[ 0s] Using BUILD_ROOT=/srv/build/root_5/.mount [ 0s] Using BUILD_ARCH=i586:i486:i386 [ 0s] Doing kvm build in /srv/build/root_5/root [ 0s] [ 0s] [ 0s] w05 started "build _service:gbs:curl.spec" at Wed Oct 12 15:42:17 UTC 2016. [ 0s] [ 0s] Building curl for project 'Tizen:Common' repository 'ia32-wayland' arch 'i586' srcmd5 '940f407872bb6c54809677099003ac26' [ 0s] [ 0s] processing specfile /srv/build/root_5/.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:curl.spec ... [ 0s] running changelog2spec --target rpm --file /srv/build/root_5/.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:curl.spec [ 0s] init_buildsystem --configdir /var/run/obs/worker/5/build/configs --cachedir /var/cache/build --prepare --clean --rpmlist /srv/build/root_5/.build.rpmlist /srv/build/root_5/.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:curl.spec build rpmlint-Factory ... [ 0s] Copying qemu-fix-build-hang.sh [ 0s] cycle: libsoftokn3 -> nss [ 0s] breaking dependency nss -> libsoftokn3 [ 0s] [1/35] preinstalling libmagic-data... [ 0s] [2/35] preinstalling setup... [ 1s] [3/35] preinstalling filesystem... [ 1s] [4/35] preinstalling glibc... [ 1s] [5/35] preinstalling bash... [ 1s] [6/35] preinstalling diffutils... [ 1s] [7/35] preinstalling grep... [ 1s] [8/35] preinstalling libattr... [ 1s] [9/35] preinstalling libbz2... [ 1s] [10/35] preinstalling libcap... [ 1s] [11/35] preinstalling libelf... [ 1s] [12/35] preinstalling libfreebl3... [ 1s] [13/35] preinstalling libgcc... [ 1s] [14/35] preinstalling liblua... [ 1s] [15/35] preinstalling liblzma... [ 1s] [16/35] preinstalling libncurses... [ 1s] [17/35] preinstalling libpopt... [ 1s] [18/35] preinstalling libsmack... [ 1s] [19/35] preinstalling libsqlite... [ 1s] [20/35] preinstalling nspr... [ 1s] [21/35] preinstalling sed... [ 1s] [22/35] preinstalling zlib... [ 1s] [23/35] preinstalling coreutils... [ 1s] [24/35] preinstalling libacl... [ 1s] [25/35] preinstalling libreadline... [ 1s] [26/35] preinstalling smack... [ 1s] [27/35] preinstalling bzip2... [ 1s] [28/35] preinstalling libmagic... [ 1s] [29/35] preinstalling libxml2... [ 1s] [30/35] preinstalling tar... [ 1s] [31/35] preinstalling util-linux... [ 1s] [32/35] preinstalling util-linux-su... [ 1s] [33/35] preinstalling nss... [ 2s] [34/35] preinstalling libsoftokn3... [ 2s] [35/35] preinstalling rpm... [ 2s] [ 2s] [1/9] preinstalling libext2fs... [ 2s] [2/9] preinstalling libpcre... [ 2s] [3/9] preinstalling libsmartcols... [ 2s] [4/9] preinstalling libuuid... [ 2s] [5/9] preinstalling perl... [ 2s] [6/9] preinstalling grep... [ 2s] [7/9] preinstalling libblkid... [ 2s] [8/9] preinstalling libmount... [ 2s] [9/9] preinstalling util-linux... [ 3s] copying packages... [ 3s] reordering...cycle: nss -> libsoftokn3 [ 3s] breaking dependency nss -> libsoftokn3 [ 3s] done [ 3s] booting kvm ... [ 3s] linux64 /usr/bin/qemu-kvm -no-reboot -nographic -vga none -net none -cpu host -kernel /srv/obsw/vmlinuz -initrd /srv/obsw/initrd -append root=/dev/vda panic=1 quiet no-kvmclock nmi_watchdog=0 rw elevator=noop console=ttyS0 init=/.build/build -m 16000 -drive file=/srv/build/root_5/root,if=virtio,cache=none -drive file=/srv/build/root_5/root,if=ide,index=0,cache=none -drive file=/srv/build/root_5/swap,if=virtio,cache=none -smp 8 [ 5s] doing fast boot [ 5s] Creating device nodes with udev [ 6s] Waiting for device /dev/vda to appear: ok [ 6s] fsck from util-linux 2.21.2 [ 6s] [/sbin/fsck.ext4 (1) -- /] fsck.ext4 -a /dev/vda [ 6s] /dev/vda: clean, 4363/4194304 files, 301663/16777216 blocks [ 6s] fsck succeeded. Mounting root device read-write. [ 6s] Mounting root /dev/vda [ 6s] mount -o rw -t ext4 /dev/vda /root [ 6s] replacing /etc/mtab with symlink to /proc/self/mounts [ 6s] 2nd stage started in virtual machine [ 6s] machine type: x86_64 [ 6s] switching personality to 8... [ 6s] 2nd stage started in virtual machine [ 6s] machine type: i686 [ 6s] swapon: /dev/vdb: found signature [pagesize=4096, signature=swap] [ 6s] swapon: /dev/vdb: pagesize=4096, swapsize=2147483648, devsize=2147483648 [ 6s] swapon /dev/vdb [ 6s] VM_IMAGE: , VM_SWAP: /dev/vdb [ 6s] mount: none is already mounted or /proc busy [ 6s] mount: none is already mounted or /dev/pts busy [ 6s] logging output to //.build.log... [ 6s] processing specfile /.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:curl.spec ... [ 6s] init_buildsystem --configdir /.build/configs --cachedir /var/cache/build /.build-srcdir/_service:gbs:curl.spec build rpmlint-Factory ... [ 6s] running setup postinstall script [ 6s] .init_b_cache/scripts/setup.post: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `name' [ 6s] .init_b_cache/scripts/setup.post: line 1: `for i, name in ipairs({"passwd", "shadow", "group", "gshadow"}) do' [ 6s] initializing rpm db... [ 6s] [1/100] installing libmagic-data-5.28-4.1 [ 6s] [2/100] installing setup-0.9-3.5 [ 6s] [3/100] installing terminfo-base-5.9-1.15 [ 6s] [4/100] installing filesystem-3.1-10.1 [ 6s] [5/100] installing glibc-2.20-12.1 [ 6s] [6/100] installing bash-3.2.57-3.3 [ 6s] [7/100] installing cpio-2.11-1.6 [ 6s] [8/100] installing diffutils-3.3-1.10 [ 6s] [9/100] installing findutils-4.3.8-3.1 [ 6s] [10/100] installing hostname-3.12-1.3 [ 7s] [11/100] installing libatomic-4.9.2-14.2 [ 7s] [12/100] installing libattr-2.4.47-1.12 [ 7s] [13/100] installing libbz2-1.0.6-2.6 [ 7s] [14/100] installing libcap-2.24-1.91 [ 7s] [15/100] installing libcares-1.10.0-1.8 [ 7s] [16/100] installing libelf-0.153-5.26 [ 7s] [17/100] installing libext2fs-1.42.13-2.7 [ 7s] [18/100] installing libfreebl3-3.23-4.45 [ 7s] [19/100] installing libgcc-4.9.2-14.2 [ 7s] [20/100] installing libgomp-4.9.2-14.2 [ 7s] [21/100] installing libidn-1.15-4.1 [ 7s] [22/100] installing libitm-4.9.2-14.2 [ 7s] [23/100] installing libltdl-2.4.2-3.5 [ 7s] [24/100] installing liblua-5.1.4-1.27 [ 7s] [25/100] installing liblzma-5.1.3-3.1 [ 7s] [26/100] installing libpcre-8.39-3.1 [ 7s] [27/100] installing libpopt-1.16-2.5 [ 7s] [28/100] installing libsmack-1.2.0-4.4 [ 7s] [29/100] installing libsmartcols-2.28-8.1 [ 7s] [30/100] installing libsqlite- [ 7s] [31/100] installing libuuid-2.28-8.1 [ 7s] [32/100] installing m4-1.4.17-1.6 [ 7s] [33/100] installing net-tools-2.0_20121208git-1.6 [ 7s] [34/100] installing nghttp2-1.0.0-2.1 [ 7s] [35/100] installing nspr-4.12-4.15 [ 7s] [36/100] installing patch-2.7-1.7 [ 7s] [37/100] installing pkg-config-0.28-1.7 [ 7s] [38/100] installing sed-4.1c-2.6 [ 7s] [39/100] installing update-alternatives-1.16.3-1.3 [ 7s] [40/100] installing which-2.20-1.3 [ 7s] [41/100] installing zlib-1.2.8-1.11 [ 7s] [42/100] installing libncurses-5.9-1.15 [ 8s] [43/100] installing build-compare-2015.04.28-4.8 [ 8s] [44/100] installing coreutils-6.9-8.1 [ 8s] [45/100] installing cpp-4.9.2-14.2 [ 8s] [46/100] installing gawk-3.1.5-2.7 [ 8s] [47/100] installing gcc-c++-4.9.2-14.2 [ 9s] [48/100] installing grep-2.5.2-2.7 [ 9s] [49/100] installing less-466-1.6 [ 9s] [50/100] installing libacl-2.2.52-3.5 [ 9s] [51/100] installing libasm-0.153-5.26 [ 9s] [52/100] installing libblkid-2.28-8.1 [ 9s] [53/100] installing libopenssl-1.0.2j-10.1 [ 9s] [54/100] installing libreadline-5.2-2.5 [ 9s] [55/100] installing libstdc++-4.9.2-14.2 [ 9s] [56/100] installing make-4.0-1.6 [ 9s] [57/100] installing nghttp2-devel-1.0.0-2.1 [ 9s] [58/100] installing nss-certs-3.23-4.45 [ 9s] [59/100] installing smack-1.2.0-4.4 [ 9s] [60/100] installing binutils-2.25-6.9 [ 9s] [61/100] installing bzip2-1.0.6-2.6 [ 9s] [62/100] installing libmagic-5.28-4.1 [ 10s] [63/100] installing libxml2-2.9.4-5.4 [ 10s] [64/100] installing xz-5.1.3-3.1 [ 10s] [65/100] installing libdw-0.153-5.26 [ 10s] [66/100] installing libstdc++-devel-4.9.2-14.2 [ 10s] [67/100] installing file-5.28-4.1 [ 10s] [68/100] installing libmount-2.28-8.1 [ 10s] [69/100] installing linux-glibc-devel-3.10-1.4 [ 10s] [70/100] installing openssl-1.0.2j-10.1 [ 10s] [71/100] installing tar-1.17-2.7 [ 10s] [72/100] installing db4-4.8.30.NC-2.1 [ 10s] [73/100] installing glibc-locale-2.20-12.1 [ 10s] [74/100] installing gzip-1.3.12-2.8 [ 10s] [75/100] installing libcilkrts-4.9.2-14.2 [ 11s] [76/100] installing libfdisk1-2.28-8.1 [ 11s] [77/100] installing libubsan-4.9.2-14.2 [ 11s] [78/100] installing pam-1.1.6-4.5 [ 11s] [79/100] installing tzdata-2016f-2.2 [ 11s] [80/100] installing elfutils-0.153-5.26 [ 11s] [81/100] installing glibc-devel-2.20-12.1 [ 11s] [82/100] installing perl-5.20.0-3.63 [ 12s] [83/100] installing gcc-4.9.2-14.2 [ 13s] [84/100] installing util-linux-2.28-8.1 [ 13s] [85/100] installing build-mkbaselibs-20120927-1.3 [ 13s] [86/100] installing autoconf-2.69-1.4 [ 13s] [87/100] installing libcares-devel-1.10.0-1.8 [ 13s] [88/100] installing libidn-devel-1.15-4.1 [ 13s] [89/100] installing util-linux-su-2.28-8.1 [ 13s] [90/100] installing zlib-devel-1.2.8-1.11 [ 13s] [91/100] installing automake-1.14.1-1.4 [ 13s] [92/100] installing libopenssl-devel-1.0.2j-10.1 [ 13s] [93/100] installing build-20120927-1.3 [ 13s] [94/100] installing libtool-2.4.2-3.5 [ 13s] [95/100] installing nss-3.23-4.45 [ 13s] [96/100] installing libsoftokn3-3.23-4.45 [ 13s] [97/100] installing rpm- [ 14s] [98/100] installing rpmlint-mini-1.5-3.25 [ 14s] [99/100] installing rpm-build- [ 14s] [100/100] installing rpmlint-tizen-1.0-1.3 [ 14s] removing nis flags from //etc/nsswitch.conf... [ 14s] now finalizing build dir... [ 15s] build target is i686-tizen-linux [ 15s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 15s] I have the following modifications for curl.spec: [ 15s] 5c5 [ 15s] < Release: 1 [ 15s] --- [ 15s] > Release: 14.1 [ 15s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 15s] ----- building curl.spec (user abuild) [ 15s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 15s] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ 15s] Running qemu build hang workaround... [ 15s] /bin/ps command not found [ 15s] + exec rpmbuild -ba --define '_srcdefattr (-,root,root)' --nosignature --target=i686-tizen-linux --define '_build_create_debug 1' --define 'disturl obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/940f407872bb6c54809677099003ac26-curl' /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/curl.spec [ 15s] Building target platforms: i686-tizen-linux [ 15s] Building for target i686-tizen-linux [ 15s] Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.SQoWQL [ 15s] + umask 022 [ 15s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 15s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 15s] + rm -rf curl-7.50.2 [ 15s] + /bin/gzip -dc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/curl-7.50.2.tar.gz [ 15s] + /bin/tar -xf - [ 15s] + STATUS=0 [ 15s] + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']' [ 15s] + cd curl-7.50.2 [ 15s] + /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w . [ 15s] + echo 'Patch #0 (350f846-to-c0fb88a.diff):' [ 15s] Patch #0 (350f846-to-c0fb88a.diff): [ 15s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/350f846-to-c0fb88a.diff [ 15s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 15s] patching file .gitattributes [ 15s] patching file .gitignore [ 15s] patching file .travis.yml [ 15s] patching file Makefile [ 15s] patching file aclocal.m4 [ 15s] patching file compile [ 15s] patching file depcomp [ 15s] + echo 'Patch #1 (0002-openssl-fix-bad-memory-free-regression.patch):' [ 15s] Patch #1 (0002-openssl-fix-bad-memory-free-regression.patch): [ 15s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0002-openssl-fix-bad-memory-free-regression.patch [ 15s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 15s] patching file lib/vtls/openssl.c [ 15s] + echo 'Patch #2 (0003-Add-default-cipher-list-for-TV.patch):' [ 15s] Patch #2 (0003-Add-default-cipher-list-for-TV.patch): [ 15s] + /bin/cat /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/0003-Add-default-cipher-list-for-TV.patch [ 15s] + /bin/patch -p1 --fuzz=2 [ 15s] patching file lib/vtls/openssl.h [ 15s] + cp /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/curl.manifest . [ 15s] + exit 0 [ 15s] Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.FNZy9k [ 15s] + umask 022 [ 15s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 15s] + cd curl-7.50.2 [ 15s] ++ uname -m [ 15s] + [[ i686 == \a\a\r\c\h\6\4 ]] [ 15s] + LANG=C [ 15s] + export LANG [ 15s] + unset DISPLAY [ 15s] + CFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=i686 -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g' [ 15s] + export CFLAGS [ 15s] + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=i686 -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g' [ 15s] + export CXXFLAGS [ 15s] + FFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=i686 -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -I%_fmoddir' [ 15s] + export FFLAGS [ 15s] + LDFLAGS= [ 15s] + export LDFLAGS [ 15s] + LD_AS_NEEDED=1 [ 15s] + export LD_AS_NEEDED [ 15s] + export CPPFLAGS=-DHAVE_PK11_CREATEGENERICOBJECT [ 15s] + CPPFLAGS=-DHAVE_PK11_CREATEGENERICOBJECT [ 15s] + CFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=i686 -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g' [ 15s] + export CFLAGS [ 15s] + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=i686 -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g' [ 15s] + export CXXFLAGS [ 15s] + FFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -Wl,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=i686 -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -I%_fmoddir' [ 15s] + export FFLAGS [ 15s] + autoreconf -v --install --force [ 15s] autoreconf: Entering directory `.' [ 15s] autoreconf: configure.ac: not using Gettext [ 16s] autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4 [ 20s] autoreconf: configure.ac: tracing [ 21s] autoreconf: configure.ac: subdirectory ares not present [ 21s] autoreconf: running: libtoolize --copy --force [ 22s] libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in `.'