091-Add-support-for-multiple-types-buffer-dnd-and-cnp-ca.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #90 (0091-Add-support-for-multiple-types-buffer-dnd-and-cnp-ca.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0091-Add-support-for-multiple-types-buffer-dnd-and-cnp-ca.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #91 (0092-elm_cnp-add-support-for-window-rotation-for-drag-win.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #91 (0092-elm_cnp-add-support-for-window-rotation-for-drag-win.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0092-elm_cnp-add-support-for-window-rotation-for-drag-win.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #92 (0093-genlist-fix-genlist-item-eo-type-get-return-value-to.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #92 (0093-genlist-fix-genlist-item-eo-type-get-return-value-to.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0093-genlist-fix-genlist-item-eo-type-get-return-value-to.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_item.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #93 (0094-elm_index-add-elm_index_priority_set-api.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #93 (0094-elm_index-add-elm_index_priority_set-api.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0094-elm_index-add-elm_index_priority_set-api.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_deprecated.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #94 (0095-Accessibility-1.-To-learn-the-geometry-of-keyboard-u.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #94 (0095-Accessibility-1.-To-learn-the-geometry-of-keyboard-u.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0095-Accessibility-1.-To-learn-the-geometry-of-keyboard-u.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #95 (0096-layout-Add-NULL-check-in-_elm_layout_text_set-functi.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #95 (0096-layout-Add-NULL-check-in-_elm_layout_text_set-functi.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0096-layout-Add-NULL-check-in-_elm_layout_text_set-functi.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #96 (0097-elm_index-add-elm_index_priority_get-api.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #96 (0097-elm_index-add-elm_index_priority_get-api.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0097-elm_index-add-elm_index_priority_get-api.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_deprecated.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #97 (0098-genlist-add-homogeneous-config-in-item-class.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #97 (0098-genlist-add-homogeneous-config-in-item-class.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0098-genlist-add-homogeneous-config-in-item-class.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gen.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #98 (0099-elm_win-resolve-ABI-break.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #98 (0099-elm_win-resolve-ABI-break.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0099-elm_win-resolve-ABI-break.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #99 (0100-Fix-ABI-break-elm_object_item_access_order_get-Type-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #99 (0100-Fix-ABI-break-elm_object_item_access_order_get-Type-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0100-Fix-ABI-break-elm_object_item_access_order_get-Type-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #100 (0101-add-elm-color-interface.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #100 (0101-add-elm-color-interface.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0101-add-elm-color-interface.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #101 (0102-naviframe-while-popping-another-popping-should-not-b.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #101 (0102-naviframe-while-popping-another-popping-should-not-b.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0102-naviframe-while-popping-another-popping-should-not-b.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #102 (0103-ttrace-add-more-check-points.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #102 (0103-ttrace-add-more-check-points.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0103-ttrace-add-more-check-points.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #103 (0104-Accessibility-When-mbe-items-color-selector-items-ra.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #103 (0104-Accessibility-When-mbe-items-color-selector-items-ra.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0104-Accessibility-When-mbe-items-color-selector-items-ra.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #104 (0105-elm_win-Added-atspi-window-state-visible-change-sign.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #104 (0105-elm_win-Added-atspi-window-state-visible-change-sign.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0105-elm_win-Added-atspi-window-state-visible-change-sign.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #105 (0106-theme-return-enum-from-elm_widget_style_set-instead-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #105 (0106-theme-return-enum-from-elm_widget_style_set-instead-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0106-theme-return-enum-from-elm_widget_style_set-instead-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file elm_notify.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_button.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_player.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_actionslider.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_box.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_button.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_check.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_clock.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_datetime.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_dayselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_diskselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flip.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_grid.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_hover.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_icon.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_label.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_map.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_mapbuf.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_menu.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_panes.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_photo.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_plug.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_route.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_segment_control.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_separator.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_table.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_theme.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_web2.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #106 (0107-popup-add-show-finished-internal-callback.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #106 (0107-popup-add-show-finished-internal-callback.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0107-popup-add-show-finished-internal-callback.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #107 (0108-entry-cnpui-remove-Copy-paste-popup-on-elm_entry_sel.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #107 (0108-entry-cnpui-remove-Copy-paste-popup-on-elm_entry_sel.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0108-entry-cnpui-remove-Copy-paste-popup-on-elm_entry_sel.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #108 (0109-elm_cnp-remove-loss-cb-when-object-is-deleted.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #108 (0109-elm_cnp-remove-loss-cb-when-object-is-deleted.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0109-elm_cnp-remove-loss-cb-when-object-is-deleted.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #109 (0110-colorselector-whenever-mode-is-changed-there-should-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #109 (0110-colorselector-whenever-mode-is-changed-there-should-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0110-colorselector-whenever-mode-is-changed-there-should-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #110 (0111-elm_index-include-horizontal-index-to-omit-calculati.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #110 (0111-elm_index-include-horizontal-index-to-omit-calculati.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0111-elm_index-include-horizontal-index-to-omit-calculati.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #111 (0112-Index-implement-style_set-API-for-index-item.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #111 (0112-Index-implement-style_set-API-for-index-item.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0112-Index-implement-style_set-API-for-index-item.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_index_item.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_index.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #112 (0113-Colorselector-add-plane-and-palette-plane-enums-for-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #112 (0113-Colorselector-add-plane-and-palette-plane-enums-for-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0113-Colorselector-add-plane-and-palette-plane-enums-for-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.eo [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector_common.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #113 (0114-notify-change-return-value-of-theme_apply-function-w.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #113 (0114-notify-change-return-value-of-theme_apply-function-w.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0114-notify-change-return-value-of-theme_apply-function-w.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #114 (0115-genlist-add-changed-scroll-interface-callback.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #114 (0115-genlist-add-changed-scroll-interface-callback.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0115-genlist-add-changed-scroll-interface-callback.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #115 (0116-elm_cnp-remove-drag-window-when-drop-on-non-dropable.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #115 (0116-elm_cnp-remove-drag-window-when-drop-on-non-dropable.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0116-elm_cnp-remove-drag-window-when-drop-on-non-dropable.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #116 (0117-elm_calendar-remove-iculib-function-call-for-MacOS.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #116 (0117-elm_calendar-remove-iculib-function-call-for-MacOS.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0117-elm_calendar-remove-iculib-function-call-for-MacOS.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #117 (0118-genlist-fix-scroll-align-item-highlight-unhighlight-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #117 (0118-genlist-fix-scroll-align-item-highlight-unhighlight-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0118-genlist-fix-scroll-align-item-highlight-unhighlight-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #118 (0119-elc_popup-move-the-code-making-buttons-buffer-for-re.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #118 (0119-elc_popup-move-the-code-making-buttons-buffer-for-re.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0119-elc_popup-move-the-code-making-buttons-buffer-for-re.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #119 (0120-elm_cnp-add-null-check-for-drag-data.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #119 (0120-elm_cnp-add-null-check-for-drag-data.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0120-elm_cnp-add-null-check-for-drag-data.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #120 (0121-elm_cnp-Fix-build-warning-for-unused-variable.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #120 (0121-elm_cnp-Fix-build-warning-for-unused-variable.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0121-elm_cnp-Fix-build-warning-for-unused-variable.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #121 (0122-elm_conformant-if-access-object-is-NULL-do-not-emit-.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #121 (0122-elm_conformant-if-access-object-is-NULL-do-not-emit-.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0122-elm_conformant-if-access-object-is-NULL-do-not-emit-.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #122 (0123-popup-apply-elm_widget_style_set-for-popup-s-subobje.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #122 (0123-popup-apply-elm_widget_style_set-for-popup-s-subobje.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0123-popup-apply-elm_widget_style_set-for-popup-s-subobje.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_popup.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #123 (0124-color-rename-API-and-apply-recursive-search.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #123 (0124-color-rename-API-and-apply-recursive-search.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0124-color-rename-API-and-apply-recursive-search.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #124 (0125-elm_win-to-switch-application-icon-on-runtime.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #124 (0125-elm_win-to-switch-application-icon-on-runtime.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0125-elm_win-to-switch-application-icon-on-runtime.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #125 (0126-elm_panes-modified-to-keep-panes-content-left-size-a.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #125 (0126-elm_panes-modified-to-keep-panes-content-left-size-a.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0126-elm_panes-modified-to-keep-panes-content-left-size-a.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_panes.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #126 (0127-Accessibility-elm_toolbar-In-navigation-style-select.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #126 (0127-Accessibility-elm_toolbar-In-navigation-style-select.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0127-Accessibility-elm_toolbar-In-navigation-style-select.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #127 (0128-remove-proper-timer-in-landscape-indicator-connect-c.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #127 (0128-remove-proper-timer-in-landscape-indicator-connect-c.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0128-remove-proper-timer-in-landscape-indicator-connect-c.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #128 (0129-genlist-adding-filter-iterator-feature-for-support-i.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #128 (0129-genlist-adding-filter-iterator-feature-for-support-i.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0129-genlist-adding-filter-iterator-feature-for-support-i.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist_legacy.h [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #129 (0130-Accessibility-In-order-to-read-pre-edit-characters-a.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #129 (0130-Accessibility-In-order-to-read-pre-edit-characters-a.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0130-Accessibility-In-order-to-read-pre-edit-characters-a.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #130 (0131-genlist-Fix-genlist-item-class-update-to-recreate-ed.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #130 (0131-genlist-Fix-genlist-item-class-update-to-recreate-ed.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0131-genlist-Fix-genlist-item-class-update-to-recreate-ed.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 60s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 60s] + echo 'Patch #131 (0132-genlist-add-highlight-signal-emit-when-realized-upda.patch):' [ 60s] Patch #131 (0132-genlist-add-highlight-signal-emit-when-realized-upda.patch): [ 60s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0132-genlist-add-highlight-signal-emit-when-realized-upda.patch [ 60s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #132 (0133-elm_cnp-add-special-mime-type-for-clipboard-to-disti.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #132 (0133-elm_cnp-add-special-mime-type-for-clipboard-to-disti.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0133-elm_cnp-add-special-mime-type-for-clipboard-to-disti.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #133 (0134-copypaste-support-eldbus-to-send-msg-to-cbhm.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #133 (0134-copypaste-support-eldbus-to-send-msg-to-cbhm.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0134-copypaste-support-eldbus-to-send-msg-to-cbhm.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #134 (0135-copypaste-support-pasting-data-when-clicking-in-cbhm.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #134 (0135-copypaste-support-pasting-data-when-clicking-in-cbhm.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0135-copypaste-support-pasting-data-when-clicking-in-cbhm.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_module_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #135 (0136-elm_photocam-create-1x1-grid-default.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #135 (0136-elm_photocam-create-1x1-grid-default.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0136-elm_photocam-create-1x1-grid-default.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #136 (0137-elm_win-added-code-to-set-the-window-title-while-usi.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #136 (0137-elm_win-added-code-to-set-the-window-title-while-usi.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0137-elm_win-added-code-to-set-the-window-title-while-usi.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #137 (0138-elm_conform-initialize-variables-for-resizing-confor.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #137 (0138-elm_conform-initialize-variables-for-resizing-confor.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0138-elm_conform-initialize-variables-for-resizing-confor.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #138 (0139-elm-Fix-potential-null-point-dereferences.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #138 (0139-elm-Fix-potential-null-point-dereferences.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0139-elm-Fix-potential-null-point-dereferences.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #139 (0140-elm_win-resolve-ABI-break-ELM_WIN_FAKE-should-be-18-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #139 (0140-elm_win-resolve-ABI-break-ELM_WIN_FAKE-should-be-18-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0140-elm_win-resolve-ABI-break-ELM_WIN_FAKE-should-be-18-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #140 (0141-fix-elm_prefs_cc-path.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #140 (0141-fix-elm_prefs_cc-path.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0141-fix-elm_prefs_cc-path.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file Makefile_Elm_Helpers.am [ 61s] patching file data/Makefile.am [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #141 (0142-elm_win-added-launch-done-signal.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #141 (0142-elm_win-added-launch-done-signal.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0142-elm_win-added-launch-done-signal.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #142 (0143-elm_win-changed-file-mode.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #142 (0143-elm_win-changed-file-mode.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0143-elm_win-changed-file-mode.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #143 (0144-elm_win-null-out-freed-data-on-smart-del.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #143 (0144-elm_win-null-out-freed-data-on-smart-del.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0144-elm_win-null-out-freed-data-on-smart-del.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #144 (0145-entry-disable-copypaste-UI-for-wearable.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #144 (0145-entry-disable-copypaste-UI-for-wearable.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0145-entry-disable-copypaste-UI-for-wearable.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #145 (0146-copypaste-add-wayland-only-flag.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #145 (0146-copypaste-add-wayland-only-flag.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0146-copypaste-add-wayland-only-flag.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #146 (0147-elementary-fix-genlist-tree-filters.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #146 (0147-elementary-fix-genlist-tree-filters.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0147-elementary-fix-genlist-tree-filters.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #147 (0148-elm_flipselector-Added-null-check-for-top-and-bottom.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #147 (0148-elm_flipselector-Added-null-check-for-top-and-bottom.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0148-elm_flipselector-Added-null-check-for-top-and-bottom.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #148 (0149-genlist-fix-build-error.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #148 (0149-genlist-fix-build-error.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0149-genlist-fix-build-error.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #149 (0150-genlist-fix-filter-loop-condition-and-memory-leak.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #149 (0150-genlist-fix-filter-loop-condition-and-memory-leak.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0150-genlist-fix-filter-loop-condition-and-memory-leak.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #150 (0151-genlist-fix-no-cache-to-delete-edje-object-properly.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #150 (0151-genlist-fix-no-cache-to-delete-edje-object-properly.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0151-genlist-fix-no-cache-to-delete-edje-object-properly.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #151 (0152-genlist-fix-dangling-pointer-in-sorted-insert-state.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #151 (0152-genlist-fix-dangling-pointer-in-sorted-insert-state.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0152-genlist-fix-dangling-pointer-in-sorted-insert-state.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #152 (0153-elm_notify-fix-to-show-hide-effect-during-popup-hide.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #152 (0153-elm_notify-fix-to-show-hide-effect-during-popup-hide.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0153-elm_notify-fix-to-show-hide-effect-during-popup-hide.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #153 (0154-Conformant-set-conformant-as-data-for-callbacks.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #153 (0154-Conformant-set-conformant-as-data-for-callbacks.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0154-Conformant-set-conformant-as-data-for-callbacks.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #154 (0155-elm_calendar-Exposing-calendar-s-month-name-in-acces.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #154 (0155-elm_calendar-Exposing-calendar-s-month-name-in-acces.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0155-elm_calendar-Exposing-calendar-s-month-name-in-acces.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #155 (0156-elm_win-modified-code-for-elm_win_type_set.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #155 (0156-elm_win-modified-code-for-elm_win_type_set.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0156-elm_win-modified-code-for-elm_win_type_set.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #156 (0157-colorselector-change-default-mode-to-enhance-perform.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #156 (0157-colorselector-change-default-mode-to-enhance-perform.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0157-colorselector-change-default-mode-to-enhance-perform.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #157 (0158-entry_cnp-disable-the-primary-selection-type-from-en.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #157 (0158-entry_cnp-disable-the-primary-selection-type-from-en.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0158-entry_cnp-disable-the-primary-selection-type-from-en.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #158 (0159-atspi-Made-changes-as-per-latest-UX-for-index-and-en.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #158 (0159-atspi-Made-changes-as-per-latest-UX-for-index-and-en.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0159-atspi-Made-changes-as-per-latest-UX-for-index-and-en.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #159 (0160-elc_popup-Read-s-title.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #159 (0160-elc_popup-Read-s-title.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0160-elc_popup-Read-s-title.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #160 (0161-atspi-genlist-Changed-reading-from-group-index-to-he.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #160 (0161-atspi-genlist-Changed-reading-from-group-index-to-he.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0161-atspi-genlist-Changed-reading-from-group-index-to-he.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #161 (0162-atspi-enable-atspi-bridge-on-background-apps.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #161 (0162-atspi-enable-atspi-bridge-on-background-apps.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0162-atspi-enable-atspi-bridge-on-background-apps.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #162 (0163-elc_popup-read-Alert-here-temporary.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #162 (0163-elc_popup-read-Alert-here-temporary.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0163-elc_popup-read-Alert-here-temporary.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #163 (0164-atspi-Made-changes-for-genlist-as-per-latest-UX-and-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #163 (0164-atspi-Made-changes-for-genlist-as-per-latest-UX-and-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0164-atspi-Made-changes-for-genlist-as-per-latest-UX-and-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #164 (0165-elm_widget-remove-child-from-accessible-children-if-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #164 (0165-elm_widget-remove-child-from-accessible-children-if-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0165-elm_widget-remove-child-from-accessible-children-if-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #165 (0166-access-add-API-elm_object_part_access_object_get.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #165 (0166-access-add-API-elm_object_part_access_object_get.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0166-access-add-API-elm_object_part_access_object_get.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #166 (0167-elm_panel-add-a-toggled-event-triggered-when-panel-t.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #166 (0167-elm_panel-add-a-toggled-event-triggered-when-panel-t.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0167-elm_panel-add-a-toggled-event-triggered-when-panel-t.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #167 (0168-Atspi_interface-Reading_information-API-added-attrib.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #167 (0168-Atspi_interface-Reading_information-API-added-attrib.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0168-Atspi_interface-Reading_information-API-added-attrib.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #168 (0169-CONFIG-call-elm_rescale-only-when-scale-value-is-cha.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #168 (0169-CONFIG-call-elm_rescale-only-when-scale-value-is-cha.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0169-CONFIG-call-elm_rescale-only-when-scale-value-is-cha.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #169 (0170-elementary-elm_prefs-preserve-compatibility.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #169 (0170-elementary-elm_prefs-preserve-compatibility.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0170-elementary-elm_prefs-preserve-compatibility.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs_common.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #170 (0171-elm_focus-keep-all-focused-states-to-be-consistent-w.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #170 (0171-elm_focus-keep-all-focused-states-to-be-consistent-w.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0171-elm_focus-keep-all-focused-states-to-be-consistent-w.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #171 (0172-conform-indicator-opacity-mode-implementation.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #171 (0172-conform-indicator-opacity-mode-implementation.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0172-conform-indicator-opacity-mode-implementation.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_conform.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #172 (0173-elm_win-handle-aux_message.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #172 (0173-elm_win-handle-aux_message.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0173-elm_win-handle-aux_message.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #173 (0174-elm_entry-Add-voice-input-panel-layout.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #173 (0174-elm_entry-Add-voice-input-panel-layout.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0174-elm_entry-Add-voice-input-panel-layout.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #174 (0175-elementary-widget-fix-a-wrong-disabled-behavior.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #174 (0175-elementary-widget-fix-a-wrong-disabled-behavior.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0175-elementary-widget-fix-a-wrong-disabled-behavior.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #175 (0176-accessibility-Added-mechanism-for-handling-the-readi.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #175 (0176-accessibility-Added-mechanism-for-handling-the-readi.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0176-accessibility-Added-mechanism-for-handling-the-readi.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object_item.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #176 (0177-elm_colorselector-selected-item-is-updated-when-colo.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #176 (0177-elm_colorselector-selected-item-is-updated-when-colo.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0177-elm_colorselector-selected-item-is-updated-when-colo.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #177 (0178-Doc-fix-colorselector_mode-description.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #177 (0178-Doc-fix-colorselector_mode-description.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0178-Doc-fix-colorselector_mode-description.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector_common.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #178 (0179-atspi-add-API-elm_atspi_accessible_can_focus_set-get.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #178 (0179-atspi-add-API-elm_atspi_accessible_can_focus_set-get.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0179-atspi-add-API-elm_atspi_accessible_can_focus_set-get.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #179 (0180-atspi-set-_accessibility_currently_highlighted_obj-t.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #179 (0180-atspi-set-_accessibility_currently_highlighted_obj-t.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0180-atspi-set-_accessibility_currently_highlighted_obj-t.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #180 (0181-atspi-enable-atspi_proxy-to-work.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #180 (0181-atspi-enable-atspi_proxy-to-work.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0181-atspi-enable-atspi_proxy-to-work.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_proxy.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #181 (0182-elm_access-override-elm_interface_atspi_widget_actio.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #181 (0182-elm_access-override-elm_interface_atspi_widget_actio.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0182-elm_access-override-elm_interface_atspi_widget_actio.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #182 (0183-elm_access-support-elm_access-used-for-embedded-tool.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #182 (0183-elm_access-support-elm_access-used-for-embedded-tool.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0183-elm_access-support-elm_access-used-for-embedded-tool.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #183 (0184-genlist-do-not-emit-AT-SPI-children-changed-events.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #183 (0184-genlist-do-not-emit-AT-SPI-children-changed-events.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0184-genlist-do-not-emit-AT-SPI-children-changed-events.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #184 (0185-atspi-provide-highlight-legacy-API.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #184 (0185-atspi-provide-highlight-legacy-API.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0185-atspi-provide-highlight-legacy-API.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_component.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #185 (0186-atspi-toolbar-fix-cannot-call-select-callback.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #185 (0186-atspi-toolbar-fix-cannot-call-select-callback.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0186-atspi-toolbar-fix-cannot-call-select-callback.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #186 (0187-atspi-do-not-handle-events-if-window-is-not-activate.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #186 (0187-atspi-do-not-handle-events-if-window-is-not-activate.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0187-atspi-do-not-handle-events-if-window-is-not-activate.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #187 (0188-elm_progressbar-show-status-when-unit_format_func-is.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #187 (0188-elm_progressbar-show-status-when-unit_format_func-is.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0188-elm_progressbar-show-status-when-unit_format_func-is.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #188 (0189-elm_map-fix-wrong-check-of-source-search.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #188 (0189-elm_map-fix-wrong-check-of-source-search.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0189-elm_map-fix-wrong-check-of-source-search.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_map.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #189 (0190-elm_interface_scrollable-fix-bug-about-scroll-smart-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #189 (0190-elm_interface_scrollable-fix-bug-about-scroll-smart-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0190-elm_interface_scrollable-fix-bug-about-scroll-smart-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #190 (0191-conform-fix-segmentation-fault-from-dangling-pointer.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #190 (0191-conform-fix-segmentation-fault-from-dangling-pointer.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0191-conform-fix-segmentation-fault-from-dangling-pointer.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #191 (0192-Map-fix-potential-memory-leak.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #191 (0192-Map-fix-potential-memory-leak.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0192-Map-fix-potential-memory-leak.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_map.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #192 (0193-conform-code-rearrange-for-convention.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #192 (0193-conform-code-rearrange-for-convention.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0193-conform-code-rearrange-for-convention.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #193 (0194-elm_hoversel-add-escape-key-action-to-dismiss.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #193 (0194-elm_hoversel-add-escape-key-action-to-dismiss.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0194-elm_hoversel-add-escape-key-action-to-dismiss.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file config/default/base.src.in [ 61s] patching file config/mobile/base.src.in [ 61s] patching file config/standard/base.src.in [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #194 (0195-Revert-elm_entry-fix-duplicate-text-set.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #194 (0195-Revert-elm_entry-fix-duplicate-text-set.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0195-Revert-elm_entry-fix-duplicate-text-set.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #195 (0196-conform-Fix-build-break-on-X-backend.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #195 (0196-conform-Fix-build-break-on-X-backend.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0196-conform-Fix-build-break-on-X-backend.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #196 (0197-cursor-add-support-for-Cocoa-system-cursors.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #196 (0197-cursor-add-support-for-Cocoa-system-cursors.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0197-cursor-add-support-for-Cocoa-system-cursors.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/els_cursor.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #197 (0198-win-use-EINA_UNUSED-instead-of-void-casting.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #197 (0198-win-use-EINA_UNUSED-instead-of-void-casting.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0198-win-use-EINA_UNUSED-instead-of-void-casting.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #198 (0199-win-add-Cocoa-support-for-elm_win_window_id_get-API.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #198 (0199-win-add-Cocoa-support-for-elm_win_window_id_get-API.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0199-win-add-Cocoa-support-for-elm_win_window_id_get-API.