. [ 22s] libtoolize: copying file `./ltmain.sh' [ 22s] libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR, `m4'. [ 22s] libtoolize: copying file `m4/libtool.m4' [ 22s] libtoolize: copying file `m4/ltoptions.m4' [ 22s] libtoolize: copying file `m4/ltsugar.m4' [ 22s] libtoolize: copying file `m4/ltversion.m4' [ 22s] libtoolize: copying file `m4/lt~obsolete.m4' [ 22s] libtoolize: Remember to add `LT_INIT' to configure.ac. [ 26s] autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force [ 27s] autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoheader --force [ 28s] autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing [ 29s] configure.ac:130: installing './compile' [ 29s] docs/examples/Makefile.am: installing './depcomp' [ 32s] autoreconf: Leaving directory `.' [ 32s] + ./configure --build=i686-tizen-linux-gnu --host=i686-tizen-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --without-nss --without-gnutls --with-openssl --enable-ipv6 --with-ca-path=/etc/ssl/certs --with-libidn --with-lber-lib=lber --enable-manual --enable-versioned-symbols --enable-ares --enable-debug --enable-curldebug --disable-static --with-nghttp2 --without-zsh-functions-dir [ 32s] checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no [ 32s] checking whether make supports nested variables... yes [ 32s] checking whether to enable debug build options... yes [ 32s] checking whether to enable compiler optimizer... (assumed) no [ 32s] checking whether to enable strict compiler warnings... yes [ 32s] checking whether to enable compiler warnings as errors... no [ 32s] checking whether to enable curl debug memory tracking... yes [ 32s] checking whether to enable hiding of library internal symbols... yes [ 32s] checking whether to enable c-ares for DNS lookups... yes [ 32s] checking whether to disable dependency on -lrt... (assumed no) [ 32s] checking for path separator... : [ 32s] checking for sed... /bin/sed [ 32s] checking for grep... /bin/grep [ 32s] checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E [ 32s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-ar... no [ 32s] checking for ar... /bin/ar [ 32s] checking for a BSD-compatible install... /bin/install -c [ 32s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-gcc... no [ 32s] checking for gcc... gcc [ 32s] checking whether the C compiler works... yes [ 32s] checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out [ 32s] checking for suffix of executables... [ 32s] checking whether we are cross compiling... no [ 32s] checking for suffix of object files... o [ 32s] checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes [ 32s] checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes [ 32s] checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed [ 32s] checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes [ 32s] checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E [ 32s] checking whether build environment is sane... yes [ 32s] checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p [ 32s] checking for gawk... gawk [ 32s] checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes [ 32s] checking for style of include used by make... GNU [ 32s] checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3 [ 32s] checking curl version... 7.50.2 [ 32s] checking build system type... i686-tizen-linux-gnu [ 32s] checking host system type... i686-tizen-linux-gnu [ 32s] checking for sys/types.h... yes [ 32s] checking for stdint.h... yes [ 32s] checking for inttypes.h... yes [ 32s] checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... (cached) /bin/grep [ 32s] checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E [ 32s] checking for ANSI C header files... yes [ 32s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 32s] checking for sys/stat.h... yes [ 32s] checking for stdlib.h... yes [ 32s] checking for string.h... yes [ 33s] checking for memory.h... yes [ 33s] checking for strings.h... yes [ 33s] checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes [ 33s] checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes [ 33s] checking for unistd.h... yes [ 33s] checking if cpp -P is needed... no [ 33s] checking size of long... 4 [ 33s] checking size of void*... 4 [ 33s] checking for 64-bit curl_off_t data type... int64_t [ 33s] checking size of curl_off_t... 8 [ 33s] checking formatting string directive for curl_off_t... "lld" [ 33s] checking formatting string directive for unsigned curl_off_t... "llu" [ 33s] checking constant suffix string for curl_off_t... LL [ 33s] checking constant suffix string for unsigned curl_off_t... ULL [ 33s] checking if OS is AIX (to define _ALL_SOURCE)... no [ 33s] checking if _THREAD_SAFE is already defined... no [ 33s] checking if _THREAD_SAFE is actually needed... no [ 33s] checking if _THREAD_SAFE is onwards defined... no [ 33s] checking if _REENTRANT is already defined... no [ 33s] checking if _REENTRANT is actually needed... no [ 33s] checking if _REENTRANT is onwards defined... no [ 33s] checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no [ 33s] checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... 64 [ 33s] checking how to print strings... printf [ 33s] checking for a sed that does not truncate output... (cached) /bin/sed [ 33s] checking for fgrep... /bin/grep -F [ 33s] checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/i586-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld [ 33s] checking if the linker (/usr/i586-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes [ 33s] checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /bin/nm -B [ 33s] checking the name lister (/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm [ 33s] checking whether ln -s works... yes [ 33s] checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 [ 33s] checking whether the shell understands some XSI constructs... yes [ 33s] checking whether the shell understands "+="... yes [ 33s] checking how to convert i686-tizen-linux-gnu file names to i686-tizen-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop [ 33s] checking how to convert i686-tizen-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop [ 33s] checking for /usr/i586-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r [ 33s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-objdump... no [ 33s] checking for objdump... objdump [ 33s] checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all [ 33s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-dlltool... no [ 33s] checking for dlltool... no [ 33s] checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n [ 33s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-ar... /bin/ar [ 33s] checking for archiver @FILE support... @ [ 33s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-strip... no [ 33s] checking for strip... strip [ 33s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-ranlib... no [ 33s] checking for ranlib... ranlib [ 33s] checking command to parse /bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok [ 33s] checking for sysroot... no [ 33s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-mt... no [ 33s] checking for mt... no [ 33s] checking if : is a manifest tool... no [ 33s] checking for dlfcn.h... yes [ 33s] checking for objdir... .libs [ 33s] checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no [ 33s] checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC [ 33s] checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes [ 33s] checking if gcc static flag -static works... no [ 34s] checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes [ 34s] checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes [ 34s] checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/i586-tizen-linux-gnu/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes [ 34s] checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no [ 34s] checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux ld.so [ 34s] checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate [ 34s] checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes [ 34s] checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes [ 34s] checking whether to build shared libraries... yes [ 34s] checking whether to build static libraries... no [ 34s] checking whether to build shared libraries with -version-info... yes [ 34s] checking whether to build shared libraries with -no-undefined... no [ 34s] checking whether to build shared libraries with -mimpure-text... no [ 34s] checking whether to build shared libraries with PIC... yes [ 34s] checking whether to build static libraries with PIC... no [ 34s] checking whether to build shared libraries only... yes [ 34s] checking whether to build static libraries only... no [ 34s] checking for inline... inline [ 34s] checking if compiler is DEC/Compaq/HP C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is HP-UX C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is IBM C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is Intel C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is clang... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is GNU C... yes [ 34s] checking if compiler is LCC... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is SGI MIPSpro C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is SGI MIPS C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is SunPro C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is Tiny C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler is Watcom C... no [ 34s] checking if compiler accepts debug enabling options... yes [ 34s] configure: compiler options added: -g [ 34s] checking if compiler optimizer assumed setting might be used... no [ 34s] checking if compiler accepts strict warning options... yes [ 34s] configure: compiler options added: -pedantic -Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wunused -Wshadow -Winline -Wnested-externs -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wno-long-long -Wfloat-equal -Wno-multichar -Wsign-compare -Wundef -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wendif-labels -Wstrict-prototypes -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wstrict-aliasing=3 -Wcast-align -Wtype-limits -Wold-style-declaration -Wmissing-parameter-type -Wempty-body -Wclobbered -Wignored-qualifiers -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -Wvla -Wno-system-headers [ 34s] checking if compiler halts on compilation errors... yes [ 34s] checking if compiler halts on negative sized arrays... yes [ 34s] checking if compiler halts on function prototype mismatch... yes [ 34s] checking if compiler supports hiding library internal symbols... yes [ 34s] checking if curl debug memory tracking can be enabled... yes [ 34s] checking for windows.h... no [ 34s] checking whether build target is a native Windows one... no [ 34s] checking whether build target supports WIN32 file API... no [ 34s] checking whether to support http... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support ftp... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support file... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support ldap... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support ldaps... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support rtsp... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support proxies... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support dict... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support telnet... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support tftp... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support pop3... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support imap... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support smb... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support smtp... yes [ 34s] checking whether to support gopher... yes [ 34s] checking whether to provide built-in manual... yes [ 34s] checking whether to enable generation of C code... yes [ 34s] checking whether to use libgcc... no [ 34s] checking if X/Open network library is required... no [ 34s] checking for gethostbyname... yes [ 34s] checking for windows.h... (cached) no [ 34s] checking for winsock.h... (cached) no [ 34s] checking for winsock2.h... (cached) no [ 34s] checking for connect in libraries... yes [ 34s] checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes [ 34s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 34s] checking sys/time.h usability... yes [ 34s] checking sys/time.h presence... yes [ 34s] checking for sys/time.h... yes [ 34s] checking time.h usability... yes [ 34s] checking time.h presence... yes [ 34s] checking for time.h... yes [ 34s] checking for monotonic clock_gettime... yes [ 34s] checking for clock_gettime in libraries... no additional lib required [ 34s] checking if monotonic clock_gettime works... yes [ 34s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config... /bin/i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config [ 34s] checking for zlib options with pkg-config... found [ 34s] checking zlib.h usability... yes [ 34s] checking zlib.h presence... yes [ 34s] checking for zlib.h... yes [ 34s] configure: found both libz and libz.h header [ 34s] checking for lber.h... no [ 34s] checking for ldap.h... no [ 34s] checking for ldapssl.h... no [ 34s] checking for ldap_ssl.h... no [ 35s] checking for LDAP libraries... cannot find LDAP libraries [ 35s] configure: WARNING: Cannot find libraries for LDAP support: LDAP disabled [ 35s] checking whether to enable IPv6... yes [ 35s] checking if struct sockaddr_in6 has sin6_scope_id member... yes [ 35s] checking if argv can be written to... yes [ 35s] checking if GSS-API support is requested... no [ 35s] checking whether to enable Windows native SSL/TLS (Windows native builds only)... no [ 35s] checking whether to enable iOS/Mac OS X native SSL/TLS... no [ 35s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config... (cached) /bin/i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config [ 35s] checking for openssl options with pkg-config... found [ 35s] configure: pkg-config: SSL_LIBS: "-lssl -lcrypto " [ 35s] configure: pkg-config: SSL_LDFLAGS: "" [ 35s] configure: pkg-config: SSL_CPPFLAGS: "" [ 35s] checking for HMAC_Update in -lcrypto... yes [ 35s] checking OpenSSL linking without -ldl... yes [ 35s] checking for SSL_connect in -lssl... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/x509.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/x509.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/x509.h... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/rsa.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/rsa.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/rsa.h... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/crypto.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/crypto.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/crypto.h... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/pem.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/pem.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/pem.h... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/ssl.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/ssl.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/ssl.h... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/err.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/err.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/err.h... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/pkcs12.h usability... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/pkcs12.h presence... yes [ 35s] checking for openssl/pkcs12.h... yes [ 35s] checking for ENGINE_init... yes [ 35s] checking openssl/engine.h usability... yes [ 36s] checking openssl/engine.h presence... yes [ 36s] checking for openssl/engine.h... yes [ 36s] checking for ENGINE_load_builtin_engines... yes [ 36s] checking for RAND_status... yes [ 36s] checking for RAND_screen... no [ 36s] checking for RAND_egd... yes [ 36s] checking for ENGINE_cleanup... yes [ 36s] checking for CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data... yes [ 36s] checking for SSL_get_shutdown... yes [ 36s] checking for SSLv2_client_method... no [ 36s] checking for BoringSSL... no [ 36s] checking for libressl... no [ 36s] checking for OpenSSL headers version... 1.0.2 - 0x100020afL [ 36s] checking for OpenSSL library version... 1.0.2 [ 36s] checking for OpenSSL headers and library versions matching... yes [ 36s] checking for "/dev/urandom"... yes [ 36s] checking for SRP_Calc_client_key in -lcrypto... yes [ 36s] checking default CA cert bundle/path... /etc/ssl/certs (capath) [ 36s] checking whether to use builtin CA store of SSL library... no [ 36s] checking for library containing psl_builtin... no [ 36s] configure: WARNING: libpsl was not found [ 36s] checking for libssh2_channel_open_ex in -lssh2... no [ 36s] checking libssh2.h usability... no [ 36s] checking libssh2.h presence... no [ 36s] checking for libssh2.h... no [ 36s] checking for RTMP_Init in -lrtmp... no [ 36s] checking whether versioned symbols are wanted... yes [ 36s] checking if libraries can be versioned... yes [ 36s] checking whether to enable Windows native IDN (Windows native builds only)... no [ 36s] checking whether to build with libidn... yes [ 36s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config... (cached) /bin/i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config [ 36s] checking for libidn options with pkg-config... found [ 36s] configure: pkg-config: IDN_LIBS: "-lidn " [ 36s] configure: pkg-config: IDN_LDFLAGS: "" [ 36s] configure: pkg-config: IDN_CPPFLAGS: "" [ 36s] configure: pkg-config: IDN_DIR: "" [ 36s] checking if idna_to_ascii_4i can be linked... yes [ 36s] checking for idn_free... yes [ 36s] checking for idna_strerror... yes [ 36s] checking for tld_strerror... yes [ 36s] checking idn-free.h usability... yes [ 36s] checking idn-free.h presence... yes [ 36s] checking for idn-free.h... yes [ 36s] checking tld.h usability... yes [ 36s] checking tld.h presence... yes [ 36s] checking for tld.h... yes [ 36s] checking for i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config... (cached) /bin/i686-tizen-linux-gnu-pkg-config [ 36s] checking for libnghttp2 options with pkg-config... found [ 36s] configure: -l is -lnghttp2 [ 36s] configure: -I is [ 36s] configure: -L is [ 36s] checking for nghttp2_option_set_no_recv_client_magic in -lnghttp2... yes [ 36s] checking nghttp2/nghttp2.h usability... yes [ 37s] checking nghttp2/nghttp2.h presence... yes [ 37s] checking for nghttp2/nghttp2.h... yes [ 37s] checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for malloc.h... yes [ 37s] checking for memory.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for sys/select.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/socket.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/uio.h... yes [ 37s] checking for assert.h... yes [ 37s] checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for limits.h... yes [ 37s] checking for arpa/inet.h... yes [ 37s] checking for net/if.h... yes [ 37s] checking for netinet/in.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/un.h... yes [ 37s] checking for netinet/tcp.h... yes [ 37s] checking for netdb.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/sockio.h... no [ 37s] checking for sys/stat.h... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for sys/param.h... yes [ 37s] checking for termios.h... yes [ 37s] checking for termio.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sgtty.h... yes [ 37s] checking for fcntl.h... yes [ 37s] checking for alloca.h... yes [ 37s] checking for time.h... (cached) yes [ 37s] checking for io.h... no [ 37s] checking for pwd.h... yes [ 37s] checking for utime.h... yes [ 37s] checking for sys/utime.h... no [ 37s] checking for sys/poll.h... yes [ 37s] checking for poll.h... yes [ 37s] checking for socket.h... no [ 37s] checking for sys/resource.h... yes [ 37s] checking for libgen.h... yes [ 37s] checking for locale.h... yes [ 37s] checking for errno.h... yes [ 37s] checking for stdbool.h... yes [ 37s] checking for arpa/tftp.h... yes [ 38s] checking for sys/filio.h... no [ 38s] checking for sys/wait.h... yes [ 38s] checking for setjmp.h... yes [ 38s] checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes [ 38s] checking for compiler support of C99 variadic macro style... yes [ 38s] checking for compiler support of old gcc variadic macro style... yes [ 38s] checking for size_t... yes [ 38s] checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for time.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for struct timeval... yes [ 38s] checking run-time libs availability... fine [ 38s] checking size of size_t... 4 [ 38s] checking size of long... (cached) 4 [ 38s] checking size of int... 4 [ 38s] checking size of short... 2 [ 38s] checking size of time_t... 4 [ 38s] checking size of off_t... 8 [ 38s] checking for long long... yes [ 38s] checking if numberLL works... yes [ 38s] checking for ssize_t... yes [ 38s] checking for bool... yes [ 38s] checking for windows.h... (cached) no [ 38s] checking for winsock2.h... (cached) no [ 38s] checking for ws2tcpip.h... (cached) no [ 38s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for curl_socklen_t data type... socklen_t [ 38s] checking size of curl_socklen_t... 4 [ 38s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for poll.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for sys/poll.h... (cached) yes [ 38s] checking for in_addr_t... yes [ 38s] checking for struct sockaddr_storage... yes [ 39s] checking signal.h usability... yes [ 39s] checking signal.h presence... yes [ 39s] checking for signal.h... yes [ 39s] checking for sig_atomic_t... yes [ 39s] checking if sig_atomic_t is already defined as volatile... no [ 39s] checking return type of signal handlers... void [ 39s] checking for sys/select.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for select... yes [ 39s] checking types of args and return type for select... int,fd_set *,struct timeval *,int [ 39s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for recv... yes [ 39s] checking types of args and return type for recv... int,void *,size_t,int,int [ 39s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for send... yes [ 39s] checking types of args and return type for send... int,const void *,size_t,int,int [ 39s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 39s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for MSG_NOSIGNAL... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking if alarm can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if alarm is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if alarm is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if alarm usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if alarm might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for string.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for strings.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for libgen.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking if basename can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if basename is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if basename is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if basename usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if basename might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for socket.h... (cached) no [ 40s] checking if closesocket can be linked... no [ 40s] checking if closesocket might be used... no [ 40s] checking if CloseSocket can be linked... no [ 40s] checking if CloseSocket might be used... no [ 40s] checking if connect can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if connect is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if connect is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if connect usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if connect might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for fcntl.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl might be used... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl O_NONBLOCK is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl O_NONBLOCK usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if fcntl O_NONBLOCK might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for stdio.h... yes [ 40s] checking if fdopen can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if fdopen is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if fdopen is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if fdopen usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if fdopen might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for netdb.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking if freeaddrinfo can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if freeaddrinfo is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if freeaddrinfo is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if freeaddrinfo usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if freeaddrinfo might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for netinet/in.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for ifaddrs.h... yes [ 40s] checking if freeifaddrs can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if freeifaddrs is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if freeifaddrs is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if freeifaddrs usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if freeifaddrs might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for sys/xattr.h... yes [ 40s] checking if fsetxattr can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if fsetxattr is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if fsetxattr takes 5 args.... yes [ 40s] checking if fsetxattr is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if fsetxattr usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if fsetxattr might be used... yes [ 40s] checking if ftruncate can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if ftruncate is prototyped... yes [ 40s] checking if ftruncate is compilable... yes [ 40s] checking if ftruncate usage allowed... yes [ 40s] checking if ftruncate might be used... yes [ 40s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes [ 40s] checking if getaddrinfo can be linked... yes [ 40s] checking if getaddrinfo is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if getaddrinfo is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if getaddrinfo seems to work... yes [ 41s] checking if getaddrinfo usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if getaddrinfo might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if getaddrinfo is threadsafe... yes [ 41s] checking if gai_strerror can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gai_strerror is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gai_strerror is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if gai_strerror usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if gai_strerror might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r takes 5 args.... no [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r takes 7 args.... no [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r takes 8 args.... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyaddr_r might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r takes 3 args.... no [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r takes 5 args.... no [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r takes 6 args.... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostbyname_r might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostname can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostname is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostname is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking for gethostname arg 2 data type... unsigned int [ 41s] checking if gethostname usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if gethostname might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if getifaddrs can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if getifaddrs is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if getifaddrs is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if getifaddrs seems to work... yes [ 41s] checking if getifaddrs usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if getifaddrs might be used... yes [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r takes 4 args.... no [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r takes 5 args.... no [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r takes 6 args.... yes [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r is compilable... yes [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r usage allowed... yes [ 41s] checking if getservbyport_r might be used... yes [ 41s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 41s] checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes [ 41s] checking for time.h... (cached) yes [ 41s] checking if gmtime_r can be linked... yes [ 41s] checking if gmtime_r is prototyped... yes [ 41s] checking if gmtime_r is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if gmtime_r seems to work... yes [ 42s] checking if gmtime_r usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if gmtime_r might be used... yes [ 42s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for netinet/in.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for arpa/inet.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking if inet_ntoa_r can be linked... no [ 42s] checking if inet_ntoa_r might be used... no [ 42s] checking if inet_ntop can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_ntop is prototyped... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_ntop is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_ntop seems to work... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_ntop usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_ntop might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_pton can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_pton is prototyped... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_pton is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_pton seems to work... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_pton usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if inet_pton might be used... yes [ 42s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for sys/ioctl.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for stropts.h... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl is prototyped... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl FIONBIO is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl FIONBIO usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl FIONBIO might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl SIOCGIFADDR is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl SIOCGIFADDR usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctl SIOCGIFADDR might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if ioctlsocket can be linked... no [ 42s] checking if ioctlsocket might be used... no [ 42s] checking if IoctlSocket can be linked... no [ 42s] checking if IoctlSocket might be used... no [ 42s] checking if localtime_r can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if localtime_r is prototyped... yes [ 42s] checking if localtime_r is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if localtime_r seems to work... yes [ 42s] checking if localtime_r usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if localtime_r might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if memrchr can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if memrchr is prototyped... no [ 42s] checking if memrchr might be used... no [ 42s] checking if poll can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if poll is prototyped... yes [ 42s] checking if poll is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if poll seems to work... yes [ 42s] checking if poll usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if poll might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if setsockopt can be linked... yes [ 42s] checking if setsockopt is prototyped... yes [ 42s] checking if setsockopt is compilable... yes [ 42s] checking if setsockopt usage allowed... yes [ 42s] checking if setsockopt might be used... yes [ 42s] checking if setsockopt SO_NONBLOCK is compilable... no [ 42s] checking if setsockopt SO_NONBLOCK might be used... no [ 42s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking for signal.h... (cached) yes [ 42s] checking if sigaction can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if sigaction is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if sigaction is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if sigaction usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if sigaction might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if siginterrupt can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if siginterrupt is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if siginterrupt is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if siginterrupt usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if siginterrupt might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if signal can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if signal is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if signal is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if signal usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if signal might be used... yes [ 43s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 43s] checking for setjmp.h... (cached) yes [ 43s] checking if sigsetjmp can be linked... no [ 43s] checking if sigsetjmp seems a macro... yes [ 43s] checking if sigsetjmp is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if sigsetjmp usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if sigsetjmp might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if socket can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if socket is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if socket is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if socket usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if socket might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if socketpair can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if socketpair is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if socketpair is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if socketpair usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if socketpair might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if strcasecmp can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if strcasecmp is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if strcasecmp is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if strcasecmp usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if strcasecmp might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if strcmpi can be linked... no [ 43s] checking if strcmpi might be used... no [ 43s] checking if strdup can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if strdup is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if strdup is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if strdup usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if strdup might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r is glibc like... no [ 43s] checking if strerror_r is POSIX like... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r seems to work... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if strerror_r might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if stricmp can be linked... no [ 43s] checking if stricmp might be used... no [ 43s] checking if strncasecmp can be linked... yes [ 43s] checking if strncasecmp is prototyped... yes [ 43s] checking if strncasecmp is compilable... yes [ 43s] checking if strncasecmp usage allowed... yes [ 43s] checking if strncasecmp might be used... yes [ 43s] checking if strncmpi can be linked... no [ 43s] checking if strncmpi might be used... no [ 43s] checking if strnicmp can be linked... no [ 43s] checking if strnicmp might be used... no [ 43s] checking if strstr can be linked... yes [ 44s] checking if strstr is prototyped... yes [ 44s] checking if strstr is compilable... yes [ 44s] checking if strstr usage allowed... yes [ 44s] checking if strstr might be used... yes [ 44s] checking if strtok_r can be linked... yes [ 44s] checking if strtok_r is prototyped... yes [ 44s] checking if strtok_r is compilable... yes [ 44s] checking if strtok_r usage allowed... yes [ 44s] checking if strtok_r might be used... yes [ 44s] checking if strtoll can be linked... yes [ 44s] checking if strtoll is prototyped... yes [ 44s] checking if strtoll is compilable... yes [ 44s] checking if strtoll usage allowed... yes [ 44s] checking if strtoll might be used... yes [ 44s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 44s] checking for sys/uio.h... (cached) yes [ 44s] checking if writev can be linked... yes [ 44s] checking if writev is prototyped... yes [ 44s] checking if writev is compilable... yes [ 44s] checking if writev usage allowed... yes [ 44s] checking if writev might be used... yes [ 44s] checking for fork... yes [ 44s] checking for geteuid... yes [ 44s] checking for getpass_r... no [ 44s] checking deeper for getpass_r... but still no [ 44s] checking for getppid... yes [ 44s] checking for getprotobyname... yes [ 44s] checking for getpwuid... yes [ 44s] checking for getpwuid_r... yes [ 44s] checking for getrlimit... yes [ 44s] checking for gettimeofday... yes [ 44s] checking for if_nametoindex... yes [ 44s] checking for inet_addr... yes [ 44s] checking for perror... yes [ 44s] checking for pipe... yes [ 44s] checking for setlocale... yes [ 44s] checking for setmode... no [ 44s] checking deeper for setmode... but still no [ 44s] checking for setrlimit... yes [ 44s] checking for uname... yes [ 45s] checking for utime... yes [ 45s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for netdb.