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #199 (0200-cnp-cocoa-support-for-copy-and-paste-text-only.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #199 (0200-cnp-cocoa-support-for-copy-and-paste-text-only.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0200-cnp-cocoa-support-for-copy-and-paste-text-only.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #200 (0201-priv-centralized-and-safe-inclusion-of-Ecore_Cocoa.h.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #200 (0201-priv-centralized-and-safe-inclusion-of-Ecore_Cocoa.h.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0201-priv-centralized-and-safe-inclusion-of-Ecore_Cocoa.h.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/els_cursor.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #201 (0202-elm_web-elm_web-is-not-supported-in-tizen-for-now.-s.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #201 (0202-elm_web-elm_web-is-not-supported-in-tizen-for-now.-s.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0202-elm_web-elm_web-is-not-supported-in-tizen-for-now.-s.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file doc/Makefile.am [ 61s] patching file doc/widgets/Makefile.am [ 61s] patching file src/bin/Makefile.am [ 61s] patching file src/edje_externals/Makefile.am [ 61s] patching file src/lib/Elementary.h.in [ 61s] patching file src/lib/Makefile.am [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #202 (0203-photocam-fix-late-calculation-when-object-is-resized.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #202 (0203-photocam-fix-late-calculation-when-object-is-resized.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0203-photocam-fix-late-calculation-when-object-is-resized.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #203 (0204-hoversel-refactor-a-bit-to-avoid-code-duplication.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #203 (0204-hoversel-refactor-a-bit-to-avoid-code-duplication.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0204-hoversel-refactor-a-bit-to-avoid-code-duplication.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #204 (0205-elm-config-allow-the-ability-to-save-out-to-another-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #204 (0205-elm-config-allow-the-ability-to-save-out-to-another-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0205-elm-config-allow-the-ability-to-save-out-to-another-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #205 (0206-elm-config-add-function-to-check-if-profile-exists.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #205 (0206-elm-config-add-function-to-check-if-profile-exists.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0206-elm-config-add-function-to-check-if-profile-exists.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #206 (0207-elm-config-add-the-ability-to-have-derived-configura.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #206 (0207-elm-config-add-the-ability-to-have-derived-configura.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0207-elm-config-add-the-ability-to-have-derived-configura.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #207 (0208-elm-config-monitor-JUST-the-correct-files-for-profil.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #207 (0208-elm-config-monitor-JUST-the-correct-files-for-profil.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0208-elm-config-monitor-JUST-the-correct-files-for-profil.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #208 (0209-elementary-Fix-elementary-not-compiling.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #208 (0209-elementary-Fix-elementary-not-compiling.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0209-elementary-Fix-elementary-not-compiling.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #209 (0210-elm_web-remove-other-type-definition-to-fix-build-br.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #209 (0210-elm_web-remove-other-type-definition-to-fix-build-br.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0210-elm_web-remove-other-type-definition-to-fix-build-br.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/edje_externals/modules.inc [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #210 (0211-elm-dnd-wl-add-type-converters.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #210 (0211-elm-dnd-wl-add-type-converters.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0211-elm-dnd-wl-add-type-converters.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #211 (0212-elm-dnd-wl-add-types-notify-handler.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #211 (0212-elm-dnd-wl-add-types-notify-handler.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0212-elm-dnd-wl-add-types-notify-handler.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #212 (0213-elm-cnp-Wl-set-selection-for-all-data-types.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #212 (0213-elm-cnp-Wl-set-selection-for-all-data-types.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0213-elm-cnp-Wl-set-selection-for-all-data-types.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #213 (0214-elm-cnp-wl-add-uri-data-type-checking.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #213 (0214-elm-cnp-wl-add-uri-data-type-checking.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0214-elm-cnp-wl-add-uri-data-type-checking.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #214 (0215-elm-cnp-simplify-data-preparer.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #214 (0215-elm-cnp-simplify-data-preparer.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0215-elm-cnp-simplify-data-preparer.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #215 (0216-elm_panel-remove-TIZEN_ONLY-comment-because-toggled-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #215 (0216-elm_panel-remove-TIZEN_ONLY-comment-because-toggled-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0216-elm_panel-remove-TIZEN_ONLY-comment-because-toggled-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #216 (0217-index-changed-to-new-unicode.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #216 (0217-index-changed-to-new-unicode.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0217-index-changed-to-new-unicode.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #217 (0218-cnp-support-multiple-mime-types.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #217 (0218-cnp-support-multiple-mime-types.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0218-cnp-support-multiple-mime-types.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #218 (0219-elm_win-fix-possible-double-free-of-option-string.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #218 (0219-elm_win-fix-possible-double-free-of-option-string.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0219-elm_win-fix-possible-double-free-of-option-string.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #219 (0220-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotating-device.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #219 (0220-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotating-device.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0220-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotating-device.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #220 (0221-Revert-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotating-dev.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #220 (0221-Revert-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotating-dev.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0221-Revert-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotating-dev.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #221 (0222-hoversel-do-item-view-creation-at-the-time-of-item-a.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #221 (0222-hoversel-do-item-view-creation-at-the-time-of-item-a.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0222-hoversel-do-item-view-creation-at-the-time-of-item-a.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_hoversel.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #222 (0223-hoversel-add-item-disabling-support.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #222 (0223-hoversel-add-item-disabling-support.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0223-hoversel-add-item-disabling-support.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file data/themes/edc/elm/button.edc [ 61s] patching file src/bin/test_hoversel.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_hoversel_item.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #223 (0224-hoversel-emit-dismiss-signal-to-all-items-for-fade-o.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #223 (0224-hoversel-emit-dismiss-signal-to-all-items-for-fade-o.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0224-hoversel-emit-dismiss-signal-to-all-items-for-fade-o.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #224 (0225-cnp-modify-to-select-proper-mime-type.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #224 (0225-cnp-modify-to-select-proper-mime-type.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0225-cnp-modify-to-select-proper-mime-type.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #225 (0226-entry-fix-the-region-show-issue-about-unfocused-entr.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #225 (0226-entry-fix-the-region-show-issue-about-unfocused-entr.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0226-entry-fix-the-region-show-issue-about-unfocused-entr.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #226 (0227-entry-Show-region-when-geometry-is-recalculated-with.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #226 (0227-entry-Show-region-when-geometry-is-recalculated-with.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0227-entry-Show-region-when-geometry-is-recalculated-with.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #227 (0228-toolbar-Send-a-signal-when-item-is-resized.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #227 (0228-toolbar-Send-a-signal-when-item-is-resized.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0228-toolbar-Send-a-signal-when-item-is-resized.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #228 (0229-toolbar-Release-the-pressed-item-when-mouse-move-eve.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #228 (0229-toolbar-Release-the-pressed-item-when-mouse-move-eve.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0229-toolbar-Release-the-pressed-item-when-mouse-move-eve.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #229 (0230-toolbar-Initialize-scroll-region-when-toolbar-is-res.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #229 (0230-toolbar-Initialize-scroll-region-when-toolbar-is-res.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0230-toolbar-Initialize-scroll-region-when-toolbar-is-res.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #230 (0231-toolbar-Fix-to-give-a-focus-to-item-in-mouse-clicked.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #230 (0231-toolbar-Fix-to-give-a-focus-to-item-in-mouse-clicked.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0231-toolbar-Fix-to-give-a-focus-to-item-in-mouse-clicked.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #231 (0232-toolbar-Give-a-focus-to-an-item-when-it-is-selected.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #231 (0232-toolbar-Give-a-focus-to-an-item-when-it-is-selected.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0232-toolbar-Give-a-focus-to-an-item-when-it-is-selected.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #232 (0233-Elementary-Load-image-for-image-item-with-proper-ori.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #232 (0233-Elementary-Load-image-for-image-item-with-proper-ori.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0233-Elementary-Load-image-for-image-item-with-proper-ori.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #233 (0234-entry-Fix-multiline-entry-calculation-deferred-issue.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #233 (0234-entry-Fix-multiline-entry-calculation-deferred-issue.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0234-entry-Fix-multiline-entry-calculation-deferred-issue.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #234 (0235-hoversel-ellipsize-item-when-it-expands-over-parent.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #234 (0235-hoversel-ellipsize-item-when-it-expands-over-parent.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0235-hoversel-ellipsize-item-when-it-expands-over-parent.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #235 (0236-hoversel-fix-hover-position-in-hoversel-when-it-goes.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #235 (0236-hoversel-fix-hover-position-in-hoversel-when-it-goes.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0236-hoversel-fix-hover-position-in-hoversel-when-it-goes.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #236 (0237-Revert-Revert-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotat.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #236 (0237-Revert-Revert-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotat.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0237-Revert-Revert-conform-modify-indicator-UI-when-rotat.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #237 (0238-hoversel-fix-build-error-due-to-missing-variable-dec.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #237 (0238-hoversel-fix-build-error-due-to-missing-variable-dec.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0238-hoversel-fix-build-error-due-to-missing-variable-dec.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #238 (0239-apply-ecore-job-for-eldbus-init-of-cbhm.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #238 (0239-apply-ecore-job-for-eldbus-init-of-cbhm.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0239-apply-ecore-job-for-eldbus-init-of-cbhm.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_module_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #239 (0240-elm_win-added-code-to-set-the-window-type-for-ELM_WI.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #239 (0240-elm_win-added-code-to-set-the-window-type-for-ELM_WI.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0240-elm_win-added-code-to-set-the-window-type-for-ELM_WI.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #240 (0241-elm_entry-Add-more-description-about-key-event-in-re.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #240 (0241-elm_entry-Add-more-description-about-key-event-in-re.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0241-elm_entry-Add-more-description-about-key-event-in-re.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #241 (0242-spinner-spinner-s-entry-value-re-arrange.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #241 (0242-spinner-spinner-s-entry-value-re-arrange.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0242-spinner-spinner-s-entry-value-re-arrange.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #242 (0243-cnp-add-Copy-Paste-support-for-Windows.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #242 (0243-cnp-add-Copy-Paste-support-for-Windows.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0243-cnp-add-Copy-Paste-support-for-Windows.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win_legacy.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #243 (0244-cnp-add-types-support-for-windows.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #243 (0244-cnp-add-types-support-for-windows.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0244-cnp-add-types-support-for-windows.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #244 (0245-elm_config-Add-fallback-path-to-support-lazy-mount.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #244 (0245-elm_config-Add-fallback-path-to-support-lazy-mount.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0245-elm_config-Add-fallback-path-to-support-lazy-mount.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #245 (0246-elm-cnp-Wl-Remove-duplicated-data-send-callback.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #245 (0246-elm-cnp-Wl-Remove-duplicated-data-send-callback.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0246-elm-cnp-Wl-Remove-duplicated-data-send-callback.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #246 (0247-Atspi-Ctxpopup-support-icon_only-style-for-atspi.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #246 (0247-Atspi-Ctxpopup-support-icon_only-style-for-atspi.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0247-Atspi-Ctxpopup-support-icon_only-style-for-atspi.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #247 (0248-win-correct-the-engine-name-check-for-win-cocoa-engi.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #247 (0248-win-correct-the-engine-name-check-for-win-cocoa-engi.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0248-win-correct-the-engine-name-check-for-win-cocoa-engi.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #248 (0249-cnp-modify-to-do-not-drop-twice.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #248 (0249-cnp-modify-to-do-not-drop-twice.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0249-cnp-modify-to-do-not-drop-twice.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #249 (0250-elm-focus-focus_auto_hide-should-be-done-with-mouse_.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #249 (0250-elm-focus-focus_auto_hide-should-be-done-with-mouse_.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0250-elm-focus-focus_auto_hide-should-be-done-with-mouse_.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #250 (0251-elm-focus-fix-wrong-condition-about-function-return.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #250 (0251-elm-focus-fix-wrong-condition-about-function-return.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0251-elm-focus-fix-wrong-condition-about-function-return.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #251 (0252-cbhm_helper-fix-cbhm_conn-NULL-checking.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #251 (0252-cbhm_helper-fix-cbhm_conn-NULL-checking.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0252-cbhm_helper-fix-cbhm_conn-NULL-checking.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #252 (0253-Atspi-Popup-default-label-feature-added.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #252 (0253-Atspi-Popup-default-label-feature-added.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0253-Atspi-Popup-default-label-feature-added.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #253 (0254-naviframe-modulation-for-transition-effect-in-navifr.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #253 (0254-naviframe-modulation-for-transition-effect-in-navifr.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0254-naviframe-modulation-for-transition-effect-in-navifr.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_naviframe.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #254 (0255-Atspi-When-atspi-mode-is-dynamically-switched-on-off.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #254 (0255-Atspi-When-atspi-mode-is-dynamically-switched-on-off.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0255-Atspi-When-atspi-mode-is-dynamically-switched-on-off.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_multibuttonentry.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_naviframe.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #255 (0256-ATSPI-When-atspi-mode-is-dynamically-switched-on-off.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #255 (0256-ATSPI-When-atspi-mode-is-dynamically-switched-on-off.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0256-ATSPI-When-atspi-mode-is-dynamically-switched-on-off.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #256 (0257-cnp-module-Fix-build-break-on-non-wayland-platform.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #256 (0257-cnp-module-Fix-build-break-on-non-wayland-platform.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0257-cnp-module-Fix-build-break-on-non-wayland-platform.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #257 (0258-cnp-module-adapt-with-nls-build-option.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #257 (0258-cnp-module-adapt-with-nls-build-option.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0258-cnp-module-adapt-with-nls-build-option.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #258 (0259-Accessibility-1.-Remove-bridge-connect-callbacks.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #258 (0259-Accessibility-1.-Remove-bridge-connect-callbacks.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0259-Accessibility-1.-Remove-bridge-connect-callbacks.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #259 (0260-ATSPI-Reading-information-API-signature-update.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #259 (0260-ATSPI-Reading-information-API-signature-update.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0260-ATSPI-Reading-information-API-signature-update.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #260 (0261-ATSPI-reading-info-API-update.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #260 (0261-ATSPI-reading-info-API-update.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0261-ATSPI-reading-info-API-update.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #261 (0262-cnp-remove-unreachable-code.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #261 (0262-cnp-remove-unreachable-code.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0262-cnp-remove-unreachable-code.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #262 (0263-cnp-remove-unreachable-code-for-selection.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #262 (0263-cnp-remove-unreachable-code-for-selection.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0263-cnp-remove-unreachable-code-for-selection.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #263 (0264-elm-cnp-wl-fix-memory-leak.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #263 (0264-elm-cnp-wl-fix-memory-leak.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0264-elm-cnp-wl-fix-memory-leak.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #264 (0265-config-Add-Escape-key-binding-to-naviframe.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #264 (0265-config-Add-Escape-key-binding-to-naviframe.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0265-config-Add-Escape-key-binding-to-naviframe.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #265 (0266-elementary-label-use-text-width-when-label-calculate.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #265 (0266-elementary-label-use-text-width-when-label-calculate.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0266-elementary-label-use-text-width-when-label-calculate.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_label.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #266 (0267-ATSPI-Active-descendent-changed-signal-not-sent-issu.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #266 (0267-ATSPI-Active-descendent-changed-signal-not-sent-issu.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0267-ATSPI-Active-descendent-changed-signal-not-sent-issu.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #267 (0268-ATSPI-Elm_win-Send-signal-to-screen-reader-on-rotati.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #267 (0268-ATSPI-Elm_win-Send-signal-to-screen-reader-on-rotati.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0268-ATSPI-Elm_win-Send-signal-to-screen-reader-on-rotati.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #268 (0269-Merge-upstream-commit-to-fix-svace.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #268 (0269-Merge-upstream-commit-to-fix-svace.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0269-Merge-upstream-commit-to-fix-svace.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #269 (0270-copypaste-ctxpopup-add-NULL-checking-before-comparin.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #269 (0270-copypaste-ctxpopup-add-NULL-checking-before-comparin.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0270-copypaste-ctxpopup-add-NULL-checking-before-comparin.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #270 (0271-elm-fileselector-add-null-checking-before-strlen.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #270 (0271-elm-fileselector-add-null-checking-before-strlen.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0271-elm-fileselector-add-null-checking-before-strlen.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #271 (0272-tizen_vector-add-null-checking-before-strstr.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #271 (0272-tizen_vector-add-null-checking-before-strstr.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0272-tizen_vector-add-null-checking-before-strstr.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/tizen_vector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #272 (0273-elm_entry-Hide-cbhm-when-entry-unfocus.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #272 (0273-elm_entry-Hide-cbhm-when-entry-unfocus.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0273-elm_entry-Hide-cbhm-when-entry-unfocus.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #273 (0274-Genlist-return-proper-value-in-non-void-return.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #273 (0274-Genlist-return-proper-value-in-non-void-return.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0274-Genlist-return-proper-value-in-non-void-return.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #274 (0275-Genlist-return-NULL-when-failed-to-check.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #274 (0275-Genlist-return-NULL-when-failed-to-check.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0275-Genlist-return-NULL-when-failed-to-check.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #275 (0276-elm_config-add-null-check-before-usage.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #275 (0276-elm_config-add-null-check-before-usage.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0276-elm_config-add-null-check-before-usage.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #276 (0277-elm_atspi-remove-redundant-null-checking.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #276 (0277-elm_atspi-remove-redundant-null-checking.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0277-elm_atspi-remove-redundant-null-checking.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #277 (0278-atspi-do-not-append-a-child-if-its-accessible-parent.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #277 (0278-atspi-do-not-append-a-child-if-its-accessible-parent.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0278-atspi-do-not-append-a-child-if-its-accessible-parent.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #278 (0279-atspi-make-access-object-work-with-elm_interface_ats.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #278 (0279-atspi-make-access-object-work-with-elm_interface_ats.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0279-atspi-make-access-object-work-with-elm_interface_ats.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #279 (0280-elementary-remove-unused-SMART_NAME-strings.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #279 (0280-elementary-remove-unused-SMART_NAME-strings.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0280-elementary-remove-unused-SMART_NAME-strings.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_entry.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #280 (0281-mark-deprecated-APIs-with-EINA_DEPRECATED.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #280 (0281-mark-deprecated-APIs-with-EINA_DEPRECATED.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0281-mark-deprecated-APIs-with-EINA_DEPRECATED.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_deprecated.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_general.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid_legacy.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #281 (0282-elm_config-SVACE-fix-for-dereferencing-after-compari.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #281 (0282-elm_config-SVACE-fix-for-dereferencing-after-compari.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0282-elm_config-SVACE-fix-for-dereferencing-after-compari.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #282 (0283-elm_gengrid-Accessibility-sort-children-list-accordi.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #282 (0283-elm_gengrid-Accessibility-sort-children-list-accordi.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0283-elm_gengrid-Accessibility-sort-children-list-accordi.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_gengrid.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #283 (0284-remove-stupid-file-addition.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #283 (0284-remove-stupid-file-addition.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0284-remove-stupid-file-addition.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file elm_notify.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #284 (0285-commit-466b05843e477bcd6b74eff4d9d357a2ff33106a.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #284 (0285-commit-466b05843e477bcd6b74eff4d9d357a2ff33106a.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0285-commit-466b05843e477bcd6b74eff4d9d357a2ff33106a.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/els_tooltip.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #285 (0286-ATSPI-Implicit-declaration-of-function-elm_atspi_bri.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #285 (0286-ATSPI-Implicit-declaration-of-function-elm_atspi_bri.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0286-ATSPI-Implicit-declaration-of-function-elm_atspi_bri.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #286 (0287-ATSPI-CtxPopup-Access-GUI-1.44-When-ctxpopup-is-show.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #286 (0287-ATSPI-CtxPopup-Access-GUI-1.44-When-ctxpopup-is-show.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0287-ATSPI-CtxPopup-Access-GUI-1.44-When-ctxpopup-is-show.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_ctxpopup.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #287 (0288-elm_calendar-Add-enum-to-mark-display-every-day-befo.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #287 (0288-elm_calendar-Add-enum-to-mark-display-every-day-befo.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0288-elm_calendar-Add-enum-to-mark-display-every-day-befo.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #288 (0289-atspi-add-elm_atspi_accessible_name_cb_set-elm_atspi.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #288 (0289-atspi-add-elm_atspi_accessible_name_cb_set-elm_atspi.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0289-atspi-add-elm_atspi_accessible_name_cb_set-elm_atspi.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #289 (0290-index-Support-realized-and-unrealized-for-Tizen-SDK-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #289 (0290-index-Support-realized-and-unrealized-for-Tizen-SDK-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0290-index-Support-realized-and-unrealized-for-Tizen-SDK-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #290 (0291-elm_config-Remove-unnecessary-NULL-check.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #290 (0291-elm_config-Remove-unnecessary-NULL-check.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0291-elm_config-Remove-unnecessary-NULL-check.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #291 (0292-tizen_vector-Check-NULL-pointer-before-calling-strst.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #291 (0292-tizen_vector-Check-NULL-pointer-before-calling-strst.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0292-tizen_vector-Check-NULL-pointer-before-calling-strst.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/tizen_vector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #292 (0293-elm_cnp-move-cbhm-eldbus-code-from-copypaste-module-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #292 (0293-elm_cnp-move-cbhm-eldbus-code-from-copypaste-module-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0293-elm_cnp-move-cbhm-eldbus-code-from-copypaste-module-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_module_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_entry.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.c [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/cbhm_helper.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #293 (0294-entry-send-focus-unfocus-signals-to-scroller-interfa.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #293 (0294-entry-send-focus-unfocus-signals-to-scroller-interfa.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0294-entry-send-focus-unfocus-signals-to-scroller-interfa.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #294 (0295-elementary-entry-send-a-signal-to-edje-for-notifying.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #294 (0295-elementary-entry-send-a-signal-to-edje-for-notifying.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0295-elementary-entry-send-a-signal-to-edje-for-notifying.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #295 (0296-elm_image-new-smart-callbacks-and-async-related-code.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #295 (0296-elm_image-new-smart-callbacks-and-async-related-code.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0296-elm_image-new-smart-callbacks-and-async-related-code.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/bin/test.c [ 61s] patching file src/bin/test_image.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_image.h [ 61s] patching file src/tests/elm_test_image.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #296 (0297-elm_atspi_bridge-remove-tizen-only.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #296 (0297-elm_atspi_bridge-remove-tizen-only.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0297-elm_atspi_bridge-remove-tizen-only.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #297 (0298-elm_panel-Fix-bug-with-set-scrollable-panel-orient.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #297 (0298-elm_panel-Fix-bug-with-set-scrollable-panel-orient.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0298-elm_panel-Fix-bug-with-set-scrollable-panel-orient.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #298 (0299-label-set-sliding-only-if-label-size-is-valid-openso.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #298 (0299-label-set-sliding-only-if-label-size-is-valid-openso.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0299-label-set-sliding-only-if-label-size-is-valid-openso.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_label.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #299 (0300-elm_image-header-cleanup-related-async-open.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #299 (0300-elm_image-header-cleanup-related-async-open.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0300-elm_image-header-cleanup-related-async-open.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_image.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #300 (0301-popup-add-subtitle-text.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #300 (0301-popup-add-subtitle-text.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0301-popup-add-subtitle-text.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_popup.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #301 (0302-elementary-adjust-documentation-defgroups.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #301 (0302-elementary-adjust-documentation-defgroups.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0302-elementary-adjust-documentation-defgroups.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_button.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_entry.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_actionslider.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_app.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_bg.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_box.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_bubble.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_button.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cache.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_check.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_clock.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_clock_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_color_class.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cursor.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_datetime.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_dayselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_debug.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_diskselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_finger.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flip.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_focus.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_font.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_frame.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gen.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_general.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gesture_layer.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_getting_started.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_glview.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_grid.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_helper.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_hover.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_icon.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_intro.h.in [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_label.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_map.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_mapbuf.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_menu.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_mirroring.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panes.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photo.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_plug.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_route.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scale.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroll.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_segment_control.