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for getnameinfo... yes [ 45s] checking types of arguments for getnameinfo... const struct sockaddr *,socklen_t,size_t,int [ 45s] checking for stdio.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for sys/socket.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for netdb.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for netinet/in.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for arpa/inet.h... (cached) yes [ 45s] checking for working NI_WITHSCOPEID... no [ 45s] checking how to set a socket into non-blocking mode... fcntl O_NONBLOCK [ 45s] checking for perl... /bin/perl [ 45s] checking for gnroff... no [ 45s] checking for nroff... no [ 45s] configure: WARNING: disabling built-in manual [ 45s] checking that c-ares is good and recent enough... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enable the threaded resolver... no [ 45s] checking whether to enable verbose strings... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enable SSPI support (Windows native builds only)... no [ 45s] checking whether to enable cryptographic authentication methods... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enable NTLM delegation to winbind's helper... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enable TLS-SRP authentication... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enable Unix domain sockets... auto [ 45s] checking for struct sockaddr_un.sun_path... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enable support for cookies... yes [ 45s] checking whether hiding of library internal symbols will actually happen... yes [ 45s] checking whether to enforce SONAME bump... no [ 45s] checking that generated files are newer than configure... done [ 45s] configure: creating ./config.status [ 46s] config.status: creating Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating docs/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating docs/examples/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating docs/libcurl/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating docs/libcurl/opts/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating include/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating include/curl/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating src/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating lib/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating scripts/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating lib/libcurl.vers [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/certs/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/certs/scripts/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/data/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/server/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/libtest/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating tests/unit/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Win32/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Win32/cygwin/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Linux/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Linux/RPM/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Linux/RPM/curl.spec [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Linux/RPM/curl-ssl.spec [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/Solaris/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/EPM/curl.list [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/EPM/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/vms/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/AIX/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/AIX/RPM/Makefile [ 46s] config.status: creating packages/AIX/RPM/curl.spec [ 46s] config.status: creating curl-config [ 46s] config.status: creating libcurl.pc [ 46s] config.status: creating lib/curl_config.h [ 46s] config.status: creating include/curl/curlbuild.h [ 46s] config.status: executing depfiles commands [ 47s] config.status: executing libtool commands [ 48s] configure: amending lib/Makefile [ 48s] configure: amending src/Makefile [ 48s] configure: amending tests/unit/Makefile [ 48s] configure: amending tests/server/Makefile [ 48s] configure: amending tests/libtest/Makefile [ 48s] configure: amending docs/examples/Makefile [ 48s] configure: Configured to build curl/libcurl: [ 48s] [ 48s] curl version: 7.50.2 [ 48s] Host setup: i686-tizen-linux-gnu [ 48s] Install prefix: /usr [ 48s] Compiler: gcc [ 48s] SSL support: enabled (OpenSSL) [ 48s] SSH support: no (--with-libssh2) [ 48s] zlib support: enabled [ 48s] GSS-API support: no (--with-gssapi) [ 48s] TLS-SRP support: enabled [ 48s] resolver: c-ares [ 48s] IPv6 support: enabled [ 48s] Unix sockets support: enabled [ 48s] IDN support: enabled [ 48s] Build libcurl: Shared=yes, Static=no [ 48s] Built-in manual: no (--enable-manual) [ 48s] --libcurl option: enabled (--disable-libcurl-option) [ 48s] Verbose errors: enabled (--disable-verbose) [ 48s] SSPI support: no (--enable-sspi) [ 48s] ca cert bundle: no [ 48s] ca cert path: /etc/ssl/certs (warning: certs not found) [ 48s] ca fallback: no [ 48s] LDAP support: no (--enable-ldap / --with-ldap-lib / --with-lber-lib) [ 48s] LDAPS support: no (--enable-ldaps) [ 48s] RTSP support: enabled [ 48s] RTMP support: no (--with-librtmp) [ 48s] metalink support: no (--with-libmetalink) [ 48s] PSL support: no (libpsl not found) [ 48s] HTTP2 support: enabled (nghttp2) [ 48s] Protocols: DICT FILE FTP FTPS GOPHER HTTP HTTPS IMAP IMAPS POP3 POP3S RTSP SMB SMBS SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP [ 48s] [ 48s] + sed -i -e 's,-L/usr/lib ,,g;s,-L/usr/lib64 ,,g;s,-L/usr/lib$,,g;s,-L/usr/lib64$,,g' Makefile libcurl.pc [ 48s] + sed -i -e 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' -e 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool [ 48s] + make -j8 [ 48s] Making all in lib [ 48s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 48s] make all-am [ 48s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-file.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-timeval.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-base64.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-hostip.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-progress.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-http.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-cookie.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-formdata.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-sendf.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-ftp.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-url.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-dict.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-if2ip.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-speedcheck.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-ldap.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-version.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-getenv.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-escape.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-mprintf.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-telnet.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-netrc.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-getinfo.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-transfer.lo [ 48s] CC libcurl_la-strequal.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-easy.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-security.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-curl_fnmatch.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-fileinfo.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-ftplistparser.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-wildcard.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-krb5.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-memdebug.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-http_chunks.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-strtok.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-connect.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-llist.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-hash.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-multi.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-content_encoding.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-share.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-http_digest.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-md4.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-md5.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-http_negotiate.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-inet_pton.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-strtoofft.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-strerror.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-amigaos.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-hostasyn.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-hostip4.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-hostip6.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-hostsyn.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-inet_ntop.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-parsedate.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-select.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-tftp.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-splay.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-strdup.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-socks.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-ssh.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-rawstr.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-curl_addrinfo.lo [ 49s] CC libcurl_la-socks_gssapi.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-socks_sspi.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_sspi.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-slist.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-nonblock.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_memrchr.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-imap.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-pop3.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-smtp.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-pingpong.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-rtsp.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_threads.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-warnless.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-hmac.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_rtmp.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-openldap.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_gethostname.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-gopher.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-idn_win32.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-http_proxy.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-non-ascii.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-asyn-ares.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_gssapi.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-asyn-thread.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-http_ntlm.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_ntlm_wb.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_ntlm_core.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_sasl.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_multibyte.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-hostcheck.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-conncache.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-pipeline.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-dotdot.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-x509asn1.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-http2.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-smb.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_endian.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-curl_des.lo [ 50s] CC libcurl_la-system_win32.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-file.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-timeval.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-base64.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-hostip.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-progress.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-formdata.lo [ 50s] CC libcurlu_la-cookie.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-http.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-sendf.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-ftp.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-url.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-dict.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-if2ip.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-speedcheck.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-ldap.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-version.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-getenv.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-escape.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-mprintf.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-telnet.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-netrc.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-getinfo.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-transfer.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-strequal.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-easy.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-security.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_fnmatch.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-fileinfo.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-ftplistparser.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-wildcard.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-krb5.lo [ 51s] CC libcurlu_la-memdebug.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-http_chunks.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-strtok.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-connect.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-llist.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-hash.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-multi.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-content_encoding.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-share.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-http_digest.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-md4.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-md5.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-http_negotiate.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-inet_pton.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-strtoofft.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-strerror.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-amigaos.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-hostasyn.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-hostip4.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-hostip6.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-hostsyn.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-inet_ntop.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-parsedate.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-select.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-tftp.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-splay.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-strdup.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-socks.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-ssh.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-rawstr.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_addrinfo.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-socks_gssapi.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-socks_sspi.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_sspi.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-slist.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-nonblock.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_memrchr.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-imap.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-pop3.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-smtp.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-pingpong.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-rtsp.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_threads.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-warnless.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-hmac.lo [ 52s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_rtmp.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-openldap.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_gethostname.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-gopher.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-idn_win32.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-http_proxy.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-non-ascii.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-asyn-ares.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-asyn-thread.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_gssapi.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-http_ntlm.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_ntlm_wb.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_ntlm_core.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_sasl.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_multibyte.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-hostcheck.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-conncache.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-pipeline.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-dotdot.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-x509asn1.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-http2.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-smb.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_endian.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-curl_des.lo [ 53s] CC libcurlu_la-system_win32.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-vauth.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-cleartext.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-cram.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-digest.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-digest_sspi.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-krb5_gssapi.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-krb5_sspi.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-ntlm.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-ntlm_sspi.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-oauth2.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-spnego_gssapi.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurlu_la-spnego_sspi.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-openssl.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-gtls.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-vtls.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-nss.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-polarssl.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-polarssl_threadlock.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-axtls.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-cyassl.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-schannel.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-darwinssl.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-gskit.lo [ 53s] CC vtls/libcurlu_la-mbedtls.lo [ 53s] /bin/perl ./checksrc.pl -D. -W./curl_config.h \ [ 53s] ./*.[ch] ./vauth/*.[ch] ./vtls/*.[ch] [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-vauth.lo [ 53s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-cleartext.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-cram.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-digest.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-digest_sspi.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-krb5_gssapi.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-krb5_sspi.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-ntlm.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-ntlm_sspi.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-oauth2.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-spnego_gssapi.lo [ 54s] CC vauth/libcurl_la-spnego_sspi.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-openssl.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-gtls.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-vtls.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-nss.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-polarssl.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-polarssl_threadlock.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-axtls.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-cyassl.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-schannel.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-darwinssl.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-gskit.lo [ 54s] CC vtls/libcurl_la-mbedtls.lo [ 54s] CCLD libcurlu.la [ 54s] CCLD libcurl.la [ 55s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 55s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 55s] Making all in src [ 55s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 55s] make all-am [ 55s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-slist_wc.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_binmode.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_bname.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cb_hdr.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cb_prg.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cb_rea.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cb_see.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cb_dbg.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cb_wrt.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_cfgable.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_convert.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_dirhie.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_doswin.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_easysrc.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_formparse.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_getparam.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_getpass.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_help.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_helpers.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_homedir.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_hugehelp.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_libinfo.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_main.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_metalink.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_mfiles.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_msgs.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_operate.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_operhlp.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_panykey.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_paramhlp.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_parsecfg.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_strdup.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_setopt.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_sleep.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_urlglob.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_util.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_vms.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_writeenv.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_writeout.lo [ 55s] CC libcurltool_la-tool_xattr.lo [ 55s] CC curl-slist_wc.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_binmode.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_bname.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cb_dbg.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cb_hdr.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cb_prg.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cb_rea.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cb_see.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cb_wrt.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_cfgable.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_convert.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_dirhie.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_doswin.o [ 55s] CC curl-tool_easysrc.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_formparse.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_getparam.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_getpass.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_help.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_helpers.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_homedir.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_hugehelp.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_libinfo.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_main.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_metalink.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_mfiles.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_msgs.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_operate.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_operhlp.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_panykey.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_paramhlp.