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_separator.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slideshow.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slideshow_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_store.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_table.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_theme.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_thumb.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_thumb_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_tooltip.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_transit.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_video.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_web.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_web_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_actionslider.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_bg.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_box.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_bubble.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_button.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_calendar.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_check.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_clipper.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_clock.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_colorselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_conform.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_container.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_ctxpopup.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_datetime.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_dayselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_diskselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_entry.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_fileselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_fileselector_button.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_fileselector_entry.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_flip.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_flipselector.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_frame.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_gengrid.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_glview.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_grid.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_hover.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_hoversel.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_icon.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_image.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_index.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_inwin.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_layout.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_list.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_map.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_mapbuf.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_menu.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_multibuttonentry.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_naviframe.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_notify.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_panel.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_panes.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_photo.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_photocam.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_player.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_plug.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_popup.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_prefs.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_progressbar.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_radio.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_route.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_scroller.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_segment_control.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_separator.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_slider.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_slideshow.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_spinner.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_table.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_thumb.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_toolbar.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_video.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_web.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #302 (0303-elementary-change-color-customization-interface.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #302 (0303-elementary-change-color-customization-interface.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0303-elementary-change-color-customization-interface.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #303 (0304-elm_genlist-fix-build-break-with-non-gbs-enviroment.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #303 (0304-elm_genlist-fix-build-break-with-non-gbs-enviroment.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0304-elm_genlist-fix-build-break-with-non-gbs-enviroment.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #304 (0305-elementary-add-item-customization-interface.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #304 (0305-elementary-add-item-customization-interface.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0305-elementary-add-item-customization-interface.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #305 (0306-ATSPI-when-scroll-happens-due-to-flick-Screen-reader.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #305 (0306-ATSPI-when-scroll-happens-due-to-flick-Screen-reader.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0306-ATSPI-when-scroll-happens-due-to-flick-Screen-reader.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #306 (0307-elm_prefs-add-internal-to-defgroup-not-to-show-in-do.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #306 (0307-elm_prefs-add-internal-to-defgroup-not-to-show-in-do.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0307-elm_prefs-add-internal-to-defgroup-not-to-show-in-do.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs_data.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #307 (0308-elementary-tag-since_tizen-info.patch.gz):' [ 61s] Patch #307 (0308-elementary-tag-since_tizen-info.patch.gz): [ 61s] + /bin/gzip -dc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0308-elementary-tag-since_tizen-info.patch.gz [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_ctxpopup_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_button_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_entry_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_fileselector_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_hoversel_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_access.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_actionslider.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_actionslider_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_app.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_bridge.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_bg.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_bg_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_box.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_box_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_box_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_bubble.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_bubble_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_button.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_button_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cache.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_check.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_check_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_clock.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_clock_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cnp.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_color_class.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_color_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_ctxpopup.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_ctxpopup_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_cursor.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_datetime.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_datetime_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_dayselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_dayselector_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_debug.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_deprecated.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_diskselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_diskselector_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_diskselector_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_fileselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_fileselector_button.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_fileselector_entry.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_finger.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flip.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flip_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_focus.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_focus_item.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_font.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_frame.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_frame_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_general.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gesture_layer.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gesture_layer_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gesture_layer_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_glview.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_glview_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_grid.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_grid_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_helper.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_hover.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_hover_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_hoversel.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_hoversel_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_icon.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_icon_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_image_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_text.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_inwin.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_inwin_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_label.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_label_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_map.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_map_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_map_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_mapbuf.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_mapbuf_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_menu.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_menu_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_menu_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_mirroring.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_multibuttonentry.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_naviframe.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_naviframe_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_need.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object_item.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_pan.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panel_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panes.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_panes_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photo.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photo_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_plug.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_plug_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_popup.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs_data.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_prefs_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_progressbar_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_removed.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_route.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_route_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scale.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroll.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_segment_control.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_segment_control_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_segment_control_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_separator.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_separator_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slideshow.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slideshow_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slideshow_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_store.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_sys_notify.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_systray.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_systray_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_table.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_table_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_theme.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_thumb.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_thumb_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_thumb_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_tooltip.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_transit.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_video.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_video_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_web.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_web_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_web_legacy.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win_common.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win_legacy.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #308 (0309-atspi-elm_gengrid-Fix-for-wrong-item-gets-activate-a.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #308 (0309-atspi-elm_gengrid-Fix-for-wrong-item-gets-activate-a.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0309-atspi-elm_gengrid-Fix-for-wrong-item-gets-activate-a.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #309 (0310-atspi-elm_genlist-Moving-changes-to-mobile_lib.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #309 (0310-atspi-elm_genlist-Moving-changes-to-mobile_lib.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0310-atspi-elm_genlist-Moving-changes-to-mobile_lib.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #310 (0311-scrollable_interface-fixed-gravity_set-API.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #310 (0311-scrollable_interface-fixed-gravity_set-API.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0311-scrollable_interface-fixed-gravity_set-API.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/bin/test_scroller.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_pan.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #311 (0312-config-handle-is_mirrored-and-translate-are-not-part.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #311 (0312-config-handle-is_mirrored-and-translate-are-not-part.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0312-config-handle-is_mirrored-and-translate-are-not-part.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_config.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #312 (0313-photocam-Fix-region-load-scale-down-options.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #312 (0313-photocam-Fix-region-load-scale-down-options.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0313-photocam-Fix-region-load-scale-down-options.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_photocam.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #313 (0314-Fixes-endless-recursion-in-accessible-attribute-api.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #313 (0314-Fixes-endless-recursion-in-accessible-attribute-api.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0314-Fixes-endless-recursion-in-accessible-attribute-api.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_atspi_app_object.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #314 (0315-focus-fix-wrong-checking-of-focus-state.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #314 (0315-focus-fix-wrong-checking-of-focus-state.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0315-focus-fix-wrong-checking-of-focus-state.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #315 (0316-entry-fix-the-null-point-error-for-cbhm-eldbus-init.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #315 (0316-entry-fix-the-null-point-error-for-cbhm-eldbus-init.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0316-entry-fix-the-null-point-error-for-cbhm-eldbus-init.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #316 (0317-tizen_vector-updated-after-vg-api-name-change.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #316 (0317-tizen_vector-updated-after-vg-api-name-change.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0317-tizen_vector-updated-after-vg-api-name-change.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/tizen_vector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #317 (0318-Index-item-is-not-packed-homogeneously.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #317 (0318-Index-item-is-not-packed-homogeneously.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0318-Index-item-is-not-packed-homogeneously.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #318 (0319-naviframe-Fix-to-reset-pushing-flag-of-pushed-item.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #318 (0319-naviframe-Fix-to-reset-pushing-flag-of-pushed-item.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0319-naviframe-Fix-to-reset-pushing-flag-of-pushed-item.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #319 (0320-spinner-Check-the-current-text-is-special-value-or-n.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #319 (0320-spinner-Check-the-current-text-is-special-value-or-n.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0320-spinner-Check-the-current-text-is-special-value-or-n.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #320 (0321-entry-fix-problem-longpressed-signal-doesn-t-occur-w.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #320 (0321-entry-fix-problem-longpressed-signal-doesn-t-occur-w.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0321-entry-fix-problem-longpressed-signal-doesn-t-occur-w.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #321 (0322-entry-Adjust-entry_edje-min-width-according-to-curso.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #321 (0322-entry-Adjust-entry_edje-min-width-according-to-curso.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0322-entry-Adjust-entry_edje-min-width-according-to-curso.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #322 (0323-gengrid-sending-default-signal-while-cache-added.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #322 (0323-gengrid-sending-default-signal-while-cache-added.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0323-gengrid-sending-default-signal-while-cache-added.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #323 (0324-Radio-fix-wrong-state-set.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #323 (0324-Radio-fix-wrong-state-set.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0324-Radio-fix-wrong-state-set.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #324 (0325-entry-fix-cursor_handler-visible-issue-in-unfocused-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #324 (0325-entry-fix-cursor_handler-visible-issue-in-unfocused-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0325-entry-fix-cursor_handler-visible-issue-in-unfocused-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #325 (0326-naviframe-Add-item-activated-smart-callback.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #325 (0326-naviframe-Add-item-activated-smart-callback.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0326-naviframe-Add-item-activated-smart-callback.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/bin/test_naviframe.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_naviframe.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #326 (0327-atspi-Expose-access-object-only-when-brigde-is-conne.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #326 (0327-atspi-Expose-access-object-only-when-brigde-is-conne.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0327-atspi-Expose-access-object-only-when-brigde-is-conne.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_naviframe.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_popup.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_calendar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #327 (0328-atspi-elm_index-Added-highlighted-state-for-index-if.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #327 (0328-atspi-elm_index-Added-highlighted-state-for-index-if.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0328-atspi-elm_index-Added-highlighted-state-for-index-if.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #328 (0329-remove-filter-queue-in-item-deleting.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #328 (0329-remove-filter-queue-in-item-deleting.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0329-remove-filter-queue-in-item-deleting.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #329 (0330-Revert-genlist-recalc-item-size-after-item-content-f.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #329 (0330-Revert-genlist-recalc-item-size-after-item-content-f.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0330-Revert-genlist-recalc-item-size-after-item-content-f.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #330 (0331-moble_lib-ctxpopup-resize_obj-should-be-resized-to-i.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #330 (0331-moble_lib-ctxpopup-resize_obj-should-be-resized-to-i.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0331-moble_lib-ctxpopup-resize_obj-should-be-resized-to-i.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #331 (0332-atspi-elm_widget-added-ignore-object-type-for-access.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #331 (0332-atspi-elm_widget-added-ignore-object-type-for-access.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0332-atspi-elm_widget-added-ignore-object-type-for-access.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #332 (0333-genlist-update-genlist-style-set.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #332 (0333-genlist-update-genlist-style-set.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0333-genlist-update-genlist-style-set.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #333 (0334-genlist-add-checking-item-bring-in-enable-on-item-lo.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #333 (0334-genlist-add-checking-item-bring-in-enable-on-item-lo.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0334-genlist-add-checking-item-bring-in-enable-on-item-lo.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #334 (0335-elementary-fix-dereferenced-value-after-null-check.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #334 (0335-elementary-fix-dereferenced-value-after-null-check.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0335-elementary-fix-dereferenced-value-after-null-check.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #335 (0336-scroller-fix-to-skip-focus-for-unfocusable-scroller.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #335 (0336-scroller-fix-to-skip-focus-for-unfocusable-scroller.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0336-scroller-fix-to-skip-focus-for-unfocusable-scroller.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #336 (0337-Keep-Tizen-build-option-naming-rule.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #336 (0337-Keep-Tizen-build-option-naming-rule.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0337-Keep-Tizen-build-option-naming-rule.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #337 (0338-slider-fix-slider-for-tizen-3.0-GUI-guide.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #337 (0338-slider-fix-slider-for-tizen-3.0-GUI-guide.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0338-slider-fix-slider-for-tizen-3.0-GUI-guide.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_slider.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/tizen_vector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #338 (0339-ATSPI-When-scroll-happens-due-to-flick-drag-inform-s.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #338 (0339-ATSPI-When-scroll-happens-due-to-flick-drag-inform-s.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0339-ATSPI-When-scroll-happens-due-to-flick-drag-inform-s.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_scroller.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #339 (0340-ATSPI-1.-As-ATSPI-mode-is-always-on-check-for-bridge.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #339 (0340-ATSPI-1.-As-ATSPI-mode-is-always-on-check-for-bridge.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0340-ATSPI-1.-As-ATSPI-mode-is-always-on-check-for-bridge.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elc_multibuttonentry.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_check.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_colorselector.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conform.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_conformant.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_flipselector.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_index.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_layout.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_list.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_radio.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_spinner.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #340 (0341-elementary-fix-wrong-main-page-display-in-documentat.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #340 (0341-elementary-fix-wrong-main-page-display-in-documentat.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0341-elementary-fix-wrong-main-page-display-in-documentat.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_intro.h.in [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #341 (0342-elementary-clean-up-elm-color-class-feature.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #341 (0342-elementary-clean-up-elm-color-class-feature.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0342-elementary-clean-up-elm-color-class-feature.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_main.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_object.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_priv.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.h [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_item.eo [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #342 (0343-check-make-state_pointer_set-identical-with-state_se.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #342 (0343-check-make-state_pointer_set-identical-with-state_se.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0343-check-make-state_pointer_set-identical-with-state_se.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_check.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #343 (0344-copypaste-consider-when-the-clipboard-is-launched-by.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #343 (0344-copypaste-consider-when-the-clipboard-is-launched-by.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0344-copypaste-consider-when-the-clipboard-is-launched-by.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/copypaste.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #344 (0345-gengrid-add-message-signal-process-after-item-realiz.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #344 (0345-gengrid-add-message-signal-process-after-item-realiz.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0345-gengrid-add-message-signal-process-after-item-realiz.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #345 (0346-tizen_vector-progressbar-do-not-freeze-event-of-prog.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #345 (0346-tizen_vector-progressbar-do-not-freeze-event-of-prog.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0346-tizen_vector-progressbar-do-not-freeze-event-of-prog.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/tizen_vector.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #346 (0347-elm_win-fix-precreated-window-logic.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #346 (0347-elm_win-fix-precreated-window-logic.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0347-elm_win-fix-precreated-window-logic.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_win.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #347 (0348-interface_scrollable-fix-the-getting-scroll-view-por.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #347 (0348-interface_scrollable-fix-the-getting-scroll-view-por.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0348-interface_scrollable-fix-the-getting-scroll-view-por.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_interface_scrollable.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #348 (0349-atspi-elm_widget-add-highlighted-unhighlighted-signa.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #348 (0349-atspi-elm_widget-add-highlighted-unhighlighted-signa.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0349-atspi-elm_widget-add-highlighted-unhighlighted-signa.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.eo [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #349 (0350-entry-fix-to-make-selection-handlers-be-disappeared-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #349 (0350-entry-fix-to-make-selection-handlers-be-disappeared-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0350-entry-fix-to-make-selection-handlers-be-disappeared-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_entry.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #350 (0351-ctxpopup-fix-size-calc-problem-when-sizing-eval.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #350 (0351-ctxpopup-fix-size-calc-problem-when-sizing-eval.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0351-ctxpopup-fix-size-calc-problem-when-sizing-eval.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/mobile_lib/elc_ctxpopup.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #351 (0352-popup-fix-theme-apply-problem-when-font-language-is-.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #351 (0352-popup-fix-theme-apply-problem-when-font-language-is-.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0352-popup-fix-theme-apply-problem-when-font-language-is-.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_notify.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_notify.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #352 (0353-atspi-elm_widget-add-checking-atspi-mode-in-highligh.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #352 (0353-atspi-elm_widget-add-checking-atspi-mode-in-highligh.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0353-atspi-elm_widget-add-checking-atspi-mode-in-highligh.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #353 (0354-genlist-fix-re-positioning-issue-in-item-prepending.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #353 (0354-genlist-fix-re-positioning-issue-in-item-prepending.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0354-genlist-fix-re-positioning-issue-in-item-prepending.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_widget_genlist.h [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #354 (0355-genlist-gengrid-Fix-focus-hilight-error.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #354 (0355-genlist-gengrid-Fix-focus-hilight-error.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0355-genlist-gengrid-Fix-focus-hilight-error.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_gengrid.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #355 (0356-elm_genlist-apply-the-item_select_on_focus_disable-f.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #355 (0356-elm_genlist-apply-the-item_select_on_focus_disable-f.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0356-elm_genlist-apply-the-item_select_on_focus_disable-f.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_genlist.c [ 61s] + echo 'Patch #356 (0357-atspi-elm_toolbar-enhance-accessibility-scroll-and-h.patch):' [ 61s] Patch #356 (0357-atspi-elm_toolbar-enhance-accessibility-scroll-and-h.patch): [ 61s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0357-atspi-elm_toolbar-enhance-accessibility-scroll-and-h.patch [ 61s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.c [ 61s] patching file src/lib/elm_toolbar.eo [ 61s] + cp /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/elementary.manifest . [ 61s] + exit 0 [ 61s] Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.zNxtWG [ 61s] + umask 022 [ 61s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 61s] + cd elementary-1.16.0 [ 61s] ++ uname -m [ 61s] + [[ aarch64 == \a\a\r\c\h\6\4 ]] [ 61s] + ref=/usr/lib/rpm [ 61s] + for s in guess sub [ 61s] ++ find -maxdepth 8 -name config.guess [ 61s] + for s in guess sub [ 61s] ++ find -maxdepth 8 -name config.sub [ 61s] + LANG=C [ 61s] + export LANG [ 61s] + unset DISPLAY [ 61s] + CFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g' [ 61s] + export CFLAGS [ 61s] + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g' [ 61s] + export CXXFLAGS [ 61s] + FFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -I%_fmoddir' [ 61s] + export FFLAGS [ 61s] + LDFLAGS= [ 61s] + export LDFLAGS [ 61s] + LD_AS_NEEDED=1 [ 61s] + export LD_AS_NEEDED [ 61s] + CFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g' [ 61s] + export CFLAGS [ 61s] + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g' [ 61s] + export CXXFLAGS [ 61s] + FFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -I%_fmoddir' [ 61s] + export FFLAGS [ 61s] + ./autogen.sh --build=aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu --host=aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-static --enable-ecore-wayland --disable-ecore-x --with-elementary-base-dir=share/.elementary --disable-build-examples [ 61s] Running autopoint... [ 66s] Copying file ABOUT-NLS [ 66s] Copying file config.rpath [ 66s] Copying file m4/codeset.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/fcntl-o.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/gettext.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/glibc2.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/glibc21.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/iconv.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/intdiv0.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/intl.m4 [ 66s] Copying file m4/intldir.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/intlmacosx.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/intmax.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/inttypes-pri.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/inttypes_h.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/lcmessage.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/lib-ld.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/lib-link.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/lib-prefix.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/lock.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/longlong.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/nls.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/po.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/printf-posix.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/progtest.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/size_max.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/stdint_h.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/threadlib.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/uintmax_t.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/visibility.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/wchar_t.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/wint_t.m4 [ 67s] Copying file m4/xsize.m4 [ 67s] Copying file po/Makefile.in.in [ 67s] Copying file po/Makevars.template [ 67s] Copying file po/Rules-quot [ 67s] Copying file po/boldquot.sed [ 67s] Copying file po/en@boldquot.header [ 67s] Copying file po/en@quot.header [ 67s] Copying file po/insert-header.sin [ 67s] Copying file po/quot.sed [ 67s] Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin [ 67s] Running aclocal... [ 81s] Running autoheader... [ 84s] Running autoconf... [ 89s] Running libtoolize... [ 89s] Running automake... [ 92s] configure.ac:170: warning: The 'AM_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro is deprecated, and its use is discouraged. [ 92s] configure.ac:170: You should use the Autoconf-provided 'AC_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro instead, [ 92s] configure.ac:170: and use '$(MKDIR_P)' instead of '$(mkdir_p)'in your Makefile.am files. [ 92s] configure.ac:23: installing './ar-lib' [ 92s] configure.ac:19: installing './compile' [ 92s] configure.ac:7: installing './config.guess' [ 92s] configure.ac:7: installing './config.sub' [ 92s] configure.ac:21: installing './install-sh' [ 93s] configure.ac:21: installing './missing' [ 93s] config/Makefile.am:12: warning: '%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension [ 94s] config/default/Makefile.am:16: warning: '%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension [ 94s] config/mobile/Makefile.am:16: warning: '%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension [ 94s] config/standard/Makefile.am:16: warning: '%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension [ 98s] doc/Makefile.am:219: warning: wildcard img/*.*: non-POSIX variable name [ 98s] doc/Makefile.am:219: (probably a GNU make extension) [ 99s] doc/widgets/Makefile.am: installing './depcomp' [ 118s] parallel-tests: installing './test-driver' [ 118s] cmp: config.cache-env: No such file or directory [ 118s] Cleaning configure cache... [ 118s] configure: creating cache config.cache [ 118s] checking build system type... aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu [ 118s] checking host system type... aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu [ 118s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc... aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc [ 118s] checking whether the C compiler works... yes [ 118s] checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out [ 118s] checking for suffix of executables... [ 119s] checking whether we are cross compiling... no [ 119s] checking for suffix of object files... o [ 119s] checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes [ 119s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc accepts -g... yes [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed [ 119s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc understands -c and -o together... yes [ 119s] checking how to run the C preprocessor... aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -E [ 119s] checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep [ 119s] checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E [ 119s] checking for ANSI C header files... yes [ 119s] checking for sys/types.h... yes [ 119s] checking for sys/stat.h... yes [ 119s] checking for stdlib.h... yes [ 119s] checking for string.h... yes [ 119s] checking for memory.h... yes [ 119s] checking for strings.h... yes [ 119s] checking for inttypes.h... yes [ 119s] checking for stdint.h... yes [ 119s] checking for unistd.h... yes [ 119s] checking minix/config.h usability... no [ 119s] checking minix/config.h presence... no [ 119s] checking for minix/config.h... no [ 119s] checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes [ 119s] checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c [ 119s] checking whether build environment is sane... yes [ 119s] checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p [ 119s] checking for gawk... gawk [ 119s] checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes [ 119s] checking for style of include used by make... GNU [ 119s] checking whether make supports nested variables... yes [ 119s] checking dependency style of aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc... gcc3 [ 119s] checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-ar... no [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-lib... no [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-link... no [ 119s] checking for ar... ar [ 119s] checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar [ 119s] checking how to print strings... printf [ 119s] checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed [ 119s] checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F [ 119s] checking for ld used by aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc... /usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld [ 119s] checking if the linker (/usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes [ 119s] checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/bin/nm -B [ 119s] checking the name lister (/usr/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm [ 119s] checking whether ln -s works... yes [ 119s] checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 [ 119s] checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes [ 119s] checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes [ 119s] checking how to convert aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu file names to aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop [ 119s] checking how to convert aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop [ 119s] checking for /usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-objdump... no [ 119s] checking for objdump... objdump [ 119s] checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-dlltool... no [ 119s] checking for dlltool... no [ 119s] checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-ar... ar [ 119s] checking for archiver @FILE support... @ [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-strip... no [ 119s] checking for strip... strip [ 119s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-ranlib... no [ 119s] checking for ranlib... ranlib [ 120s] checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc object... ok [ 120s] checking for sysroot... no [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-mt... no [ 120s] checking for mt... no [ 120s] checking if : is a manifest tool... no [ 120s] checking for dlfcn.h... yes [ 120s] checking for objdir... .libs [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc static flag -static works... no [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes [ 120s] checking whether the aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc linker (/usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes [ 120s] checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no [ 120s] checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux ld.so [ 120s] checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate [ 120s] checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes [ 120s] checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes [ 120s] checking whether to build shared libraries... yes [ 120s] checking whether to build static libraries... no [ 120s] configure: Initialized elementary (1.16.0) development=0 [ 120s] configure: ELEMENTARY_BASE_DIR set to share/.elementary [ 120s] checking whether examples are built... no [ 120s] checking whether examples are installed... no [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc... (cached) aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc [ 120s] checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes [ 120s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed [ 120s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc understands -c and -o together... (cached) yes [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc option to accept ISO C99... -std=gnu99 [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 option to accept ISO Standard C... (cached) -std=gnu99 [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++... aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ [ 120s] checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes [ 120s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ accepts -g... yes [ 120s] checking dependency style of aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++... gcc3 [ 120s] checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ -E [ 120s] checking for ld used by aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++... /usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld [ 120s] checking if the linker (/usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes [ 120s] checking whether the aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ linker (/usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes [ 120s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ static flag -static works... no [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes [ 120s] checking if aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes [ 120s] checking whether the aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ linker (/usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes [ 120s] checking dynamic linker characteristics... (cached) GNU/Linux ld.so [ 120s] checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate [ 121s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ supports C++11 features by default... no [ 121s] checking whether aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-g++ supports C++11 features with -std=gnu++11... yes [ 121s] checking for aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /usr/bin/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config [ 121s] checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes [ 121s] checking whether NLS is requested... yes [ 121s] checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt [ 121s] checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt [ 121s] checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext [ 121s] checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge [ 121s] checking for ld used by GCC... /usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld [ 121s] checking if the linker (/usr/aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes [ 121s] checking for shared library run path origin... done [ 121s] checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... no [ 121s] checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... no [ 121s] checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes [ 121s] checking whether to use NLS... yes [ 121s] checking where the gettext function comes from... libc [ 121s] checking whether to build documentation... yes [ 121s] checking for doxygen... yes [ 121s] configure: eet_eet set to /usr/bin/eet [ 121s] configure: edje_cc set to /usr/bin/edje_cc [ 121s] Package elementary was not found in the pkg-config search path. [ 121s] Perhaps you should add the directory containing `elementary.pc' [ 121s] to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable [ 121s] No package 'elementary' found [ 121s] configure: elementary_codegen set to /bin/elementary_codegen [ 121s] Package elementary was not found in the pkg-config search path. [ 121s] Perhaps you should add the directory containing `elementary.pc' [ 121s] to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable [ 121s] No package 'elementary' found [ 121s] configure: elm_prefs_cc set to /bin/elm_prefs_cc [ 121s] configure: eolian_gen set to /usr/bin/eolian_gen [ 121s] Package eolian-cxx was not found in the pkg-config search path. [ 121s] Perhaps you should add the directory containing `eolian-cxx.pc' [ 121s] to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable [ 121s] No package 'eolian-cxx' found [ 121s] configure: eolian_cxx set to /bin/eolian_cxx [ 121s] configure: eldbus_codegen set to /usr/bin/eldbus-codegen [ 121s] checking whether to build elementary_test binary... yes [ 121s] checking whether to build elementary_codegen binary... yes [ 121s] checking whether to build elm_prefs_cc binary... yes [ 121s] checking whether to build elementary_config binary... yes [ 121s] checking whether to enable X backend... no [ 121s] checking whether to build X backend... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable FB backend... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build FB backend... yes [ 121s] checking whether to enable PSL1GHT backend... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build PSL1GHT backend... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable SDL backend... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build SDL backend... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable Cocoa backend... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build Cocoa backend... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable Win32 backend... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build Win32 backend... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable Wayland backend... yes [ 121s] checking whether to build Wayland backend... yes [ 121s] checking whether to enable DRM backend... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build DRM backend... yes [ 121s] checking whether to enable elocation option... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build elocation option... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable eweather option... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build eweather option... no [ 121s] checking whether to enable emap option... auto [ 121s] checking whether to build emap option... no [ 121s] checking which web option to use... ewebkit2 [ 122s] checking whether to build web option... no [ 122s] checking for ELEMENTARY... yes [ 122s] checking for ELEMENTARY_PC... yes [ 122s] checking for ELEMENTARY_CXX... no [ 122s] checking for dlopen in -ldl... yes [ 123s] checking for dladdr in -ldl... yes [ 123s] checking for TTRACE... yes [ 123s] checking alloca.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking alloca.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for alloca.h... yes [ 123s] checking libintl.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking libintl.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for libintl.h... yes [ 123s] checking dirent.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking dirent.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for dirent.h... yes [ 123s] checking sys/mman.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking sys/mman.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for sys/mman.h... yes [ 123s] checking locale.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking locale.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for locale.h... yes [ 123s] checking langinfo.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking langinfo.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for langinfo.h... yes [ 123s] checking sys/times.h usability... yes [ 123s] checking sys/times.h presence... yes [ 123s] checking for sys/times.h... yes [ 123s] checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no [ 123s] checking whether the compiler supports -Wshadow... yes [ 123s] checking whether the compiler supports -Wall... yes [ 123s] checking whether the compiler supports -W... yes [ 123s] checking whether the compiler supports -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections... yes [ 123s] checking for PATH_MAX in limits.h... yes [ 123s] checking whether the compiler supports -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries... yes [ 123s] checking If the compiler as what it takes to do quicklaunch (-pie -rdynamic)... yes [ 123s] checking for size_t... yes [ 123s] checking for working alloca.h... yes [ 123s] checking for alloca... yes [ 123s] checking for geteuid... yes [ 124s] checking for getuid... yes [ 124s] checking for getpwent... yes [ 124s] checking for fork... yes [ 124s] checking for clearenv... yes [ 124s] configure: updating cache config.cache [ 124s] checking that generated files are newer than configure... done [ 124s] configure: creating ./config.status [ 124s] config.status: creating Makefile [ 124s] config.status: creating elementary.spec [ 124s] config.status: creating doc/Makefile [ 124s] config.status: creating doc/Doxyfile [ 125s] config.status: creating doc/widgets/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/lib/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/lib/Elementary.h [ 125s] config.status: creating src/lib/elm_intro.h [ 125s] config.status: creating src/bin/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/prefs/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/access_output/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/test_entry/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/modules/test_map/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/edje_externals/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/examples/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/examples/sphere_hunter/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/examples/performance/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/tests/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/imported/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating src/imported/atspi/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating data/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating data/themes/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating data/images/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating data/objects/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating data/desktop/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating data/edje_externals/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating config/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating config/default/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating config/default/base.src [ 125s] config.status: creating config/standard/Makefile [ 125s] config.status: creating config/standard/base.src [ 126s] config.status: creating config/mobile/Makefile [ 126s] config.status: creating config/mobile/base.src [ 126s] config.status: creating po/Makefile.in [ 126s] config.status: creating cmakeconfig/ElementaryConfig.cmake [ 126s] config.status: creating cmakeconfig/ElementaryConfigVersion.cmake [ 126s] config.status: creating elementary_config.h [ 126s] config.status: executing depfiles commands [ 137s] config.status: executing libtool commands [ 137s] config.status: executing po-directories commands [ 137s] config.status: creating po/POTFILES [ 137s] config.status: creating po/Makefile [ 137s] [ 137s] [ 137s] [ 137s] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ 137s] elementary 1.16.0 [ 137s] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ 137s] [ 137s] Configuration Options Summary: [ 137s] [ 137s] Engines: [ 137s] X11....................: no [ 137s] Framebuffer............: yes [ 137s] DRM....................: yes [ 137s] PSL1GHT................: no [ 137s] SDL....................: no [ 137s] Cocoa..................: no [ 137s] Windows XP.............: no [ 137s] Wayland................: yes [ 137s] [ 137s] Features: [ 137s] EWeather...............: no [ 137s] EMap...................: no [ 137s] Web (WebKit)...........: no [ 137s] Quick Launch...........: yes [ 137s] Elocation..............: no [ 137s] [ 137s] eet......................: /usr/bin/eet [ 137s] edje_cc..................: /usr/bin/edje_cc [ 137s] elementary_codegen.......: /bin/elementary_codegen [ 137s] elm_prefs_cc.............: /bin/elm_prefs_cc [ 137s] eolian_gen...............: /usr/bin/eolian_gen [ 137s] eolian_cxx...............: /bin/eolian_cxx [ 137s] eldbus_codegen...........: /usr/bin/eldbus-codegen [ 137s] [ 137s] Build elementary_test....: yes [ 137s] Build elementary_codegen.: yes [ 137s] Build elm_prefs_cc.......: yes [ 137s] Examples.................: no [ 137s] Examples installed.......: no [ 137s] Build elementary_config..: yes [ 137s] Enable debug.............: no [ 137s] Enable C++...............: no [ 137s] [ 137s] Compilation................: make (or gmake) [ 137s] CPPFLAGS.................: [ 137s] CFLAGS...................: -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie [ 137s] LDFLAGS..................: -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic [ 137s] [ 137s] Tests......................: make check [ 137s] Docs.......................: make doc [ 137s] [ 137s] Installation...............: make install (as root if needed, with 'su' or 'sudo') [ 137s] prefix...................: /usr [ 137s] [ 137s] + /bin/make -j4 [ 137s] /bin/make all-recursive [ 137s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 137s] Making all in src [ 137s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 137s] Making all in lib [ 137s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 137s] EOLIAN elm_actionslider.eo.c [ 137s] EOLIAN elm_access.eo.c [ 137s] EOLIAN elm_app_client.eo.c [ 137s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_bridge.eo.c [ 137s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 137s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 137s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 137s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_app_client_view.eo.c [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_app_server.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_app_server_view.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_app_object.eo.c [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_proxy.eo.c [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_bg.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_box.eo.c [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_bubble.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_button.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_calendar.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_check.eo.c [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_clock.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_colorselector.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_conformant.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_container.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 138s] EOLIAN elm_ctxpopup.eo.c [ 138s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_datetime.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_dayselector.eo.c [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_diskselector.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_entry.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector_button.eo.c [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector_entry.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_flip.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_flipselector.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_frame.eo.c [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid_pan.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_genlist.eo.c [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_genlist_pan.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_gesture_layer.eo.c [ 139s] EOLIAN elm_glview.eo.c [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 139s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_grid.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_hover.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_hoversel.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_icon.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_image.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_index.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001bf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_action.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_component.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_image.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_selection.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001bf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_text.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_value.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_window.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001bf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_fileselector.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_interface_scrollable.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_inwin.eo.c [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_label.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_layout.eo.c [ 140s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 140s] EOLIAN elm_list.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_map.eo.c [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_map_pan.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_mapbuf.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_menu.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_multibuttonentry.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_naviframe.eo.c [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_notify.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_pan.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_panel.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_panes.eo.c [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_photo.eo.c [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_photocam.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_photocam_pan.eo.c [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_player.eo.c [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_plug.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] EOLIAN elm_popup.eo.c [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 141s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_prefs.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_progressbar.eo.c [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_radio.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_route.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_scroller.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_segment_control.eo.c [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_separator.eo.c [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_slider.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_slideshow.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_spinner.eo.c [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_systray.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_table.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_thumb.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_toolbar.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_video.eo.c [ 142s] EOLIAN elm_widget.eo.c [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 142s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_win.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_win_standard.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_widget_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_color_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_dayselector_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_hoversel_item.eo.c [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_segment_control_item.eo.c [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_slideshow_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_flipselector_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_menu_item.eo.c [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_ctxpopup_item.eo.c [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_index_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_naviframe_item.eo.c [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_genlist_item.eo.c [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_list_item.eo.c [ 143s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 143s] EOLIAN elm_toolbar_item.eo.c [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_diskselector_item.eo.c [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_popup_item.eo.c [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_access.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_actionslider.eo.h [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_bridge.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_app_client.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_app_client_view.eo.h [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_app_server.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_app_server_view.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_app_object.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_proxy.eo.h [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_bg.eo.h [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_box.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_bubble.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_button.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_calendar.eo.h [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_check.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_clock.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 144s] EOLIAN elm_colorselector.eo.h [ 144s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_conformant.eo.h [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_container.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_ctxpopup.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_datetime.eo.h [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_dayselector.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_diskselector.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_entry.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector.eo.h [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector_button.eo.h [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector_entry.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_flip.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_flipselector.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_frame.eo.h [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 145s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid_pan.eo.h [ 145s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_genlist.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_genlist_pan.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_gesture_layer.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_glview.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_grid.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_hover.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_hoversel.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_icon.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_image.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_index.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_action.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_component.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_image.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_selection.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_text.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_value.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_window.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_fileselector.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_interface_scrollable.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_inwin.eo.h [ 146s] EOLIAN elm_label.eo.h [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 146s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_layout.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_list.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_map.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_map_pan.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_mapbuf.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_menu.eo.h [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_multibuttonentry.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_naviframe.eo.h [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_notify.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_pan.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_panel.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_panes.eo.h [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_photo.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_photocam.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 147s] EOLIAN elm_photocam_pan.eo.h [ 147s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_player.eo.h [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_plug.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_popup.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_prefs.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_progressbar.eo.h [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_radio.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_route.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_scroller.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_segment_control.eo.h [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_separator.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_slider.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_slideshow.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_spinner.eo.h [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_systray.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_table.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_thumb.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 148s] EOLIAN elm_toolbar.eo.h [ 148s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_video.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_widget.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_win.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080020f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_win_standard.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_widget_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_color_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_dayselector_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_hoversel_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_segment_control_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_slideshow_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_flipselector_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_menu_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_ctxpopup_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_index_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_naviframe_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_genlist_item.eo.h [ 149s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid_item.eo.h [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 149s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_list_item.eo.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_toolbar_item.eo.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_diskselector_item.eo.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_popup_item.eo.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_general.eot.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_access.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_actionslider.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_bridge.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_app_client.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_app_client_view.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_app_server.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_app_server_view.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_app_object.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_atspi_proxy.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_bg.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_box.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_bubble.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_button.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_calendar.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_check.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 150s] EOLIAN elm_clock.eo.legacy.h [ 150s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_colorselector.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_conformant.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_container.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_ctxpopup.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_datetime.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_dayselector.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_diskselector.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_entry.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector_button.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_fileselector_entry.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_flip.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_flipselector.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_frame.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 151s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid.eo.legacy.h [ 151s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid_pan.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_genlist.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_genlist_pan.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_gesture_layer.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_glview.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_grid.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_hover.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_hoversel.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_icon.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_image.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_index.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_action.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_component.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_image.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_selection.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_text.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_value.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_atspi_window.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_fileselector.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_interface_scrollable.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] EOLIAN elm_inwin.eo.legacy.h [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 152s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_label.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_layout.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_list.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_map.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_map_pan.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_mapbuf.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_menu.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_multibuttonentry.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_naviframe.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_notify.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_pan.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_panel.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_panes.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_photo.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_photocam.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 153s] EOLIAN elm_photocam_pan.eo.legacy.h [ 153s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_player.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_plug.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_popup.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_prefs.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_progressbar.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_radio.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_route.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_scroller.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_segment_control.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_separator.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_slider.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_slideshow.