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_parsecfg.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_strdup.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_setopt.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_sleep.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_urlglob.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_util.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_vms.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_writeenv.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_writeout.o [ 56s] CC curl-tool_xattr.o [ 56s] CC ../lib/curl-strtoofft.o [ 56s] CC ../lib/curl-rawstr.o [ 56s] CC ../lib/curl-nonblock.o [ 56s] CC ../lib/curl-warnless.o [ 56s] /bin/perl ../lib/checksrc.pl -D. \ [ 56s] -W./tool_hugehelp.c ./*.[ch] [ 56s] CC ../lib/libcurltool_la-strtoofft.lo [ 56s] CC ../lib/libcurltool_la-rawstr.lo [ 56s] CC ../lib/libcurltool_la-nonblock.lo [ 56s] CC ../lib/libcurltool_la-warnless.lo [ 56s] CCLD libcurltool.la [ 56s] CCLD curl [ 56s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 56s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 56s] Making all in include [ 56s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 56s] Making all in curl [ 56s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 56s] make all-am [ 56s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 57s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 57s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 57s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 57s] make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 57s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 57s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 57s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 57s] make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. [ 57s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 57s] + exit 0 [ 57s] Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.qCC6vS [ 57s] + umask 022 [ 57s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 57s] + cd curl-7.50.2 [ 57s] + LANG=C [ 57s] + export LANG [ 57s] + unset DISPLAY [ 57s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 57s] + mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 57s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 57s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 57s] + make DESTDIR=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 'INSTALL=/bin/install -p' install [ 57s] Making install in lib [ 57s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 57s] /bin/perl ./checksrc.pl -D. -W./curl_config.h \ [ 57s] ./*.[ch] ./vauth/*.[ch] ./vtls/*.[ch] [ 57s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 57s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib' [ 57s] /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /bin/install -p libcurl.la '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib' [ 57s] libtool: install: /bin/install -p .libs/libcurl.so.4.4.0 /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib/libcurl.so.4.4.0 [ 57s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib && { ln -s -f libcurl.so.4.4.0 libcurl.so.4 || { rm -f libcurl.so.4 && ln -s libcurl.so.4.4.0 libcurl.so.4; }; }) [ 57s] libtool: install: (cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib && { ln -s -f libcurl.so.4.4.0 libcurl.so || { rm -f libcurl.so && ln -s libcurl.so.4.4.0 libcurl.so; }; }) [ 57s] libtool: install: /bin/install -p .libs/libcurl.lai /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib/libcurl.la [ 57s] libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib' [ 57s] make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 57s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 57s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/lib' [ 57s] Making install in src [ 57s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 57s] make install-am [ 57s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 57s] /bin/perl ../lib/checksrc.pl -D. \ [ 57s] -W./tool_hugehelp.c ./*.[ch] [ 57s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 57s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/bin' [ 57s] /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=install /bin/install -p curl '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/bin' [ 57s] libtool: install: warning: `../lib/libcurl.la' has not been installed in `/usr/lib' [ 57s] libtool: install: /bin/install -p .libs/curl /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/bin/curl [ 57s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 57s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 57s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 57s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/src' [ 57s] Making install in include [ 57s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] Making install in curl [ 58s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/include/curl' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 curl.h curlver.h easy.h mprintf.h stdcheaders.h multi.h typecheck-gcc.h curlbuild.h curlrules.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/include/curl' [ 58s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 58s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 58s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/bin' [ 58s] /bin/install -p curl-config '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/bin' [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib/pkgconfig' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 libcurl.pc '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib/pkgconfig' [ 58s] make install-data-hook [ 58s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 58s] cd include && make install [ 58s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] Making install in curl [ 58s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[6]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[6]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/include/curl' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 curl.h curlver.h easy.h mprintf.h stdcheaders.h multi.h typecheck-gcc.h curlbuild.h curlrules.h '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/include/curl' [ 58s] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include/curl' [ 58s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[6]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[6]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] make[6]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 58s] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/include' [ 58s] cd docs && make install [ 58s] make[4]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs' [ 58s] Making install in examples [ 58s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/examples' [ 58s] make[6]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/examples' [ 58s] make[6]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] make[6]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. [ 58s] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/examples' [ 58s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/examples' [ 58s] Making install in libcurl [ 58s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl' [ 58s] Making install in opts [ 58s] make[6]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl/opts' [ 58s] make[7]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl/opts' [ 58s] make[7]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET.3 CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME.3 CURLINFO_CERTINFO.3 CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET.3 CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME.3 CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD.3 CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD.3 CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE.3 CURLINFO_COOKIELIST.3 CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL.3 CURLINFO_FILETIME.3 CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH.3 CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE.3 CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL.3 CURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE.3 CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION.3 CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET.3 CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP.3 CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT.3 CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME.3 CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS.3 CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO.3 CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME.3 CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP.3 CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT.3 CURLINFO_PRIVATE.3 CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL.3 CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT.3 CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME.3 CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL.3 CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE.3 CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE.3 CURLINFO_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ.3 CURLINFO_RTSP_CSEQ_RECV.3 CURLINFO_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ.3 CURLINFO_RTSP_SESSION_ID.3 CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD.3 CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD.3 CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD.3 CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES.3 CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT.3 CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME.3 CURLINFO_TLS_SESSION.3 CURLINFO_TLS_SSL_PTR.3 CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME.3 CURLMOPT_CHUNK_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZE.3 CURLMOPT_CONTENT_LENGTH_PENALTY_SIZE.3 CURLMOPT_MAXCONNECTS.3 CURLMOPT_MAX_HOST_CONNECTIONS.3 CURLMOPT_MAX_PIPELINE_LENGTH.3 CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS.3 CURLMOPT_PIPELINING.3 CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SERVER_BL.3 CURLMOPT_PIPELINING_SITE_BL.3 CURLMOPT_PUSHDATA.3 CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION.3 CURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA.3 CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION.3 CURLMOPT_TIMERDATA.3 CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS.3 CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING.3 CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE.3 CURLOPT_APPEND.3 CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER.3 CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE.3 CURLOPT_CAINFO.3 CURLOPT_CAPATH.3 CURLOPT_CERTINFO.3 CURLOPT_CHUNK_BGN_FUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_CHUNK_DATA.3 CURLOPT_CHUNK_END_FUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETDATA.3 CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT.3 CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS.3 CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY.3 CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO.3 CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_NETWORK_FUNCTION.