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_spinner.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_systray.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_table.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_thumb.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 154s] EOLIAN elm_toolbar.eo.legacy.h [ 154s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_video.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_widget.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_win.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_win_standard.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_widget_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_color_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_dayselector_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_hoversel_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_segment_control_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_slideshow_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_flipselector_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_menu_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_ctxpopup_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_index_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_naviframe_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_genlist_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_gengrid_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 155s] EOLIAN elm_list_item.eo.legacy.h [ 155s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 156s] EOLIAN elm_toolbar_item.eo.legacy.h [ 156s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 156s] EOLIAN elm_diskselector_item.eo.legacy.h [ 156s] EOLIAN elm_popup_item.eo.legacy.h [ 156s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 156s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008001ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 156s] /bin/make all-am [ 156s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 156s] CC libelementary_la-elc_ctxpopup.lo [ 156s] CC libelementary_la-elc_fileselector.lo [ 156s] CC libelementary_la-elc_fileselector_button.lo [ 156s] CC libelementary_la-elc_fileselector_entry.lo [ 156s] CC libelementary_la-elc_hoversel.lo [ 156s] CC libelementary_la-elc_multibuttonentry.lo [ 157s] CC libelementary_la-elc_naviframe.lo [ 157s] CC libelementary_la-elc_player.lo [ 157s] CC libelementary_la-elc_popup.lo [ 157s] CC libelementary_la-elc_scrolled_entry.lo [ 158s] elc_popup.c: In function '_elm_popup_elm_widget_theme_apply': [ 158s] elc_popup.c:530:7: warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else' [-Wparentheses] [ 158s] if (sd->text_content_obj) [ 158s] ^ [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_access.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_actionslider.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_app_common.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_app_server_eet.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_app_server.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_app_server_view.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_app_client.lo [ 158s] CC libelementary_la-elm_app_client_view.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_atspi_app_object.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_atspi_proxy.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_atspi_bridge.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_bg.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_box.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_bubble.lo [ 159s] CC libelementary_la-elm_button.lo [ 160s] CC libelementary_la-elm_calendar.lo [ 160s] CC libelementary_la-elm_check.lo [ 160s] CC libelementary_la-elm_clock.lo [ 160s] elm_calendar.c: In function '_localized_access_info_cb': [ 160s] elm_calendar.c:613:14: warning: return discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [ 160s] if (data) return E_(data); [ 160s] ^ [ 160s] elm_calendar.c: In function '_atspi_expose_objects': [ 160s] elm_calendar.c:650:29: warning: declaration of 'access' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] [ 160s] Evas_Object *part, *access; [ 160s] ^ [ 160s] elm_calendar.c:645:17: warning: shadowed declaration is here [-Wshadow] [ 160s] Evas_Object *access; [ 160s] ^ [ 160s] CC libelementary_la-elm_cnp.lo [ 161s] elm_cnp.c: In function '_wl_selection_receive': [ 161s] elm_cnp.c:3366:29: warning: format '%s' expects argument of type 'char *', but argument 6 has type 'void *' [-Wformat=] [ 161s] cnp_debug("selected format(%d), data(%s)", sdata.format, sdata.data); [ 161s] ^ [ 161s] CC libelementary_la-elm_colorselector.lo [ 161s] elm_cnp.c: In function '_wl_dropable_data_handle': [ 161s] elm_cnp.c:4132:21: warning: unused variable 'win' [-Wunused-variable] [ 161s] Ecore_Wl_Window *win; [ 161s] ^ [ 161s] CC libelementary_la-elm_color_class.lo [ 161s] CC libelementary_la-elm_config.lo [ 161s] CC libelementary_la-elm_conform.lo [ 161s] CC libelementary_la-elm_container.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_datetime.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_dayselector.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_dbus_menu.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_diskselector.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_entry.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_flip.lo [ 162s] CC libelementary_la-elm_flipselector.lo [ 163s] CC libelementary_la-elm_font.lo [ 163s] CC libelementary_la-elm_frame.lo [ 163s] CC libelementary_la-elm_gengrid.lo [ 164s] CC libelementary_la-elm_genlist.lo [ 164s] CC libelementary_la-elm_gesture_layer.lo [ 164s] elm_genlist.c: In function '_item_process_post': [ 164s] elm_genlist.c:4655:20: warning: unused variable 'h' [-Wunused-variable] [ 164s] int y = 0, h; [ 164s] ^ [ 164s] elm_genlist.c:4655:13: warning: unused variable 'y' [-Wunused-variable] [ 164s] int y = 0, h; [ 164s] ^ [ 164s] elm_genlist.c: In function '_elm_genlist_elm_widget_atspi': [ 164s] elm_genlist.c:5801:25: warning: declaration of 'l' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] [ 164s] Eina_List *l; [ 164s] ^ [ 164s] elm_genlist.c:5795:15: warning: shadowed declaration is here [-Wshadow] [ 164s] Eina_List *l; [ 164s] ^ [ 164s] elm_genlist.c:5795:15: warning: unused variable 'l' [-Wunused-variable] [ 165s] CC libelementary_la-elm_gesture_layer_extra_gestures.lo [ 165s] CC libelementary_la-elm_glview.lo [ 165s] CC libelementary_la-elm_grid.lo [ 165s] CC libelementary_la-elm_hover.lo [ 166s] CC libelementary_la-elm_icon.lo [ 166s] CC libelementary_la-elm_image.lo [ 166s] CC libelementary_la-elm_index.lo [ 166s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_accessible.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_action.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_component.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_image.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_selection.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_text.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_value.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.lo [ 167s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_atspi_window.lo [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_fileselector.lo [ 168s] elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.c: In function '_elm_interface_atspi_widget_action_elm_interface_atspi_action_action_do': [ 168s] elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.c:73:24: warning: initialization discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [ 168s] char *action_name = _elm_interface_atspi_widget_action_elm_interface_atspi_action_name_get(obj, NULL, id); [ 168s] ^ [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_interface_scrollable.lo [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_inwin.lo [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_label.lo [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_layout.lo [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_list.lo [ 168s] CC libelementary_la-elm_main.lo [ 169s] elm_main.c: In function 'elm_init': [ 169s] elm_main.c:327:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_init' is deprecated (declared at ./elm_general.h:232) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_init(argc, argv); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c:328:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_sub_init' is deprecated (declared at ./elm_general.h:242) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_sub_init(argc, argv); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c: In function 'elm_shutdown': [ 169s] elm_main.c:371:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_sub_shutdown' is deprecated (declared at ./elm_general.h:252) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_sub_shutdown(); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c:372:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_shutdown' is deprecated (declared at ./elm_general.h:262) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_shutdown(); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c: In function 'elm_quicklaunch_init': [ 169s] elm_main.c:674:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_init' is deprecated (declared at elm_main.c:633) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] pfx = eina_prefix_new(argv ? argv[0] : NULL, elm_quicklaunch_init, [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c: In function 'elm_quicklaunch_prepare': [ 169s] elm_main.c:852:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_exe_path_get' is deprecated (declared at ./elm_general.h:322) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] exe = elm_quicklaunch_exe_path_get(argv[0], cwd); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c: In function 'elm_quicklaunch_fallback': [ 169s] elm_main.c:1061:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_init' is deprecated (declared at elm_main.c:633) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_init(argc, argv); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c:1062:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_sub_init' is deprecated (declared at elm_main.c:698) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_sub_init(argc, argv); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] elm_main.c:1063:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_prepare' is deprecated (declared at elm_main.c:842) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 169s] elm_quicklaunch_prepare(argc, argv, getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd))); [ 169s] ^ [ 169s] CC libelementary_la-elm_map.lo [ 169s] CC libelementary_la-elm_mapbuf.lo [ 170s] CC libelementary_la-elm_menu.lo [ 170s] CC libelementary_la-elm_module.lo [ 170s] CC libelementary_la-elm_notify.lo [ 170s] CC libelementary_la-elm_panel.lo [ 170s] CC libelementary_la-elm_panes.lo [ 171s] CC libelementary_la-elm_photo.lo [ 171s] CC libelementary_la-elm_photocam.lo [ 171s] CC libelementary_la-elm_plug.lo [ 171s] CC libelementary_la-elm_prefs.lo [ 171s] elm_photocam.c: In function '_tile_preloaded_cb': [ 171s] elm_photocam.c:426:18: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast] [ 171s] int tn = (int) evas_object_data_get(git->img, "idx"); [ 171s] ^ [ 171s] elm_photocam.c: In function '_grid_create': [ 171s] elm_photocam.c:567:59: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] [ 171s] evas_object_data_set(g->grid[tn].img, "idx", (void*) (y * g->gw + x)); [ 171s] ^ [ 172s] CC libelementary_la-elm_prefs_data.lo [ 172s] CC libelementary_la-elm_progressbar.lo [ 172s] CC libelementary_la-elm_radio.lo [ 172s] CC libelementary_la-elm_route.lo [ 172s] CC libelementary_la-elm_scroller.lo [ 173s] CC libelementary_la-elm_segment_control.lo [ 173s] CC libelementary_la-elm_separator.lo [ 173s] CC libelementary_la-elm_slider.lo [ 173s] CC libelementary_la-elm_slideshow.lo [ 173s] CC libelementary_la-elm_spinner.lo [ 173s] CC libelementary_la-elm_store.lo [ 174s] elm_spinner.c: In function '_entry_value_apply': [ 174s] elm_spinner.c:423:26: warning: initialization discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [ 174s] char *special_value = elm_spinner_special_value_get(obj, sd->val); [ 174s] ^ [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_systray.lo [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_systray_watcher.lo [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_sys_notify.lo [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_table.lo [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_theme.lo [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_thumb.lo [ 174s] CC libelementary_la-elm_toolbar.lo [ 175s] In file included from elm_toolbar.c:14:0: [ 175s] elm_toolbar.c: In function '_action_click_cb': [ 175s] elm_toolbar.c:1894:37: warning: unused variable 'sd' [-Wunused-variable] [ 175s] ELM_TOOLBAR_DATA_GET(WIDGET(it), sd); [ 175s] ^ [ 175s] elm_widget_toolbar.h:111:22: note: in definition of macro 'ELM_TOOLBAR_DATA_GET' [ 175s] Elm_Toolbar_Data * sd = eo_data_scope_get(o, ELM_TOOLBAR_CLASS) [ 175s] ^ [ 175s] elm_toolbar.c: In function '_item_resized_cb': [ 175s] elm_toolbar.c:2544:24: warning: unused parameter 'data' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 175s] _item_resized_cb(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) [ 175s] ^ [ 175s] elm_toolbar.c:2544:36: warning: unused parameter 'e' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 175s] _item_resized_cb(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) [ 175s] ^ [ 175s] elm_toolbar.c:2544:63: warning: unused parameter 'event_info' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 175s] _item_resized_cb(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) [ 175s] ^ [ 175s] CC libelementary_la-elm_transit.lo [ 175s] CC libelementary_la-elm_util.lo [ 175s] CC libelementary_la-elm_url.lo [ 175s] CC libelementary_la-elm_video.lo [ 175s] CC libelementary_la-elm_widget.lo [ 176s] elm_widget.c: In function 'elm_widget_scroll_item_valign_set': [ 176s] elm_widget.c:3497:32: warning: assignment discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [ 176s] else sd->scroll_item_valign = eina_stringshare_add(scroll_item_valign); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_widget.c: In function '_elm_widget_elm_interface_atspi_accessible_name_get': [ 176s] elm_widget.c:6204:8: warning: assignment discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [ 176s] ret = elm_object_text_get(obj); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] CC libelementary_la-elm_win.lo [ 176s] CC libelementary_la-elm_win_standard.lo [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_win_noblank_eval': [ 176s] elm_win.c:388:14: warning: unused variable 'change' [-Wunused-variable] [ 176s] Eina_Bool change = EINA_FALSE; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:387:8: warning: unused variable 'noblanks' [-Wunused-variable] [ 176s] int noblanks = 0; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:386:17: warning: unused variable 'obj' [-Wunused-variable] [ 176s] Evas_Object *obj; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:385:15: warning: unused variable 'l' [-Wunused-variable] [ 176s] Eina_List *l; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_apply_alpha': [ 176s] elm_win.c:424:26: warning: unused parameter 'obj' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_apply_alpha(Eo *obj, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_state_eval_queue': [ 176s] elm_win.c:593:44: warning: passing argument 1 of 'ecore_job_add' from incompatible pointer type [ 176s] _elm_win_state_eval_job = ecore_job_add(_elm_win_state_eval, NULL); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] In file included from /usr/include/ecore-1/Ecore.h:355:0, [ 176s] from ./Elementary.h:75, [ 176s] from elm_win.c:9: [ 176s] /usr/include/ecore-1/Ecore_Legacy.h:409:17: note: expected 'Ecore_Cb' but argument is of type 'Eina_Bool (*)(void *)' [ 176s] EAPI Ecore_Job *ecore_job_add(Ecore_Cb func, const void *data); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_state_change': [ 176s] elm_win.c:1556:18: warning: declaration of 'w' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] [ 176s] int w, h; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:1482:22: warning: shadowed declaration is here [-Wshadow] [ 176s] int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:1556:21: warning: declaration of 'h' shadows a previous local [-Wshadow] [ 176s] int w, h; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:1482:29: warning: shadowed declaration is here [-Wshadow] [ 176s] int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:1639:70: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] [ 176s] evas_object_smart_callback_call(obj, SIG_VISIBILITY_CHANGED, (void*)!sd->obscured); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_wl_effect_start': [ 176s] elm_win.c:2499:62: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] [ 176s] evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, SIG_EFFECT_STARTED, (void*)e->type); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_wl_effect_end': [ 176s] elm_win.c:2518:61: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] [ 176s] evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, SIG_LAUNCH_DONE, (void*)e->type); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:2520:61: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size [-Wint-to-pointer-cast] [ 176s] evas_object_smart_callback_call(data, SIG_EFFECT_DONE, (void*)e->type); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_atspi': [ 176s] elm_win.c:2973:14: warning: implicit declaration of function 'elm_interface_atspi_component_highlight_clear' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] [ 176s] eo_do(obj, highlight = elm_interface_atspi_component_highlight_clear()); [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:2944:14: warning: variable 'highlight' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] [ 176s] Eina_Bool highlight = EINA_FALSE; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c:2940:10: warning: unused variable 'evas' [-Wunused-variable] [ 176s] Evas *evas; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_wl_indicator_flick': [ 176s] elm_win.c:3772:69: warning: unused parameter 'event' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_wl_indicator_flick(void *data, int type EINA_UNUSED, void *event) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_main_menu_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5171:14: warning: unused variable 'use_dbus' [-Wunused-variable] [ 176s] Eina_Bool use_dbus = EINA_FALSE; [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_keyboard_win_set': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5746:62: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_keyboard_win_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd, Eina_Bool is_keyboard) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_keyboard_win_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5758:62: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_keyboard_win_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_set': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5927:74: warning: unused parameter 'quickpanel' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd, Eina_Bool quickpanel) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5951:60: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_priority_major_set': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5963:75: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_priority_major_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd, int priority) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_priority_major_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5975:75: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_priority_major_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_priority_minor_set': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5987:75: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_priority_minor_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd, int priority) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_priority_minor_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:5999:75: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_priority_minor_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_zone_set': [ 176s] elm_win.c:6011:65: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_zone_set(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd, int zone) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_quickpanel_zone_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:6023:65: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_quickpanel_zone_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_illume_command_send': [ 176s] elm_win.c:6041:65: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_illume_command_send(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd, Elm_Illume_Command command, void *params) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] elm_win.c: In function '_elm_win_xwindow_get': [ 176s] elm_win.c:6290:57: warning: unused parameter 'sd' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 176s] _elm_win_xwindow_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Win_Data *sd) [ 176s] ^ [ 176s] CC libelementary_la-elm_helper.lo [ 176s] CC libelementary_la-els_box.lo [ 176s] CC libelementary_la-els_cursor.lo [ 177s] CC libelementary_la-els_tooltip.lo [ 177s] CC libelementary_la-elu_ews_wm.lo [ 177s] CC libelementary_la-tizen_vector.lo [ 178s] tizen_vector.c:2150:1: warning: '_append_circle' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] [ 178s] _append_circle(Efl_VG *shape, double cx, double cy, double r) [ 178s] ^ [ 179s] CCLD libelementary.la [ 180s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 180s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 180s] Making all in bin [ 180s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/bin' [ 180s] CC elementary_test-test.o [ 180s] CC elementary_test-test_3d.o [ 180s] CC elementary_test-test_access.o [ 180s] CC elementary_test-test_explode.o [ 180s] CC elementary_test-test_actionslider.o [ 180s] CC elementary_test-test_anim.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_application_server.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_bg.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_box.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_bubble.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_button.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_calendar.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_check.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_clock.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_cnp.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_colorselector.o [ 181s] CC elementary_test-test_colorclass.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_config.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_conform.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_conform_indicator.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_ctxpopup.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_cursor.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_datetime.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_dayselector.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_disable.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_diskselector.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_dnd.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_eio.o [ 182s] CC elementary_test-test_entry.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_entry_anchor.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_entry_anchor2.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_external.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_fileselector_button.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_fileselector.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_fileselector_entry.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_flip.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_flip_page.o [ 183s] CC elementary_test-test_flipselector.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_floating.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_focus.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_focus_custom_chain.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_focus_policy.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_focus_style.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_gengrid.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_genlist.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_gesture_layer.o [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_gesture_layer2.o [ 184s] test_genlist.c: In function '_multi_select_mode_changed_cb': [ 184s] test_genlist.c:3689:37: warning: unused parameter 'data' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _multi_select_mode_changed_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:3689:56: warning: unused parameter 'obj' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _multi_select_mode_changed_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c: In function '_gl20_search_item': [ 184s] test_genlist.c:3864:25: warning: variable 'flag' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] [ 184s] Elm_Glob_Match_Flags flag = 0; [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:3859:66: warning: unused parameter 'it' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _gl20_search_item(gl20_Event_Data *event_data, Elm_Object_Item * it) [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c: In function '_gl_focus_focus_on_selection_set': [ 184s] test_genlist.c:4348:47: warning: unused parameter 'gl' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _gl_focus_focus_on_selection_set(Evas_Object *gl, [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c: In function '_gl_focus_focus_on_selection_changed_cb': [ 184s] test_genlist.c:4359:47: warning: unused parameter 'data' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _gl_focus_focus_on_selection_changed_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:4359:66: warning: unused parameter 'obj' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _gl_focus_focus_on_selection_changed_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c: In function '_entry_change_cb': [ 184s] test_genlist.c:5010:21: warning: unused variable 'item' [-Wunused-variable] [ 184s] Elm_Object_Item *item; [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:5009:17: warning: unused variable 'count' [-Wunused-variable] [ 184s] unsigned int count = 0; [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:5008:19: warning: unused variable 'filter_iter' [-Wunused-variable] [ 184s] Eina_Iterator *filter_iter; [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:5007:9: warning: unused variable 'buf' [-Wunused-variable] [ 184s] char buf[100]; [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:5006:14: warning: unused variable 'api' [-Wunused-variable] [ 184s] api_data *api = (api_data *)data; [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c:5004:43: warning: unused parameter 'obj' [-Wunused-parameter] [ 184s] _entry_change_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event EINA_UNUSED) [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] test_genlist.c: At top level: [ 184s] test_genlist.c:4348:1: warning: '_gl_focus_focus_on_selection_set' defined but not used [-Wunused-function] [ 184s] _gl_focus_focus_on_selection_set(Evas_Object *gl, [ 184s] ^ [ 184s] CC elementary_test-test_gesture_layer3.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_glview_simple.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_glview.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_glview_manygears.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_grid.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_hover.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_hoversel.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_icon.o [ 185s] CC elementary_test-test_icon_desktops.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_icon_animated.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_image.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_index.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_inwin.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_label.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_launcher.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_layout.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_list.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_map.o [ 186s] CC elementary_test-test_main_menu.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_menu.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_multi.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_multibuttonentry.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_naviframe.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_naviframe_complex.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_notify.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_panel.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_panes.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_photo.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_photocam.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_popup.o [ 187s] CC elementary_test-test_prefs.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_progressbar.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_radio.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_scaling.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_scroller.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_segment_control.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_separator.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_slider.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_slideshow.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_spinner.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_store.o [ 188s] CC elementary_test-test_sys_notify.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_systray.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_task_switcher.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_table.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_thumb.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_toolbar.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_tooltip.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_transit.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_transit_bezier.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_video.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_weather.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_win_inline.o [ 189s] CC elementary_test-test_win_keygrab.o [ 190s] CC elementary_test-test_win_socket.o [ 190s] CC elementary_test-test_win_plug.o [ 190s] CC elementary_test-test_win_state.o [ 190s] CC elementary_test-test_win_wm_rotation.o [ 190s] CC elementary_test-test_win_dialog.o [ 190s] CC config.o [ 190s] test_win_state.c: In function '_win_state_visibility_cb': [ 190s] test_win_state.c:272:21: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast] [ 190s] int visibility = (int)(void *)event_info; [ 190s] ^ [ 190s] CC elementary_codegen.o [ 190s] CC elm_prefs_cc.o [ 190s] CC elm_prefs_cc_mem.o [ 190s] CC elm_prefs_cc_out.o [ 191s] CC elm_prefs_cc_parse.o [ 191s] CC elm_prefs_cc_handlers.o [ 191s] CC quicklaunch.o [ 191s] CC elementary_run-run.o [ 191s] CCLD elementary_test [ 191s] quicklaunch.c: In function 'handle_run': [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:154:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_prepare' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:282) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] elm_quicklaunch_prepare(argc, argv, cwd); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:155:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_fork' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:292) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] elm_quicklaunch_fork(argc, argv, cwd, post_fork, NULL); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:156:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_cleanup' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:302) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] elm_quicklaunch_cleanup(); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] quicklaunch.c: In function 'main': [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:233:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_init' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:232) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] elm_quicklaunch_init(argc, argv); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:323:9: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_sub_init' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:242) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] elm_quicklaunch_sub_init(argc, argv); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:335:9: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_sub_shutdown' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:252) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] while (elm_quicklaunch_sub_shutdown() > 0); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] quicklaunch.c:337:4: warning: 'elm_quicklaunch_shutdown' is deprecated (declared at ../../src/lib/elm_general.h:262) [-Wdeprecated-declarations] [ 191s] elm_quicklaunch_shutdown(); [ 191s] ^ [ 191s] CCLD elementary_codegen [ 191s] CCLD elm_prefs_cc [ 191s] CCLD elementary_quicklaunch [ 191s] CCLD elementary_run [ 191s] CCLD elementary_config [ 192s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/bin' [ 192s] Making all in imported [ 192s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 192s] Making all in atspi [ 192s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported/atspi' [ 192s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. [ 192s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported/atspi' [ 192s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 192s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 192s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 192s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 192s] Making all in modules [ 192s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 192s] Making all in prefs [ 192s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs' [ 192s] CC module_la-prefs_iface.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_button.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_datetime.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_check.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_entry.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_label.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_separator.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_slider.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_spinner.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_swallow.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_vertical_box.lo [ 192s] CC module_la-elm_horizontal_box.lo [ 193s] CC module_la-elm_vertical_frame.lo [ 193s] CC module_la-elm_horizontal_frame.lo [ 193s] EDJ elm_prefs_swallow.edj [ 193s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 193s] ERR<18580>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 193s] CCLD module.la [ 193s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs' [ 193s] Making all in test_entry [ 193s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry' [ 193s] CC module_la-mod.lo [ 194s] CCLD module.la [ 194s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry' [ 194s] Making all in test_map [ 194s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map' [ 194s] CC module_la-mod.lo [ 194s] CCLD module.la [ 194s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map' [ 194s] Making all in access_output [ 194s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output' [ 194s] CC module_la-mod.lo [ 195s] CCLD module.la [ 195s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output' [ 195s] Making all in datetime_input_ctxpopup [ 195s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup' [ 195s] CC module_la-datetime_input_ctxpopup.lo [ 195s] CCLD module.la [ 195s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup' [ 195s] Making all in copypasteUI_ctxpopup [ 195s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup' [ 195s] CC module_la-copypaste.lo [ 195s] CC module_la-cbhm_helper.lo [ 196s] CCLD module.la [ 196s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup' [ 196s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 196s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 196s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 196s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 196s] Making all in edje_externals [ 196s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals' [ 196s] CC elm.lo [ 196s] CC elm_actionslider.lo [ 196s] CC elm_bg.lo [ 196s] CC elm_bubble.lo [ 197s] CC elm_button.lo [ 197s] CC elm_calendar.lo [ 197s] CC elm_check.lo [ 197s] CC elm_clock.lo [ 197s] CC elm_entry.lo [ 197s] CC elm_fileselector.lo [ 197s] CC elm_fileselector_button.lo [ 197s] CC elm_fileselector_entry.lo [ 198s] CC elm_frame.lo [ 198s] CC elm_gengrid.lo [ 198s] CC elm_genlist.lo [ 198s] CC elm_hoversel.lo [ 198s] CC elm_icon.lo [ 198s] CC elm_index.lo [ 198s] CC elm_label.lo [ 198s] CC elm_list.lo [ 198s] CC elm_map.lo [ 198s] CC elm_multibuttonentry.lo [ 198s] CC elm_naviframe.lo [ 199s] CC elm_notify.lo [ 199s] CC elm_panes.lo [ 199s] CC elm_photocam.lo [ 199s] CC elm_progressbar.lo [ 199s] CC elm_radio.lo [ 199s] CC elm_scroller.lo [ 199s] CC elm_segment_control.lo [ 199s] CC elm_slider.lo [ 199s] CC elm_slideshow.lo [ 200s] CC elm_spinner.lo [ 200s] CC elm_thumb.lo [ 200s] CC elm_toolbar.lo [ 200s] CC elm_video.lo [ 200s] CCLD module.la [ 200s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals' [ 200s] Making all in examples [ 200s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 200s] /bin/make all-recursive [ 200s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 200s] Making all in sphere_hunter [ 200s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/sphere_hunter' [ 200s] make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. [ 200s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/sphere_hunter' [ 200s] Making all in performance [ 200s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/performance' [ 200s] make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. [ 200s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/performance' [ 200s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 200s] make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 200s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 200s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 200s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 200s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 200s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 200s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 200s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 200s] Making all in data [ 200s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 200s] Making all in themes [ 200s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/themes' [ 200s] EDJ default.edj [ 200s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe14f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 200s] ERR<19974>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 224s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 225s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 226s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 227s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 228s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 229s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 230s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 231s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 232s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 233s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 234s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 235s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 236s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 237s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 238s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 239s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 240s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 241s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 242s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 243s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 244s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 244s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 244s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 244s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 244s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fddf8, len: 16 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdba8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde5f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd28, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbb8, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde6f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbb8, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde6f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbb8, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde6f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbb8, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde6f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdfdf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdce8, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdf9f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe0df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/themes' [ 254s] Making all in images [ 254s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/images' [ 254s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. [ 254s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/images' [ 254s] Making all in objects [ 254s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/objects' [ 254s] EDJ test_external.edj [ 254s] EDJ test.edj [ 254s] EDJ multip.edj [ 254s] EDJ cursors.edj [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1df, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 254s] ERR<20548>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 254s] ERR<20544>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() ERR<20549>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() ERR<20545>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 254s] resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 254s] resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 255s] EDJ font_preview.edj [ 255s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 255s] ERR<20571>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 255s] EDJ postit_ent.edj [ 255s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 255s] ERR<20579>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 255s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 255s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 255s] EDJ multibuttonentry.edj [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1bf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] EDJ test_prefs.edj [ 256s] ERR<20592>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] ERR<20596>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 256s] EPB test_prefs.epb [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde78, len: 16 at traceBegin. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc28, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdedf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd68, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe01f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400081c1ff, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] EDJ test_focus_style.edj [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe19f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] ERR<20630>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc28, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdedf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd68, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe01f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 256s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe15f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde78, len: 16 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc28, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdedf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdda8, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc38, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc38, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe05f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd68, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe01f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 257s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe15f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 258s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 259s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 259s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 259s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 259s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 259s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fde48, len: 16 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd78, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe02f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdfef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd78, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe02f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdfef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd78, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe02f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdfef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd78, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe02f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdfef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd78, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe02f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd78, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 20 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdc08, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdebf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe02f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdbf8, len: 15 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdeaf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdd38, len: 14 at traceBegin. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fdfef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe12f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/objects' [ 260s] Making all in desktop [ 260s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/desktop' [ 260s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. [ 260s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/desktop' [ 260s] Making all in edje_externals [ 260s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/edje_externals' [ 260s] EDJ icons.edj [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40007fe1af, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 260s] ERR<20703>:ecore_con lib/ecore_con/ecore_con_dns.c:159 ecore_con_info_init() resconf_open: No such file or directory [ 260s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/edje_externals' [ 260s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 260s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 260s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 260s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 260s] Making all in config [ 260s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 260s] Making all in default [ 260s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/default' [ 260s] /usr/bin/eet -e \ [ 260s] ../../config/default/base.cfg config \ [ 260s] base.src 1 [ 260s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080026f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 261s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/default' [ 261s] Making all in standard [ 261s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/standard' [ 261s] /usr/bin/eet -e \ [ 261s] ../../config/standard/base.cfg config \ [ 261s] base.src 1 [ 261s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080026f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 261s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/standard' [ 261s] Making all in mobile [ 261s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/mobile' [ 261s] /usr/bin/eet -e \ [ 261s] ../../config/mobile/base.cfg config \ [ 261s] base.src 1 [ 261s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400080027f, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 261s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/mobile' [ 261s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 261s] /usr/bin/eet -i \ [ 261s] ../config/profile.cfg config \ [ 261s] profile.src 0 [ 261s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x40008002cf, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 261s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 261s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 261s] Making all in doc [ 261s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 261s] Making all in widgets [ 261s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc/widgets' [ 261s] CC widget_preview_actionslider.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_bg.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_box.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_bubble1.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_bubble2.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_bubble3.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_button1.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_button2.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_button3.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_calendar.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_check1.o [ 261s] CC widget_preview_check2.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_check3.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_clock.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_colorselector.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_conformant.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_ctxpopup.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_datetime1.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_datetime2.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_datetime3.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_dayselector.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_diskselector.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_entry1.o [ 262s] CC widget_preview_entry2.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_entry3.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_entry4.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_fileselector.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_fileselector_button1.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_fileselector_button2.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_fileselector_button3.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_fileselector_entry.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_flip.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_flipselector.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_frame.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_gengrid.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_genlist1.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_genlist2.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_genlist3.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_genlist4.o [ 263s] CC widget_preview_genlist5.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_hover.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_hoversel.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_icon.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_image.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_index.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_inwin1.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_inwin2.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_inwin3.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_label.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_layout.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_list.o [ 264s] CC widget_preview_map.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_mapbuf.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_menu.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_notify.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_panel.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_panes.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_photocam.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_popup.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_prefs.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_progressbar.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_radio.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_scroller.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_segment_control.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_separator.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_slider.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_slideshow.o [ 265s] CC widget_preview_spinner.o [ 266s] CC widget_preview_table.o [ 266s] CC widget_preview_thumb.o [ 266s] CC widget_preview_toolbar.o [ 266s] CC widget_preview_win.o [ 266s] EPB widget_preview_prefs.epb [ 266s] Currupted arguments, fd: -1, buf: 0x400081c1ef, len: 1 at traceEnd. [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_actionslider [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_bg [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_box [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_bubble1 [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_bubble2 [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_bubble3 [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_button1 [ 266s] CCLD widget_preview_button2 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_button3 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_calendar [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_check1 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_check2 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_check3 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_clock [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_colorselector [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_conformant [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_ctxpopup [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_datetime1 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_datetime2 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_datetime3 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_dayselector [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_diskselector [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_entry1 [ 267s] CCLD widget_preview_entry2 [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_entry3 [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_entry4 [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_fileselector [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_fileselector_button1 [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_fileselector_button2 [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_fileselector_button3 [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_fileselector_entry [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_flip [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_flipselector [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_frame [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_gengrid [ 268s] CCLD widget_preview_genlist1 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_genlist2 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_genlist3 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_genlist4 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_genlist5 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_hover [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_hoversel [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_icon [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_image [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_index [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_inwin1 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_inwin2 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_inwin3 [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_label [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_layout [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_list [ 269s] CCLD widget_preview_map [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_mapbuf [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_menu [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_notify [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_panel [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_panes [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_photocam [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_popup [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_prefs [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_progressbar [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_radio [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_scroller [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_segment_control [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_separator [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_slider [ 270s] CCLD widget_preview_slideshow [ 271s] CCLD widget_preview_spinner [ 271s] CCLD widget_preview_table [ 271s] CCLD widget_preview_thumb [ 271s] CCLD widget_preview_toolbar [ 271s] CCLD widget_preview_win [ 271s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc/widgets' [ 271s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 271s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 271s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 271s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 271s] Making all in po [ 271s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 271s] Makefile:414: target 'fr.po' given more than once in the same rule [ 271s] /bin/make elementary.pot-update [ 271s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 271s] Makefile:414: target 'fr.po' given more than once in the same rule [ 271s] sed -e '/^#/d' remove-potcdate.sin > t-remove-potcdate.sed [ 271s] mv t-remove-potcdate.sed remove-potcdate.sed [ 271s] if LC_ALL=C grep 'GNU elementary' ../* 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'libtool:' >/dev/null; then \ [ 271s] package_gnu='GNU '; \ [ 271s] else \ [ 271s] package_gnu=''; \ [ 271s] fi; \ [ 271s] if test -n 'enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net' || test 'enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net' = '@'PACKAGE_BUGREPORT'@'; then \ [ 271s] msgid_bugs_address='enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net'; \ [ 271s] else \ [ 271s] msgid_bugs_address='enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net'; \ [ 271s] fi; \ [ 271s] case `/usr/bin/xgettext --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ [ 271s] '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-5] | 0.1[0-5].* | 0.16 | 0.16.[0-1]*) \ [ 271s] /usr/bin/xgettext --default-domain=elementary --directory=.. \ [ 271s] --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: --keyword=E_ --keyword=N_ --from-code=UTF-8 --foreign-user \ [ 271s] --files-from=./POTFILES.in \ [ 271s] --copyright-holder='Enlightenment development team' \ [ 271s] --msgid-bugs-address="$msgid_bugs_address" \ [ 271s] ;; \ [ 271s] *) \ [ 271s] /usr/bin/xgettext --default-domain=elementary --directory=.. \ [ 271s] --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: --keyword=E_ --keyword=N_ --from-code=UTF-8 --foreign-user \ [ 271s] --files-from=./POTFILES.in \ [ 271s] --copyright-holder='Enlightenment development team' \ [ 271s] --package-name="${package_gnu}elementary" \ [ 271s] --package-version='1.16.0' \ [ 271s] --msgid-bugs-address="$msgid_bugs_address" \ [ 271s] ;; \ [ 271s] esac [ 274s] ./src/lib/elm_config.c:3689: warning: Empty msgid. It is reserved by GNU gettext: [ 274s] gettext("") returns the header entry with [ 274s] meta information, not the empty string. [ 278s] test ! -f elementary.po || { \ [ 278s] if test -f ./elementary.pot; then \ [ 278s] sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < ./elementary.pot > elementary.1po && \ [ 278s] sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < elementary.po > elementary.2po && \ [ 278s] if cmp elementary.1po elementary.2po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ [ 278s] rm -f elementary.1po elementary.2po elementary.po; \ [ 278s] else \ [ 278s] rm -f elementary.1po elementary.2po ./elementary.pot && \ [ 278s] mv elementary.po ./elementary.pot; \ [ 278s] fi; \ [ 278s] else \ [ 278s] mv elementary.po ./elementary.pot; \ [ 278s] fi; \ [ 278s] } [ 278s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 278s] test ! -f ./elementary.pot || \ [ 278s] test -z "ar.gmo as.gmo az.gmo az_IR.gmo bg.gmo bn.gmo bn_BD.gmo ca.gmo cs.gmo da.gmo de.gmo el.gmo el_GR.gmo en_PH.gmo en.gmo en_US.gmo eo.gmo es.gmo es_ES.gmo es_US.gmo et.gmo eu.gmo fa.gmo fi.gmo fr.gmo fr_CA.gmo fr.gmo ga.gmo gl.gmo gu.gmo he.gmo hi.gmo hr.gmo hu.gmo hy.gmo id.gmo is.gmo it.gmo it_IT.gmo ja_JP.gmo ka.gmo kk.gmo km.gmo kn.gmo ko_KR.gmo lo.gmo lt.gmo lv.gmo mk.gmo ml.gmo mn_MN.gmo mr.gmo ms.gmo my_MM.gmo my_ZG.gmo nb.gmo ne.gmo nl.gmo or.gmo pa.gmo pl.gmo ps.gmo pt.gmo pt_BR.gmo pt_PT.gmo ro.gmo ru.gmo ru_RU.gmo si.gmo sk.gmo sl.gmo sq.gmo sr.gmo sv.gmo ta.gmo te.gmo th.gmo tl.gmo tr_TR.gmo uk.gmo ur.gmo uz.gmo vi.gmo yi.gmo tr.gmo zh_CN.gmo zh_HK.gmo zh_TW.gmo" || /bin/make ar.gmo as.gmo az.gmo az_IR.gmo bg.gmo bn.gmo bn_BD.gmo ca.gmo cs.gmo da.gmo de.gmo el.gmo el_GR.gmo en_PH.gmo en.gmo en_US.gmo eo.gmo es.gmo es_ES.gmo es_US.gmo et.gmo eu.gmo fa.gmo fi.gmo fr.gmo fr_CA.gmo fr.gmo ga.gmo gl.gmo gu.gmo he.gmo hi.gmo hr.gmo hu.gmo hy.gmo id.gmo is.gmo it.gmo it_IT.gmo ja_JP.gmo ka.gmo kk.gmo km.gmo kn.gmo ko_KR.gmo lo.gmo lt.gmo lv.gmo mk.gmo ml.gmo mn_MN.gmo mr.gmo ms.gmo my_MM.gmo my_ZG.gmo nb.gmo ne.gmo nl.gmo or.gmo pa.gmo pl.gmo ps.gmo pt.gmo pt_BR.gmo pt_PT.gmo ro.gmo ru.gmo ru_RU.gmo si.gmo sk.gmo sl.gmo sq.gmo sr.gmo sv.gmo ta.gmo te.gmo th.gmo tl.gmo tr_TR.gmo uk.gmo ur.gmo uz.gmo vi.gmo yi.gmo tr.gmo zh_CN.gmo zh_HK.gmo zh_TW.gmo [ 278s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 278s] Makefile:414: target 'fr.po' given more than once in the same rule [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ar ar.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=as as.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=az_IR az_IR.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=az az.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] ............ done. [ 278s] .................../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=bg bg.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=bn_BD bn_BD.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=bn bn.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ....../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ca ca.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ............... done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] ................................... done. [ 278s] ....... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=cs cs.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=de de.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=da da.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=el el.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] .................. done. [ 278s] done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=el_GR el_GR.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=en en.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=en_PH en_PH.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ................... done. [ 278s] ...../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=en_US en_US.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] ................. done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=eo eo.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ............../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=es es.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ...../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=es_ES es_ES.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .. done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=es_US es_US.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=et et.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=eu eu.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ...................../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=fa fa.po elementary.pot [ 278s] done. [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=fi fi.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=fr fr.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=fr_CA fr_CA.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ga ga.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=gl gl.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=gu gu.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=he he.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=hi hi.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=hr hr.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ............. done. [ 278s] ....... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=hu hu.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=id id.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=hy hy.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=it it.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=is is.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ....................... done. [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] ............../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=it_IT it_IT.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ....... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ja_JP ja_JP.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ka ka.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ./usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=kk kk.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ............. done. [ 278s] .................. done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=km km.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] ......./usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=kn kn.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ko_KR ko_KR.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=lo lo.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=lt lt.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ............. done. [ 278s] ........ done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=lv lv.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=mk mk.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ml ml.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ./usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=mn_MN mn_MN.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=mr mr.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ....../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ms ms.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ............... done. [ 278s] ............ done. [ 278s] ......../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=my_MM my_MM.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .. done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=my_ZG my_ZG.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ./usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=nb nb.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ne ne.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=nl nl.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=or or.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ...................... done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] ........./usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=pa pa.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=pl pl.po elementary.pot [ 278s] done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ps ps.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=pt pt.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=pt_BR pt_BR.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=pt_PT pt_PT.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ro ro.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ru ru.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ...................... done. [ 278s] .................... done. [ 278s] ...../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ru_RU ru_RU.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ................ done. [ 278s] ../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=si si.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........ done. [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=sk sk.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=sl sl.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=sq sq.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] ....................... done. [ 278s] ................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=sv sv.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=sr sr.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ta ta.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=te te.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] ........./usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=th th.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .. done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=tl tl.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .........../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=tr_TR tr_TR.po elementary.pot [ 278s] done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=uk uk.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] ......../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=ur ur.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .............. done. [ 278s] .................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=uz uz.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=vi vi.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=yi yi.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ..................... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=tr tr.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] ../usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=zh_CN zh_CN.po elementary.pot [ 278s] ........ done. [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] ......... done. [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=zh_HK zh_HK.po elementary.pot [ 278s] /usr/bin/msgmerge --update --lang=zh_TW zh_TW.po elementary.pot [ 278s] .rm -f as.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o as.gmo as.po [ 278s] rm -f ar.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ar.gmo ar.po [ 278s] .......... done. [ 278s] ........... done. [ 278s] as.po: 11 translated messagesar.po: 7 translated messages, 80 untranslated messages. [ 278s] , 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f az.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o az.gmo az.po [ 278s] rm -f az_IR.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o az_IR.gmo az_IR.po [ 278s] rm -f bg.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o bg.gmo bg.po [ 278s] rm -f bn.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o bn.gmo bn.po [ 278s] az.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translationsaz_IR.po: 1 translated message, 86 untranslated messages. [ 278s] , 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] bn.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translationsrm -f bn_BD.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o bn_BD.gmo bn_BD.po [ 278s] , 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] bg.po: rm -f ca.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ca.gmo ca.po [ 278s] 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] bn_BD.po: 21 translated messages, 23 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messagesrm -f cs.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o cs.gmo cs.po [ 278s] . [ 278s] ca.po: 82 translated messages, 1 fuzzy translation, 4 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f da.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o da.gmo da.po [ 278s] cs.po: 71 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 14 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f de.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o de.gmo de.po [ 278s] da.po: 32 translated messagesrm -f el.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o el.gmo el.po [ 278s] , 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] de.po: 16 translated messages, 3 fuzzy translations, 68 untranslated messages. [ 278s] el.po: 40 translated messages, 14 fuzzy translations, 33 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f en_PH.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o en_PH.gmo en_PH.po [ 278s] rm -f en.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o en.gmo en.po [ 278s] rm -f el_GR.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o el_GR.gmo el_GR.po [ 278s] rm -f en_US.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o en_US.gmo en_US.po [ 278s] en_PH.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] en.po: 37 translated messages, 10 fuzzy translationsel_GR.po: , 40 untranslated messages. [ 278s] 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f eo.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o eo.gmo eo.po [ 278s] rm -f es_ES.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o es_ES.gmo es_ES.po [ 278s] rm -f es.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o es.gmo es.po [ 278s] en_US.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] eo.po: 59 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 26 untranslated messages. [ 278s] es_ES.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f es_US.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o es_US.gmo es_US.po [ 278s] es.po: 65 translated messages, 4 fuzzy translations, 18 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f et.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o et.gmo et.po [ 278s] rm -f eu.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o eu.gmo eu.po [ 278s] es_US.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] et.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f fa.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o fa.gmo fa.po [ 278s] eu.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f fr.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o fr.gmo fr.po [ 278s] rm -f fi.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o fi.gmo fi.po [ 278s] fa.po: 7 translated messages, 80 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f fr_CA.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o fr_CA.gmo fr_CA.po [ 278s] fi.po: 65 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 20 untranslated messages. [ 278s] fr.po: 66 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 19 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ga.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ga.gmo ga.po [ 278s] rm -f gl.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o gl.gmo gl.po [ 278s] fr_CA.po: 39 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 36 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f gu.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o gu.gmo gu.po [ 278s] ga.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messagesrm -f he.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o he.gmo he.po [ 278s] gl.po: 71 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 14 untranslated messages. [ 278s] . [ 278s] gu.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] he.po: 13 translated messages, 3 fuzzy translations, 71 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f hi.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o hi.gmo hi.po [ 278s] rm -f hr.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o hr.gmo hr.po [ 278s] rm -f hy.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o hy.gmo hy.po [ 278s] rm -f hu.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o hu.gmo hu.po [ 278s] hr.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messageshi.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] . [ 278s] hu.po: 54 translated messages, 1 fuzzy translation, 32 untranslated messages. [ 278s] hy.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f id.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o id.gmo id.po [ 278s] rm -f it.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o it.gmo it.po [ 278s] rm -f is.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o is.gmo is.po [ 278s] rm -f it_IT.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o it_IT.gmo it_IT.po [ 278s] it.po: 75 translated messages, 1 fuzzy translation, 11 untranslated messages. [ 278s] is.po: id.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] it_IT.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ka.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ka.gmo ka.po [ 278s] rm -f ja_JP.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ja_JP.gmo ja_JP.po [ 278s] rm -f kk.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o kk.gmo kk.po [ 278s] ja_JP.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] ka.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f km.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o km.gmo km.po [ 278s] kk.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f kn.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o kn.gmo kn.po [ 278s] km.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ko_KR.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ko_KR.gmo ko_KR.po [ 278s] rm -f lt.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o lt.gmo lt.po [ 278s] kn.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translationsrm -f lo.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o lo.gmo lo.po [ 278s] , 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] ko_KR.po: 82 translated messageslt.po: 23 translated messages, 64 untranslated messages. [ 278s] , 1 fuzzy translation, 4 untranslated messages. [ 278s] lo.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f lv.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o lv.gmo lv.po [ 278s] rm -f mn_MN.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o mn_MN.gmo mn_MN.po [ 278s] rm -f mk.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o mk.gmo mk.po [ 278s] rm -f ml.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ml.gmo ml.po [ 278s] lv.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] mk.po: 11 translated messagesmn_MN.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] , 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f mr.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o mr.gmo mr.po [ 278s] rm -f my_MM.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o my_MM.gmo my_MM.po [ 278s] ml.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ms.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ms.gmo ms.po [ 278s] mr.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] my_MM.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] ms.po: 11 translated messagesrm -f my_ZG.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o my_ZG.gmo my_ZG.po [ 278s] , 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f nb.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o nb.gmo nb.po [ 278s] my_ZG.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ne.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ne.gmo ne.po [ 278s] rm -f nl.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o nl.gmo nl.po [ 278s] ne.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f or.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o or.gmo or.po [ 278s] nb.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] nl.po: 16 translated messages, 3 fuzzy translations, 68 untranslated messagesor.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f pa.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o pa.gmo pa.po [ 278s] . [ 278s] rm -f pl.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o pl.gmo pl.po [ 278s] pa.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ps.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ps.gmo ps.po [ 278s] pl.po: 68 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 17 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f pt.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o pt.gmo pt.po [ 278s] rm -f pt_BR.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o pt_BR.gmo pt_BR.po [ 278s] ps.po: 1 translated message, 86 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f pt_PT.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o pt_PT.gmo pt_PT.po [ 278s] pt.po: 64 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 21 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ro.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ro.gmo ro.po [ 278s] pt_BR.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] pt_PT.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ru.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ru.gmo ru.po [ 278s] ro.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f ru_RU.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ru_RU.gmo ru_RU.po [ 278s] rm -f si.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o si.gmo si.po [ 278s] ru.po: 67 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 18 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f sk.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o sk.gmo sk.po [ 278s] si.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f sl.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o sl.gmo sl.po [ 278s] ru_RU.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messagessk.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] . [ 278s] rm -f sq.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o sq.gmo sq.po [ 278s] sl.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f sr.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o sr.gmo sr.po [ 278s] rm -f ta.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ta.gmo ta.po [ 278s] rm -f sv.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o sv.gmo sv.po [ 278s] sq.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] ta.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] sv.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f te.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o te.gmo te.po [ 278s] rm -f th.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o th.gmo th.po [ 278s] sr.po: 74 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 11 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f tl.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o tl.gmo tl.po [ 278s] te.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] th.po: 11 translated messagestl.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] , 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f tr_TR.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o tr_TR.gmo tr_TR.po [ 278s] rm -f ur.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o ur.gmo ur.po [ 278s] rm -f uk.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o uk.gmo uk.po [ 278s] tr_TR.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f uz.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o uz.gmo uz.po [ 278s] ur.po: uz.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] uk.po: 32 translated messages, 12 fuzzy translations, 43 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f vi.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o vi.gmo vi.po [ 278s] 1 translated message, 86 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f yi.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o yi.gmo yi.po [ 278s] rm -f tr.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o tr.gmo tr.po [ 278s] vi.po: 81 translated messages, 1 fuzzy translation, 5 untranslated messages. [ 278s] tr.po: yi.po: 1 translated message, 86 untranslated messages. [ 278s] 64 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 21 untranslated messages. [ 278s] rm -f zh_CN.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o zh_CN.gmo zh_CN.po [ 278s] make[3]: 'fr.gmo' is up to date. [ 278s] rm -f zh_HK.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o zh_HK.gmo zh_HK.po [ 278s] zh_CN.po: 48 translated messages, 7 fuzzy translations, 32 untranslated messages. [ 278s] zh_HK.po: rm -f zh_TW.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics --verbose -o zh_TW.gmo zh_TW.po [ 278s] 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] zh_TW.po: 11 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 74 untranslated messages. [ 278s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 278s] touch stamp-po [ 278s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 278s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 278s] PC elementary.pc [ 278s] PC elementary-cxx.pc [ 278s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 278s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 278s] + exit 0 [ 278s] Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.RFdDBW [ 278s] + umask 022 [ 278s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 278s] + cd elementary-1.16.0 [ 278s] + LANG=C [ 278s] + export LANG [ 278s] + unset DISPLAY [ 278s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 278s] + mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 278s] + /bin/make DESTDIR=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 INSTALL_ROOT=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 install [ 278s] Making install in src [ 278s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 278s] Making install in lib [ 278s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 278s] /bin/make install-am [ 278s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 279s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 279s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64' [ 279s] /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c libelementary.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64' [ 279s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libelementary.so.1.16.0 /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/libelementary.so.1.16.0 [ 279s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64 && { ln -s -f libelementary.so.1.16.0 libelementary.so.1 || { rm -f libelementary.so.1 && ln -s libelementary.so.1.16.0 libelementary.so.1; }; }) [ 279s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64 && { ln -s -f libelementary.so.1.16.0 libelementary.so || { rm -f libelementary.so && ln -s libelementary.so.1.16.0 libelementary.so; }; }) [ 279s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libelementary.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/libelementary.la [ 279s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64' [ 279s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/eolian/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_access.eo elm_actionslider.eo elm_atspi_bridge.eo elm_app_client.eo elm_app_client_view.eo elm_app_server.eo elm_app_server_view.eo elm_atspi_app_object.eo elm_atspi_proxy.eo elm_bg.eo elm_box.eo elm_bubble.eo elm_button.eo elm_calendar.eo elm_check.eo elm_clock.eo elm_colorselector.eo elm_conformant.eo elm_container.eo elm_ctxpopup.eo elm_datetime.eo elm_dayselector.eo elm_diskselector.eo elm_entry.eo elm_fileselector.eo elm_fileselector_button.eo elm_fileselector_entry.eo elm_flip.eo elm_flipselector.eo elm_frame.eo elm_gengrid.eo elm_gengrid_pan.eo elm_genlist.eo elm_genlist_pan.eo elm_gesture_layer.eo elm_glview.eo elm_grid.eo elm_hover.eo elm_hoversel.eo elm_icon.eo '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/eolian/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_image.eo elm_index.eo elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo elm_interface_atspi_action.eo elm_interface_atspi_component.eo elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.eo elm_interface_atspi_image.eo elm_interface_atspi_selection.eo elm_interface_atspi_text.eo elm_interface_atspi_value.eo elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo elm_interface_atspi_window.eo elm_interface_fileselector.eo elm_interface_scrollable.eo elm_inwin.eo elm_label.eo elm_layout.eo elm_list.eo elm_map.eo elm_map_pan.eo elm_mapbuf.eo elm_menu.eo elm_multibuttonentry.eo elm_naviframe.eo elm_notify.eo elm_pan.eo elm_panel.eo elm_panes.eo elm_photo.eo elm_photocam.eo elm_photocam_pan.eo elm_player.eo elm_plug.eo elm_popup.eo elm_prefs.eo elm_progressbar.eo elm_radio.eo elm_route.eo elm_scroller.eo elm_segment_control.eo '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/eolian/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_separator.eo elm_slider.eo elm_slideshow.eo elm_spinner.eo elm_systray.eo elm_table.eo elm_thumb.eo elm_toolbar.eo elm_video.eo elm_widget.eo elm_win.eo elm_win_standard.eo elm_widget_item.eo elm_color_item.eo elm_dayselector_item.eo elm_hoversel_item.eo elm_segment_control_item.eo elm_slideshow_item.eo elm_flipselector_item.eo elm_menu_item.eo elm_ctxpopup_item.eo elm_index_item.eo elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo elm_naviframe_item.eo elm_genlist_item.eo elm_gengrid_item.eo elm_list_item.eo elm_toolbar_item.eo elm_diskselector_item.eo elm_popup_item.eo elm_general.eot '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/eolian/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 Elementary.h Elementary_Cursor.h Elementary_GL_Helpers.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elc_ctxpopup.h elc_ctxpopup_eo.h elc_ctxpopup_legacy.h elc_fileselector.h elc_fileselector_eo.h elc_fileselector_legacy.h elc_fileselector_common.h elc_fileselector_button.h elc_fileselector_button_eo.h elc_fileselector_button_legacy.h elc_fileselector_entry.h elc_fileselector_entry_eo.h elc_fileselector_entry_legacy.h elc_hoversel.h elc_hoversel_eo.h elc_hoversel_legacy.h elc_multibuttonentry.h elc_multibuttonentry_eo.h elc_multibuttonentry_legacy.h elc_multibuttonentry_common.h elc_naviframe.h elc_naviframe_eo.h elc_naviframe_legacy.h elc_naviframe_common.h elc_popup.h elc_popup_eo.h elc_popup_legacy.h elm_access.h elm_actionslider.h elm_actionslider_eo.h elm_actionslider_legacy.h elm_app_common.h elm_app_server_eo.h elm_app_server_view_eo.h elm_app_server_view.h elm_app_server_eet.h elm_app_server.h elm_app_client_eo.h elm_app_client.h elm_app_client_view_eo.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_app_client_view.h elm_app.h elm_atspi_app_object.h elm_atspi_proxy.h elm_authors.h elm_bg.h elm_bg_eo.h elm_bg_legacy.h elm_box.h elm_box_eo.h elm_box_legacy.h elm_box_common.h elm_bubble.h elm_bubble_eo.h elm_bubble_legacy.h elm_button.h elm_button_eo.h elm_button_legacy.h elm_cache.h elm_calendar.h elm_calendar_eo.h elm_calendar_legacy.h elm_calendar_common.h elm_check.h elm_check_eo.h elm_check_legacy.h elm_clock.h elm_clock_eo.h elm_clock_legacy.h elm_cnp.h elm_colorselector.h elm_colorselector_eo.h elm_colorselector_legacy.h elm_colorselector_common.h elm_color_class.h elm_config.h elm_conform.h elm_conform_eo.h elm_conform_legacy.h elm_container.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_cursor.h elm_datetime.h elm_datetime_common.h elm_datetime_eo.h elm_datetime_legacy.h elm_dayselector.h elm_dayselector_eo.h elm_dayselector_legacy.h elm_debug.h elm_deprecated.h elm_diskselector.h elm_diskselector_common.h elm_diskselector_eo.h elm_diskselector_legacy.h elm_entry.h elm_entry_common.h elm_entry_eo.h elm_entry_legacy.h elm_finger.h elm_flip.h elm_flip_eo.h elm_flip_legacy.h elm_flipselector.h elm_flipselector_eo.h elm_flipselector_legacy.h elm_focus.h elm_focus_item.h elm_font.h elm_frame.h elm_frame_eo.h elm_frame_legacy.h elm_gen.h elm_general.h elm_gengrid.h elm_gengrid_common.h elm_gengrid_eo.h elm_gengrid_legacy.h elm_genlist.h elm_genlist_common.h elm_genlist_eo.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_genlist_legacy.h elm_gesture_layer.h elm_gesture_layer_common.h elm_gesture_layer_eo.h elm_gesture_layer_legacy.h elm_getting_started.h elm_glview.h elm_glview_common.h elm_glview_eo.h elm_glview_legacy.h elm_grid.h elm_grid_eo.h elm_grid_legacy.h elm_hover.h elm_hover_eo.h elm_hover_legacy.h elm_icon.h elm_icon_eo.h elm_icon_legacy.h elm_image.h elm_image_common.h elm_image_eo.h elm_image_legacy.h elm_index.h elm_index_eo.h elm_index_legacy.h elm_intro.h elm_inwin.h elm_inwin_eo.h elm_inwin_legacy.h elm_label.h elm_label_eo.h elm_label_legacy.h elm_layout.h elm_layout_common.h elm_layout_eo.h elm_layout_legacy.h elm_list.h elm_list_eo.h elm_list_legacy.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_macros.h elm_map.h elm_map_common.h elm_map_eo.h elm_map_legacy.h elm_mapbuf.h elm_mapbuf_eo.h elm_mapbuf_legacy.h elm_menu.h elm_menu_eo.h elm_menu_legacy.h elm_mirroring.h elm_need.h elm_notify.h elm_notify_common.h elm_notify_eo.h elm_notify_legacy.h elm_object.h elm_object_item.h elm_panel.h elm_panel_common.h elm_panel_eo.h elm_panel_legacy.h elm_panes.h elm_panes_eo.h elm_panes_legacy.h elm_photo.h elm_photo_eo.h elm_photo_legacy.h elm_photocam.h elm_photocam_eo.h elm_photocam_legacy.h elm_plug.h elm_plug_eo.h elm_plug_legacy.h elm_prefs.h elm_prefs_common.h elm_prefs_eo.h elm_prefs_legacy.h elm_prefs_data.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_progressbar.h elm_progressbar_common.h elm_progressbar_eo.h elm_progressbar_legacy.h elm_radio.h elm_radio_eo.h elm_radio_legacy.h elm_route.h elm_route_eo.h elm_route_legacy.h elm_scale.h elm_scroll.h elm_scroller.h elm_scroller_eo.h elm_scroller_legacy.h elm_segment_control.h elm_segment_control_eo.h elm_segment_control_legacy.h elm_separator.h elm_separator_eo.h elm_separator_legacy.h elm_slider.h elm_slider_common.h elm_slider_eo.h elm_slider_legacy.h elm_slideshow.h elm_slideshow_common.h elm_slideshow_eo.h elm_slideshow_legacy.h elm_spinner.h elm_spinner_eo.h elm_spinner_legacy.h elm_store.h elm_systray.h elm_systray_eo.h elm_systray_common.h elm_systray_watcher.h elm_sys_notify.h elm_table.h elm_table_eo.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_table_legacy.h elm_theme.h elm_thumb.h elm_thumb_common.h elm_thumb_eo.h elm_thumb_legacy.h elm_toolbar.h elm_toolbar_common.h elm_toolbar_eo.h elm_toolbar_legacy.h elm_tooltip.h elm_transit.h elm_video.h elm_video_eo.h elm_video_legacy.h elm_win.h elm_win_common.h elm_win_eo.h elm_win_legacy.h elm_win_standard.h elm_win_standard.eo.h elm_helper.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1/' [ 279s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_gen_common.h elm_atspi_bridge.h elm_interface_atspi_accessible.h elm_interface_atspi_text.h elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.h elm_interface_atspi_window.h elm_interface_fileselector.h elm_interface_scrollable.h elm_interfaces.h elm_widget.h elm_widget_actionslider.h elm_widget_bg.h elm_widget_box.h elm_widget_bubble.h elm_widget_button.h elm_widget_calendar.h elm_widget_check.h elm_widget_clock.h elm_widget_colorselector.h elm_widget_conform.h elm_widget_container.h elm_widget_ctxpopup.h elm_widget_datetime.h elm_widget_dayselector.h elm_widget_diskselector.h elm_widget_entry.h elm_widget_fileselector.h elm_widget_fileselector_button.h elm_widget_fileselector_entry.h elm_widget_flip.h elm_widget_flipselector.h elm_widget_frame.h elm_widget_gengrid.h elm_widget_genlist.h elm_widget_glview.h elm_widget_grid.h elm_widget_hover.h elm_widget_hoversel.h elm_widget_icon.h elm_widget_image.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_widget_index.h elm_widget_inwin.h elm_widget_label.h elm_widget_layout.h elm_widget_list.h elm_widget_map.h elm_widget_mapbuf.h elm_widget_menu.h elm_widget_multibuttonentry.h elm_widget_naviframe.h elm_widget_notify.h elm_widget_panel.h elm_widget_panes.h elm_widget_photo.h elm_widget_photocam.h elm_widget_player.h elm_widget_plug.h elm_widget_popup.h elm_widget_prefs.h elm_widget_progressbar.h elm_widget_radio.h elm_widget_route.h elm_widget_scroller.h elm_widget_segment_control.h elm_widget_separator.h elm_widget_slider.h elm_widget_slideshow.h elm_widget_spinner.h elm_widget_table.h elm_widget_thumb.h elm_widget_toolbar.h elm_widget_video.h elm_widget_web.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_access.eo.h elm_actionslider.eo.h elm_atspi_bridge.eo.h elm_app_client.eo.h elm_app_client_view.eo.h elm_app_server.eo.h elm_app_server_view.eo.h elm_atspi_app_object.eo.h elm_atspi_proxy.eo.h elm_bg.eo.h elm_box.eo.h elm_bubble.eo.h elm_button.eo.h elm_calendar.eo.h elm_check.eo.h elm_clock.eo.h elm_colorselector.eo.h elm_conformant.eo.h elm_container.eo.h elm_ctxpopup.eo.h elm_datetime.eo.h elm_dayselector.eo.h elm_diskselector.eo.h elm_entry.eo.h elm_fileselector.eo.h elm_fileselector_button.eo.h elm_fileselector_entry.eo.h elm_flip.eo.h elm_flipselector.eo.h elm_frame.eo.h elm_gengrid.eo.h elm_gengrid_pan.eo.h elm_genlist.eo.h elm_genlist_pan.eo.h elm_gesture_layer.eo.h elm_glview.eo.h elm_grid.eo.h elm_hover.eo.h elm_hoversel.eo.h elm_icon.eo.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_image.eo.h elm_index.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_action.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_component.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_image.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_selection.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_text.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_value.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo.h elm_interface_atspi_window.eo.h elm_interface_fileselector.eo.h elm_interface_scrollable.eo.h elm_inwin.eo.h elm_label.eo.h elm_layout.eo.h elm_list.eo.h elm_map.eo.h elm_map_pan.eo.h elm_mapbuf.eo.h elm_menu.eo.h elm_multibuttonentry.eo.h elm_naviframe.eo.h elm_notify.eo.h elm_pan.eo.h elm_panel.eo.h elm_panes.eo.h elm_photo.eo.h elm_photocam.eo.h elm_photocam_pan.eo.h elm_player.eo.h elm_plug.eo.h elm_popup.eo.h elm_prefs.eo.h elm_progressbar.eo.h elm_radio.eo.h elm_route.eo.h elm_scroller.eo.h elm_segment_control.eo.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_separator.eo.h elm_slider.eo.h elm_slideshow.eo.h elm_spinner.eo.h elm_systray.eo.h elm_table.eo.h elm_thumb.eo.h elm_toolbar.eo.h elm_video.eo.h elm_widget.eo.h elm_win.eo.h elm_win_standard.eo.h elm_widget_item.eo.h elm_color_item.eo.h elm_dayselector_item.eo.h elm_hoversel_item.eo.h elm_segment_control_item.eo.h elm_slideshow_item.eo.h elm_flipselector_item.eo.h elm_menu_item.eo.h elm_ctxpopup_item.eo.h elm_index_item.eo.h elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo.h elm_naviframe_item.eo.h elm_genlist_item.eo.h elm_gengrid_item.eo.h elm_list_item.eo.h elm_toolbar_item.eo.h elm_diskselector_item.eo.h elm_popup_item.eo.h elm_access.eo.legacy.h elm_actionslider.eo.legacy.h elm_atspi_bridge.eo.legacy.h elm_app_client.eo.legacy.h elm_app_client_view.eo.legacy.h elm_app_server.eo.legacy.h elm_app_server_view.eo.legacy.h elm_atspi_app_object.eo.legacy.h elm_atspi_proxy.eo.legacy.h elm_bg.eo.legacy.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_box.eo.legacy.h elm_bubble.eo.legacy.h elm_button.eo.legacy.h elm_calendar.eo.legacy.h elm_check.eo.legacy.h elm_clock.eo.legacy.h elm_colorselector.eo.legacy.h elm_conformant.eo.legacy.h elm_container.eo.legacy.h elm_ctxpopup.eo.legacy.h elm_datetime.eo.legacy.h elm_dayselector.eo.legacy.h elm_diskselector.eo.legacy.h elm_entry.eo.legacy.h elm_fileselector.eo.legacy.h elm_fileselector_button.eo.legacy.h elm_fileselector_entry.eo.legacy.h elm_flip.eo.legacy.h elm_flipselector.eo.legacy.h elm_frame.eo.legacy.h elm_gengrid.eo.legacy.h elm_gengrid_pan.eo.legacy.h elm_genlist.eo.legacy.h elm_genlist_pan.eo.legacy.h elm_gesture_layer.eo.legacy.h elm_glview.eo.legacy.h elm_grid.eo.legacy.h elm_hover.eo.legacy.h elm_hoversel.eo.legacy.h elm_icon.eo.legacy.h elm_image.eo.legacy.h elm_index.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_accessible.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_action.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_component.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_editable_text.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_image.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_selection.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_text.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_value.eo.legacy.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_interface_atspi_widget_action.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_atspi_window.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_fileselector.eo.legacy.h elm_interface_scrollable.eo.legacy.h elm_inwin.eo.legacy.h elm_label.eo.legacy.h elm_layout.eo.legacy.h elm_list.eo.legacy.h elm_map.eo.legacy.h elm_map_pan.eo.legacy.h elm_mapbuf.eo.legacy.h elm_menu.eo.legacy.h elm_multibuttonentry.eo.legacy.h elm_naviframe.eo.legacy.h elm_notify.eo.legacy.h elm_pan.eo.legacy.h elm_panel.eo.legacy.h elm_panes.eo.legacy.h elm_photo.eo.legacy.h elm_photocam.eo.legacy.h elm_photocam_pan.eo.legacy.h elm_player.eo.legacy.h elm_plug.eo.legacy.h elm_popup.eo.legacy.h elm_prefs.eo.legacy.h elm_progressbar.eo.legacy.h elm_radio.eo.legacy.h elm_route.eo.legacy.h elm_scroller.eo.legacy.h elm_segment_control.eo.legacy.h elm_separator.eo.legacy.h elm_slider.eo.legacy.h elm_slideshow.eo.legacy.h elm_spinner.eo.legacy.h elm_systray.eo.legacy.h elm_table.eo.legacy.h elm_thumb.eo.legacy.h elm_toolbar.eo.legacy.h elm_video.eo.legacy.h elm_widget.eo.legacy.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_win.eo.legacy.h elm_win_standard.eo.legacy.h elm_widget_item.eo.legacy.h elm_color_item.eo.legacy.h elm_dayselector_item.eo.legacy.h elm_hoversel_item.eo.legacy.h elm_segment_control_item.eo.legacy.h elm_slideshow_item.eo.legacy.h elm_flipselector_item.eo.legacy.h elm_menu_item.eo.legacy.h elm_ctxpopup_item.eo.legacy.h elm_index_item.eo.legacy.h elm_multibuttonentry_item.eo.legacy.h elm_naviframe_item.eo.legacy.h elm_genlist_item.eo.legacy.h elm_gengrid_item.eo.legacy.h elm_list_item.eo.legacy.h elm_toolbar_item.eo.legacy.h elm_diskselector_item.eo.legacy.h elm_popup_item.eo.legacy.h elm_general.eot.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/include/elementary-1' [ 279s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 279s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 279s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/lib' [ 279s] Making install in bin [ 280s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/bin' [ 280s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/bin' [ 280s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin' [ 280s] /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c elementary_test elementary_config elementary_codegen elm_prefs_cc elementary_quicklaunch elementary_run '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin' [ 280s] libtool: install: warning: `../../src/lib/libelementary.la' has not been installed in `/usr/lib64' [ 280s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/elementary_test /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_test [ 280s] libtool: install: warning: `../../src/lib/libelementary.la' has not been installed in `/usr/lib64' [ 280s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/elementary_config /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_config [ 280s] libtool: install: warning: `../../src/lib/libelementary.la' has not been installed in `/usr/lib64' [ 280s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/elementary_codegen /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_codegen [ 280s] libtool: install: warning: `../../src/lib/libelementary.la' has not been installed in `/usr/lib64' [ 280s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/elm_prefs_cc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elm_prefs_cc [ 280s] libtool: install: warning: `../../src/lib/libelementary.la' has not been installed in `/usr/lib64' [ 280s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/elementary_quicklaunch /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_quicklaunch [ 280s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c elementary_run /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_run [ 280s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 280s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/bin' [ 280s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/bin' [ 280s] Making install in imported [ 280s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 280s] Making install in atspi [ 280s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported/atspi' [ 280s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported/atspi' [ 280s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 280s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 280s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported/atspi' [ 280s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported/atspi' [ 280s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 280s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 280s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 280s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 280s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 280s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 280s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/imported' [ 280s] Making install in modules [ 280s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 280s] Making install in prefs [ 280s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs' [ 280s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs' [ 280s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 280s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0' [ 280s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elm_prefs_swallow.edj '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0' [ 280s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0' [ 280s] /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0' [ 280s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 280s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --tag disable-static --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -no-undefined -module -avoid-version -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0 module_la-prefs_iface.lo module_la-elm_button.lo module_la-elm_check.lo module_la-elm_datetime.lo module_la-elm_entry.lo module_la-elm_label.lo module_la-elm_separator.lo module_la-elm_slider.lo module_la-elm_spinner.lo module_la-elm_swallow.lo module_la-elm_vertical_box.lo module_la-elm_horizontal_box.lo module_la-elm_vertical_frame.lo module_la-elm_horizontal_frame.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0/module.la [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs' [ 281s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/prefs' [ 281s] Making install in test_entry [ 281s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry' [ 281s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry' [ 281s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 281s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 281s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --tag disable-static --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -module -no-undefined -avoid-version -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0 module_la-mod.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0/module.la [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry' [ 281s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_entry' [ 281s] Making install in test_map [ 281s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map' [ 281s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map' [ 281s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 281s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 281s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --tag disable-static --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -module -no-undefined -avoid-version -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0 module_la-mod.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0/module.la [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map' [ 281s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/test_map' [ 281s] Making install in access_output [ 281s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output' [ 281s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output' [ 281s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 281s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 281s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --tag disable-static --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -module -no-undefined -avoid-version -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0 module_la-mod.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 281s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0/module.la [ 281s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0' [ 281s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output' [ 281s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/access_output' [ 281s] Making install in datetime_input_ctxpopup [ 282s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 282s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0' [ 282s] /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0' [ 282s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 282s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --tag disable-static --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -no-undefined -module -avoid-version -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0 module_la-datetime_input_ctxpopup.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 282s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 282s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0/module.la [ 282s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0' [ 282s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup' [ 282s] Making install in copypasteUI_ctxpopup [ 282s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 282s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0' [ 282s] /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0' [ 282s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 282s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --tag disable-static --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -no-undefined -module -avoid-version -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0 module_la-copypaste.lo module_la-cbhm_helper.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 282s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 282s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0/module.la [ 282s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0' [ 282s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup' [ 282s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 282s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 282s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 282s] make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 282s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 282s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 282s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/modules' [ 282s] Making install in edje_externals [ 282s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals' [ 282s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals' [ 282s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 282s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16' [ 282s] /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c module.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16' [ 282s] libtool: install: warning: relinking `module.la' [ 282s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals; /bin/sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/libtool --silent --tag CC --mode=relink aarch64-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types -Wformat -march=armv8-a+fp+simd+crc+crypto -mtune=cortex-a57.cortex-a53 -g -Wshadow -Wall -W -Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith -Wno-missing-field-initializers -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie -no-undefined -module -avoid-version -shared -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -fno-strict-aliasing -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries -pie -rdynamic -o module.la -rpath /usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16 elm.lo elm_actionslider.lo elm_bg.lo elm_bubble.lo elm_button.lo elm_calendar.lo elm_check.lo elm_clock.lo elm_entry.lo elm_fileselector.lo elm_fileselector_button.lo elm_fileselector_entry.lo elm_frame.lo elm_gengrid.lo elm_genlist.lo elm_hoversel.lo elm_icon.lo elm_index.lo elm_label.lo elm_list.lo elm_map.lo elm_multibuttonentry.lo elm_naviframe.lo elm_notify.lo elm_panes.lo elm_photocam.lo elm_progressbar.lo elm_radio.lo elm_scroller.lo elm_segment_control.lo elm_slider.lo elm_slideshow.lo elm_spinner.lo elm_thumb.lo elm_toolbar.lo elm_video.lo -lecore_drm -lecore_wayland -lecore_fb -licui18n -licuuc -licudata -lefl -leina -lpthread -leet -levas -lecore -lecore_evas -lecore_file -lecore_input -ledje -leo -lethumb_client -lemotion -lecore_imf -lecore_con -leldbus -lefreet -lefreet_mime -lefreet_trash -leio -ldl -lm ../../src/lib/libelementary.la -inst-prefix-dir /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64) [ 283s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.soT /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16/module.so [ 283s] libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/module.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16/module.la [ 283s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/edje_externals' [ 283s] Making install in examples [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] /bin/make install-recursive [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] Making install in sphere_hunter [ 283s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/sphere_hunter' [ 283s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/sphere_hunter' [ 283s] make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/sphere_hunter' [ 283s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/sphere_hunter' [ 283s] Making install in performance [ 283s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/performance' [ 283s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/performance' [ 283s] make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/performance' [ 283s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples/performance' [ 283s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/examples' [ 283s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src/examples' [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 283s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/src' [ 283s] Making install in data [ 283s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 283s] Making install in themes [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/themes' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/themes' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/themes' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 default.edj '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/themes' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/themes' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/themes' [ 283s] Making install in images [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/images' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/images' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/images' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 insanely_huge_test_image.jpg panel_01.jpg plant_01.jpg pol_shadow.png pol_sky.png pol_twofish.png rock_01.jpg rock_02.jpg sky_01.jpg sky_02.jpg sky_03.jpg sky_04.jpg wood_01.jpg logo.png logo_small.png animated_logo.gif parking.png icon_00.png icon_01.png icon_02.png icon_03.png icon_04.png icon_05.png icon_06.png icon_07.png icon_08.png icon_09.png icon_10.png icon_11.png icon_12.png icon_13.png icon_14.png icon_15.png icon_16.png icon_17.png icon_18.png icon_19.png icon_20.png icon_21.png icon_22.png '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/images' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 icon_23.png icon_right_arrow.png bubble.png bubble_sh.png mystrale.jpg mystrale_2.jpg twofish.jpg pt.png earth_normal.png space.png '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/images' [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/images/g_layer' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 g_layer/double_tap_1.png g_layer/line_1.png g_layer/momentum_1.png g_layer/tap_5.png g_layer/double_tap_2.png g_layer/line_2.png g_layer/momentum_2.png g_layer/triple_tap_1.png g_layer/double_tap_3.png g_layer/line_3.png g_layer/momentum_3.png g_layer/triple_tap_2.png g_layer/double_tap_4.png g_layer/line_4.png g_layer/momentum_4.png g_layer/triple_tap_3.png g_layer/double_tap_5.png g_layer/line_5.png g_layer/momentum_5.png g_layer/triple_tap_4.png g_layer/flick_1.png g_layer/long_tap_1.png g_layer/rotate_1.png g_layer/triple_tap_5.png g_layer/flick_2.png g_layer/long_tap_2.png g_layer/tap_1.png g_layer/zoom_1.png g_layer/flick_3.png g_layer/long_tap_3.png g_layer/tap_2.png g_layer/flick_4.png g_layer/long_tap_4.png g_layer/tap_3.png g_layer/flick_5.png g_layer/long_tap_5.png g_layer/tap_4.png '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/images/g_layer' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/images' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/images' [ 283s] Making install in objects [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/objects' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/objects' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/objects' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 test.edj test_external.edj multip.edj cursors.edj font_preview.edj postit_ent.edj multibuttonentry.edj test_prefs.edj test_prefs.epb test_focus_style.edj '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/objects' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/objects' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/objects' [ 283s] Making install in desktop [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/desktop' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/desktop' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/applications' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elementary_test.desktop elementary_config.desktop '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/applications' [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/icons' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elementary.png '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/icons' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/desktop' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/desktop' [ 283s] Making install in edje_externals [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/edje_externals' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/edje_externals' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/edje_externals' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 icons.edj '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/edje_externals' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/edje_externals' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data/edje_externals' [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 283s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/data' [ 283s] Making install in config [ 283s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 283s] Making install in default [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/default' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/default' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config/default' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 profile.desktop icon.png base.cfg '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config/default' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/default' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/default' [ 283s] Making install in standard [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/standard' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/standard' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config/standard' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 profile.desktop icon.png base.cfg '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config/standard' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/standard' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/standard' [ 283s] Making install in mobile [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/mobile' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/mobile' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config/mobile' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 profile.desktop icon.png base.cfg '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config/mobile' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/mobile' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config/mobile' [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config' [ 283s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 profile.cfg '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/elementary/config' [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 283s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/config' [ 283s] Making install in doc [ 283s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 283s] Making install in widgets [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc/widgets' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc/widgets' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc/widgets' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc/widgets' [ 283s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 283s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 283s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 283s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 283s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/doc' [ 283s] Making install in po [ 283s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 283s] Makefile:414: target 'fr.po' given more than once in the same rule [ 283s] installing ar.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing as.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/as/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing az.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing az_IR.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/az_IR/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing bg.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing bn.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing bn_BD.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/bn_BD/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing ca.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing cs.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing da.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing de.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing el.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing el_GR.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing en_PH.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/en_PH/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing en.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing en_US.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing eo.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing es.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing es_ES.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing es_US.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/es_US/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing et.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing eu.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 284s] installing fa.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing fi.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing fr.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing fr_CA.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/fr_CA/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing fr.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing ga.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing gl.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing gu.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/gu/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing he.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing hi.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing hr.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing hu.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing hy.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing id.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing is.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing it.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing it_IT.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing ja_JP.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing ka.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing kk.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/kk/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing km.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/km/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing kn.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/kn/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing ko_KR.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 285s] installing lo.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/lo/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing lt.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing lv.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing mk.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/mk/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ml.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ml/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing mn_MN.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/mn_MN/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing mr.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/mr/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ms.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing my_MM.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/my_MM/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing my_ZG.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/my_ZG/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing nb.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ne.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing nl.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing or.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/or/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing pa.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing pl.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ps.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ps/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing pt.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing pt_BR.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing pt_PT.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ro.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ru.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing ru_RU.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing si.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/si/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing sk.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing sl.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing sq.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/sq/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing sr.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 286s] installing sv.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing ta.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing te.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/te/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing th.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/th/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing tl.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/tl/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing tr_TR.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing uk.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing ur.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/ur/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing uz.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/uz/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing vi.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing yi.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/yi/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing tr.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing zh_CN.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing zh_HK.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/zh_HK/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] installing zh_TW.gmo as /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo [ 287s] if test "elementary" = "gettext-tools"; then \ [ 287s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/gettext/po; \ [ 287s] for file in Makefile.in.in remove-potcdate.sin quot.sed boldquot.sed en@quot.header en@boldquot.header insert-header.sin Rules-quot Makevars.template; do \ [ 287s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./$file \ [ 287s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/gettext/po/$file; \ [ 287s] done; \ [ 287s] for file in Makevars; do \ [ 287s] rm -f /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/gettext/po/$file; \ [ 287s] done; \ [ 287s] else \ [ 287s] : ; \ [ 287s] fi [ 287s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0/po' [ 287s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 287s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 287s] make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 287s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/cmake/Elementary' [ 287s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 cmakeconfig/ElementaryConfig.cmake cmakeconfig/ElementaryConfigVersion.cmake '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/cmake/Elementary' [ 287s] /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/pkgconfig' [ 287s] /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 elementary.pc elementary-cxx.pc '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/pkgconfig' [ 287s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 287s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0' [ 287s] + rm -f /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/info/dir [ 287s] + xargs rm -f -- [ 287s] + find /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 -regex '.*\.la$' [ 287s] + find /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 -regex '.*\.a$' [ 287s] + xargs rm -f -- [ 287s] + mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d [ 287s] + install -m 0644 /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/elementary.conf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/elementary.conf [ 287s] + /usr/lib/rpm/find-lang.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 elementary [ 287s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/bn_BD/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 21 translated messages. [ 287s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 32 translated messages. [ 288s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/lo/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 288s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/yi/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 1 translated message. [ 288s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 32 translated messages. [ 288s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/si/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 288s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/ps/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 1 translated message. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/tl/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/en_PH/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/mn_MN/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 32 translated messages. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/my_MM/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/uz/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 32 translated messages. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/az_IR/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 1 translated message. [ 289s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/es_US/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 32 translated messages. [ 290s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/hy/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 32 translated messages. [ 290s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/ur/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 1 translated message. [ 290s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/my_ZG/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 290s] removing translation /usr/share/locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/elementary.mo: 11 translated messages. [ 290s] find: `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/help/': No such file or directory [ 290s] + /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/elementary-1.16.0 [ 290s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_codegen [ 291s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_config [ 291s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_quicklaunch [ 291s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_run [ 291s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elementary_test [ 292s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/bin/elm_prefs_cc [ 292s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/edje/modules/elm/v-1.16/module.so [ 293s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/access_output/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 293s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/copypasteUI_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 293s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/datetime_input_ctxpopup/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 294s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/prefs/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 294s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_entry/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 294s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/elementary/modules/test_map/v-1.16.0/module.so [ 294s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/lib64/libelementary.so.1.16.0 [ 295s] cpio: glibc-2.20/csu: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 295s] cpio: glibc-2.20/csu/init.c: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 295s] cpio: glibc-2.20/sysdeps/aarch64/crti.S: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 295s] cpio: glibc-2.20/sysdeps/aarch64/crtn.S: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 295s] cpio: glibc-2.20/sysdeps/aarch64/start.S: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 295s] 20454 blocks [ 295s] + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot [ 296s] + /usr/lib/rpm//brp-compress [ 296s] + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /bin/strip [ 305s] + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink [ 305s] + /usr/lib/rpm/tizen/find-docs.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 305s] Processing files: elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 305s] Aptk: PG1hbmlmZXN0PgogPHJlcXVlc3Q+CiAgICA8ZG9tYWluIG5hbWU9Il8iLz4KIDwv [ 305s] cmVxdWVzdD4KIDxhc3NpZ24+CiAgICA8ZmlsZXN5c3RlbSBwYXRoPSIvdXNyL3No [ 305s] YXJlL2xvY2FsZSIgbGFiZWw9Il8iLz4KICAgIDxmaWxlc3lzdGVtIHBhdGg9Ii91 [ 305s] c3Ivc2hhcmUvbG9jYWxlLyoiIGxhYmVsPSJfIi8+CiA8L2Fzc2lnbj4KPC9tYW5p [ 305s] ZmVzdD4K [ 305s] [ 305s] Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.JMY1UR [ 305s] + umask 022 [ 305s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 305s] + cd elementary-1.16.0 [ 305s] + LICENSEDIR=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/licenses/elementary [ 305s] + export LICENSEDIR [ 305s] + /bin/mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/licenses/elementary [ 305s] + cp -pr COPYING /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64/usr/share/licenses/elementary [ 305s] + exit 0 [ 306s] Provides: elementary = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 libelementary.so.1()(64bit) module.so()(64bit) [ 306s] Requires(interp): /sbin/ldconfig /sbin/ldconfig [ 306s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 306s] Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig [ 306s] Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig [ 306s] Requires: ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit) ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc.so.6()(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libdl.so.2()(64bit) libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libecore.so.1()(64bit) libecore_con.so.1()(64bit) libecore_evas.so.1()(64bit) libecore_file.so.1()(64bit) libecore_imf.so.1()(64bit) libecore_input.so.1()(64bit) libecore_wayland.so.1()(64bit) libedje.so.1()(64bit) libeet.so.1()(64bit) libefl.so.1()(64bit) libefreet.so.1()(64bit) libefreet_mime.so.1()(64bit) libefreet_trash.so.1()(64bit) libeina.so.1()(64bit) libeio.so.1()(64bit) libeldbus.so.1()(64bit) libelementary.so.1()(64bit) libemotion.so.1()(64bit) libeo.so.1()(64bit) libethumb_client.so.1()(64bit) libevas.so.1()(64bit) libicui18n.so.57()(64bit) libicuuc.so.57()(64bit) libm.so.6()(64bit) libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libpthread.so.0()(64bit) libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libttrace.so.1()(64bit) [ 306s] Processing files: elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 306s] Provides: elementary-debugsource = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary-debugsource(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 [ 306s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 [ 306s] Processing files: elementary-tools-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 306s] Aptk: PG1hbmlmZXN0PgogPHJlcXVlc3Q+CiAgICA8ZG9tYWluIG5hbWU9Il8iLz4KIDwv [ 306s] cmVxdWVzdD4KIDxhc3NpZ24+CiAgICA8ZmlsZXN5c3RlbSBwYXRoPSIvdXNyL3No [ 306s] YXJlL2xvY2FsZSIgbGFiZWw9Il8iLz4KICAgIDxmaWxlc3lzdGVtIHBhdGg9Ii91 [ 306s] c3Ivc2hhcmUvbG9jYWxlLyoiIGxhYmVsPSJfIi8+CiA8L2Fzc2lnbj4KPC9tYW5p [ 306s] ZmVzdD4K [ 306s] [ 306s] Provides: elementary-tools = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary-tools(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 [ 306s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 306s] Requires: ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit) ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc.so.6()(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libecore.so.1()(64bit) libecore_evas.so.1()(64bit) libecore_file.so.1()(64bit) libecore_input.so.1()(64bit) libedje.so.1()(64bit) libeet.so.1()(64bit) libefreet.so.1()(64bit) libeina.so.1()(64bit) libeio.so.1()(64bit) libelementary.so.1()(64bit) libeo.so.1()(64bit) libevas.so.1()(64bit) libm.so.6()(64bit) libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libpthread.so.0()(64bit) libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) [ 306s] Processing files: elementary-devel-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 306s] Aptk: PG1hbmlmZXN0PgogPHJlcXVlc3Q+CiAgICA8ZG9tYWluIG5hbWU9Il8iLz4KIDwv [ 306s] cmVxdWVzdD4KIDxhc3NpZ24+CiAgICA8ZmlsZXN5c3RlbSBwYXRoPSIvdXNyL3No [ 306s] YXJlL2xvY2FsZSIgbGFiZWw9Il8iLz4KICAgIDxmaWxlc3lzdGVtIHBhdGg9Ii91 [ 306s] c3Ivc2hhcmUvbG9jYWxlLyoiIGxhYmVsPSJfIi8+CiA8L2Fzc2lnbj4KPC9tYW5p [ 306s] ZmVzdD4K [ 306s] [ 309s] Provides: elementary-devel = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary-devel(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 pkgconfig(elementary) = 1.16.0 pkgconfig(elementary-cxx) = 1.16.0 [ 309s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 309s] Requires: /usr/bin/pkg-config libelementary.so.1()(64bit) pkgconfig(ecore) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-con) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-drm) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-evas) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-fb) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-file) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-imf) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-input) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ecore-wayland) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(edje) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(eet) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(efl) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(efreet) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(efreet-mime) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(efreet-trash) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(eina) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(eio) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(eldbus) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(emotion) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(eo) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(ethumb_client) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(evas) >= 1.16.0 pkgconfig(icu-i18n) >= 4.8 [ 309s] Processing files: elementary-theme-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 309s] Aptk: PG1hbmlmZXN0PgogPHJlcXVlc3Q+CiAgICA8ZG9tYWluIG5hbWU9Il8iLz4KIDwv [ 309s] cmVxdWVzdD4KIDxhc3NpZ24+CiAgICA8ZmlsZXN5c3RlbSBwYXRoPSIvdXNyL3No [ 309s] YXJlL2xvY2FsZSIgbGFiZWw9Il8iLz4KICAgIDxmaWxlc3lzdGVtIHBhdGg9Ii91 [ 309s] c3Ivc2hhcmUvbG9jYWxlLyoiIGxhYmVsPSJfIi8+CiA8L2Fzc2lnbj4KPC9tYW5p [ 309s] ZmVzdD4K [ 309s] [ 309s] Provides: elementary-theme = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary-theme(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 [ 309s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 309s] Processing files: elementary-locale-1.16.0-79.1.noarch [ 309s] Provides: elementary-lang-all = 1.16.0 elementary-locale = 1.16.0-79.1 [ 309s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 309s] Processing files: elementary-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] Provides: elementary-debuginfo = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary-debuginfo(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 [ 309s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 309s] Processing files: elementary-tools-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] warning: File listed twice: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id [ 309s] Provides: elementary-tools-debuginfo = 1.16.0-79.1 elementary-tools-debuginfo(aarch-64) = 1.16.0-79.1 [ 309s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 309s] Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 309s] warning: Could not canonicalize hostname: w32 [ 310s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.src.rpm [ 312s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 314s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 318s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-tools-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 318s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-devel-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 320s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-theme-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 320s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/elementary-locale-1.16.0-79.1.noarch.rpm [ 325s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 326s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-tools-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 326s] Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.ucriwe [ 326s] + umask 022 [ 326s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 326s] + cd elementary-1.16.0 [ 326s] + /bin/rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64 [ 326s] + exit 0 [ 326s] ... checking for files with abuild user/group [ 326s] [ 326s] RPMLINT report: [ 326s] =============== [ 326s] qemu: Unsupported syscall: 219 [ 332s] elementary.src: W: invalid-url Source0: elementary-1.16.0.tar.bz2 [ 332s] The value should be a valid, public HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL. [ 332s] [ 332s] 6 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 1 warnings. [ 332s] [ 332s] ... creating baselibs [ 332s] qemu: Unsupported syscall: 219 [ 333s] ... comparing built packages with the former built [ 333s] /usr/lib/build/pkg-diff.sh [ 333s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-1.16.0-78.1.src.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.src.rpm [ 333s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 333s] comparing rpmtags [ 333s] comparing RELEASE [ 333s] comparing PROVIDES [ 333s] comparing scripts [ 333s] comparing filelist [ 333s] comparing file checksum [ 333s] RPM meta information is identical [ 334s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] Comparing elementary-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm to elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 334s] comparing rpmtags [ 334s] --- /tmp/tmp.xiwfB31818/tmp.KpsUB31836 2016-10-20 17:52:41.298268923 +0000 [ 334s] +++ /tmp/tmp.xiwfB31818/tmp.opeBn31838 2016-10-20 17:52:41.310268923 +0000 [ 334s] @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ [ 334s] cpio lzma 5 [ 334s] [ 334s] 1376049600 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) upstream/1.7.5@fc1ed62 - Updated to release 1.7.8 [ 334s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/817b0d6122b0ae6d5281b59de2d70730-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 334s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 334s] RPM meta information is different [ 334s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-debuginfo-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] skipping -debuginfo package [ 334s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] Comparing elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm to elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 334s] comparing rpmtags [ 334s] --- /tmp/tmp.YVYFZ31858/tmp.lCpNf31876 2016-10-20 17:52:41.606268933 +0000 [ 334s] +++ /tmp/tmp.YVYFZ31858/tmp.jkdKf31878 2016-10-20 17:52:41.614268933 +0000 [ 334s] @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ [ 334s] cpio lzma 5 [ 334s] [ 334s] 1376049600 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) upstream/1.7.5@fc1ed62 - Updated to release 1.7.8 [ 334s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/817b0d6122b0ae6d5281b59de2d70730-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 334s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 334s] RPM meta information is different [ 334s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-devel-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-devel-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] Comparing elementary-devel-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm to elementary-devel-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 334s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 334s] comparing rpmtags [ 334s] --- /tmp/tmp.NrLoS31896/tmp.tzWYG31914 2016-10-20 17:52:41.858268942 +0000 [ 334s] +++ /tmp/tmp.NrLoS31896/tmp.mXMtB31916 2016-10-20 17:52:41.866268942 +0000 [ 334s] @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ [ 334s] cpio lzma 5 [ 334s] [ 334s] 1376049600 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) upstream/1.7.5@fc1ed62 - Updated to release 1.7.8 [ 334s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/817b0d6122b0ae6d5281b59de2d70730-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 334s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 334s] RPM meta information is different [ 334s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-locale-1.16.0-78.1.noarch.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/elementary-locale-1.16.0-79.1.noarch.rpm [ 334s] Comparing elementary-locale-1.16.0-78.1.noarch.rpm to elementary-locale-1.16.0-79.1.noarch.rpm [ 335s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 335s] comparing rpmtags [ 335s] --- /tmp/tmp.XAXQd31934/tmp.HFvyd31952 2016-10-20 17:52:42.110268950 +0000 [ 335s] +++ /tmp/tmp.XAXQd31934/tmp.jioGN31954 2016-10-20 17:52:42.126268951 +0000 [ 335s] @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ [ 335s] cpio lzma 5 [ 335s] [ 335s] 1376049600 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) upstream/1.7.5@fc1ed62 - Updated to release 1.7.8 [ 335s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/817b0d6122b0ae6d5281b59de2d70730-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 335s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 335s] RPM meta information is different [ 335s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-theme-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-theme-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 335s] Comparing elementary-theme-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm to elementary-theme-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 335s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 335s] comparing rpmtags [ 335s] --- /tmp/tmp.xsBvm31972/tmp.yhgki31990 2016-10-20 17:52:42.366268959 +0000 [ 335s] +++ /tmp/tmp.xsBvm31972/tmp.DCPbD31992 2016-10-20 17:52:42.378268959 +0000 [ 335s] @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ [ 335s] cpio lzma 5 [ 335s] [ 335s] 1376049600 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) upstream/1.7.5@fc1ed62 - Updated to release 1.7.8 [ 335s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/817b0d6122b0ae6d5281b59de2d70730-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 335s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 335s] RPM meta information is different [ 335s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-tools-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-tools-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 335s] Comparing elementary-tools-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm to elementary-tools-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 335s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 335s] comparing rpmtags [ 335s] --- /tmp/tmp.oXEXa32010/tmp.rIMUO32028 2016-10-20 17:52:42.630268968 +0000 [ 335s] +++ /tmp/tmp.oXEXa32010/tmp.lvwjw32030 2016-10-20 17:52:42.638268968 +0000 [ 335s] @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ [ 335s] cpio lzma 5 [ 335s] [ 335s] 1376049600 Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) upstream/1.7.5@fc1ed62 - Updated to release 1.7.8 [ 335s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/817b0d6122b0ae6d5281b59de2d70730-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 335s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/arm64-wayland/5a96e7f50edf6632736041a91b6cae05-elementary Tizen:Common / arm64-wayland [ 335s] RPM meta information is different [ 335s] compare /.build.oldpackages/elementary-tools-debuginfo-1.16.0-78.1.aarch64.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-tools-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 335s] skipping -debuginfo package [ 335s] comparing /.build.oldpackages/rpmlint.log and /home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/rpmlint.log [ 335s] ... saving built statistics [ 335s] ... saving built packages [ 335s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 335s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-devel-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-theme-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-tools-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/aarch64/elementary-tools-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/elementary-locale-1.16.0-79.1.noarch.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/elementary-1.16.0-79.1.src.rpm [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/_statistics [ 336s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/rpmlint.log [ 336s] [ 336s] w32 finished "build elementary.spec" at Thu Oct 20 17:52:43 UTC 2016. [ 336s] [ 337s] Powering off. [ 337s] [ 323.407198] Power down. [ 337s] build: extracting built packages... [ 337s] elementary-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-debugsource-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-devel-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-theme-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-tools-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-tools-debuginfo-1.16.0-79.1.aarch64.rpm [ 337s] elementary-locale-1.16.0-79.1.noarch.rpm [ 337s] elementary-1.16.0-79.1.src.rpm [ 337s] _statistics [ 337s] rpmlint.log