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLOPT_CONV_FROM_UTF8_FUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_CONV_TO_NETWORK_FUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_COOKIE.3 CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE.3 CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR.3 CURLOPT_COOKIELIST.3 CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION.3 CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS.3 CURLOPT_CRLF.3 CURLOPT_CRLFILE.3 CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST.3 CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA.3 CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL.3 CURLOPT_DIRLISTONLY.3 CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT.3 CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE.3 CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4.3 CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6.3 CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS.3 CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE.3 CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET.3 CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER.3 CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS.3 CURLOPT_FAILONERROR.3 CURLOPT_FILETIME.3 CURLOPT_FNMATCH_DATA.3 CURLOPT_FNMATCH_FUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION.3 CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE.3 CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT.3 CURLOPT_FTPPORT.3 CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH.3 CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT.3 CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER.3 CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS.3 CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD.3 CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT.3 CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP.3 CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT.3 CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV.3 CURLOPT_FTP_USE_PRET.3 CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION.3 CURLOPT_HEADER.3 CURLOPT_HEADERDATA.3 CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_HEADEROPT.3 CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES.3 CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH.3 CURLOPT_HTTPGET.3 CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER.3 CURLOPT_HTTPPOST.3 CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL.3 CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING.3 CURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODING.3 CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION.3 CURLOPT_IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH.3 CURLOPT_INFILESIZE.3 CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE.3 CURLOPT_INTERFACE.3 CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEDATA.3 CURLOPT_INTERLEAVEFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_IOCTLDATA.3 CURLOPT_IOCTLFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE.3 CURLOPT_ISSUERCERT.3 CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD.3 CURLOPT_KRBLEVEL.3 CURLOPT_LOCALPORT.3 CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGE.3 CURLOPT_LOGIN_OPTIONS.3 CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT.3 CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME.3 CURLOPT_MAIL_AUTH.3 CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM.3 CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT.3 CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS.3 CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE.3 CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS.3 CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE.3 CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE.3 CURLOPT_NETRC.3 CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE.3 CURLOPT_NEW_DIRECTORY_PERMS.3 CURLOPT_NEW_FILE_PERMS.3 CURLOPT_NOBODY.3 CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS.3 CURLOPT_NOPROXY.3 CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL.3 CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETDATA.3 CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_PASSWORD.3 CURLOPT_PATH_AS_IS.3 CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY.3 CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT.3 CURLOPT_PORT.3 CURLOPT_POST.3 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS.3 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE.3 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE.3 CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE.3 CURLOPT_POSTREDIR.3 CURLOPT_PREQUOTE.3 CURLOPT_PRIVATE.3 CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA.3 CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS.3 CURLOPT_PROXY.3 CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH.3 CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER.3 CURLOPT_PROXYPASSWORD.3 CURLOPT_PROXYPORT.3 CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE.3 CURLOPT_PROXYUSERNAME.3 CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD.3 CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME.3 CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE.3 CURLOPT_PUT.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLOPT_QUOTE.3 CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE.3 CURLOPT_RANGE.3 CURLOPT_READDATA.3 CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS.3 CURLOPT_REFERER.3 CURLOPT_RESOLVE.3 CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM.3 CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE.3 CURLOPT_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ.3 CURLOPT_RTSP_REQUEST.3 CURLOPT_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ.3 CURLOPT_RTSP_SESSION_ID.3 CURLOPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI.3 CURLOPT_RTSP_TRANSPORT.3 CURLOPT_SASL_IR.3 CURLOPT_SEEKDATA.3 CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAME.3 CURLOPT_SHARE.3 CURLOPT_SOCKOPTDATA.3 CURLOPT_SOCKOPTFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_NEC.3 CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE.3 CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES.3 CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5.3 CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA.3 CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS.3 CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE.3 CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE.3 CURLOPT_SSLCERT.3 CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE.3 CURLOPT_SSLENGINE.3 CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT.3 CURLOPT_SSLKEY.3 CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE.3 CURLOPT_SSLVERSION.3 CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA.3 CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN.3 CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_NPN.3 CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART.3 CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS.3 CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE.3 CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST.3 CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.3 CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS.3 CURLOPT_STDERR.3 CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS.3 CURLOPT_STREAM_DEPENDS_E.3 CURLOPT_STREAM_WEIGHT.3 CURLOPT_TCP_FASTOPEN.3 CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE.3 CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE.3 CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL.3 CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY.3 CURLOPT_TELNETOPTIONS.3 CURLOPT_TFTP_BLKSIZE.3 CURLOPT_TFTP_NO_OPTIONS.3 CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION.3 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT.3 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS.3 CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE.3 CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD.3 CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_TYPE.3 CURLOPT_TLSAUTH_USERNAME.3 CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT.3 CURLOPT_TRANSFER_ENCODING.3 CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH.3 CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH.3 CURLOPT_UPLOAD.3 CURLOPT_URL.3 CURLOPT_USERAGENT.3 CURLOPT_USERNAME.3 CURLOPT_USERPWD.3 CURLOPT_USE_SSL.3 CURLOPT_VERBOSE.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 CURLOPT_WILDCARDMATCH.3 CURLOPT_WRITEDATA.3 CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA.3 CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION.3 CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] make[7]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl/opts' [ 58s] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl/opts' [ 58s] make[6]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl' [ 58s] make[7]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl' [ 58s] make[7]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/aclocal' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 libcurl.m4 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/aclocal' [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 curl_easy_cleanup.3 curl_easy_getinfo.3 curl_easy_init.3 curl_easy_perform.3 curl_easy_setopt.3 curl_easy_duphandle.3 curl_formadd.3 curl_formfree.3 curl_getdate.3 curl_getenv.3 curl_slist_append.3 curl_slist_free_all.3 curl_version.3 curl_version_info.3 curl_escape.3 curl_unescape.3 curl_free.3 curl_strequal.3 curl_mprintf.3 curl_global_init.3 curl_global_cleanup.3 curl_multi_add_handle.3 curl_multi_cleanup.3 curl_multi_fdset.3 curl_multi_info_read.3 curl_multi_init.3 curl_multi_perform.3 curl_multi_remove_handle.3 curl_share_cleanup.3 curl_share_init.3 curl_share_setopt.3 libcurl.3 libcurl-easy.3 libcurl-multi.3 libcurl-share.3 libcurl-errors.3 curl_easy_strerror.3 curl_multi_strerror.3 curl_share_strerror.3 curl_global_init_mem.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 libcurl-tutorial.3 curl_easy_reset.3 curl_easy_escape.3 curl_easy_unescape.3 curl_multi_setopt.3 curl_multi_socket.3 curl_multi_timeout.3 curl_formget.3 curl_multi_assign.3 curl_easy_pause.3 curl_easy_recv.3 curl_easy_send.3 curl_multi_socket_action.3 curl_multi_wait.3 libcurl-symbols.3 libcurl-thread.3 curl_multi_socket_all.3 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man3' [ 58s] make[7]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl' [ 58s] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl' [ 58s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs/libcurl' [ 58s] make[5]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs' [ 58s] make[6]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs' [ 58s] make[6]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. [ 58s] /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man1' [ 58s] /bin/install -p -m 644 curl.1 curl-config.1 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man/man1' [ 58s] make[6]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs' [ 58s] make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs' [ 58s] make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2/docs' [ 58s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 58s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 58s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2' [ 58s] + rm -f /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib/libcurl.la [ 58s] + install -d /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386//usr/share/aclocal [ 58s] + install -m 644 docs/libcurl/libcurl.m4 /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386//usr/share/aclocal [ 58s] + find /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 -name ca-bundle.crt -exec rm -f '{}' ';' [ 58s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/man [ 58s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/license [ 58s] + mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/license [ 58s] + cp COPYING /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/share/license/curl [ 58s] + /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/curl-7.50.2 [ 58s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/bin/curl [ 58s] extracting debug info from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386/usr/lib/libcurl.so.4.4.0 [ 58s] cpio: glibc-2.20/csu: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 58s] cpio: glibc-2.20/csu/init.c: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 58s] cpio: glibc-2.20/sysdeps/i386/crti.S: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 58s] cpio: glibc-2.20/sysdeps/i386/crtn.S: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 58s] cpio: glibc-2.20/sysdeps/i386/start.S: Cannot stat: No such file or directory [ 58s] 6540 blocks [ 58s] + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot [ 58s] + /usr/lib/rpm//brp-compress [ 58s] + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /bin/strip [ 59s] + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink [ 59s] + /usr/lib/rpm/tizen/find-docs.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 59s] Processing files: curl-7.50.2-14.1.i686 [ 59s] Provides: curl = 7.50.2-14.1 curl(x86-32) = 7.50.2-14.1 webclient [ 59s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 59s] Requires: libc.so.6 libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7) libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so.4(CURL_OPENSSL_4) [ 59s] Processing files: curl-debugsource-7.50.2-14.1.i686 [ 59s] Provides: curl-debugsource = 7.50.2-14.1 curl-debugsource(x86-32) = 7.50.2-14.1 [ 59s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 [ 59s] Processing files: libcurl-7.50.2-14.1.i686 [ 59s] Aptk: PG1hbmlmZXN0PgogICAgPHJlcXVlc3Q+CiAgICAgICAgPGRvbWFpbiBuYW1lPSJf [ 59s] Ii8+CiAgICA8L3JlcXVlc3Q+CjwvbWFuaWZlc3Q+Cg== [ 59s] [ 59s] Provides: libcurl = 7.50.2-14.1 libcurl(x86-32) = 7.50.2-14.1 libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so.4(CURL_OPENSSL_4) libcurl.so.4(HIDDEN) [ 59s] Requires(interp): /sbin/ldconfig /sbin/ldconfig [ 59s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 59s] Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig /sbin/ldconfig [ 59s] Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig /sbin/ldconfig [ 59s] Requires: libc.so.6 libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1.2) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1.3) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.15) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.16) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.7) libcares.so.2 libcrypto.so.1.0.0 libidn.so.11 libidn.so.11(LIBIDN_1.0) libnghttp2.so.14 libssl.so.1.0.0 libz.so.1 [ 59s] Processing files: libcurl-devel-7.50.2-14.1.i686 [ 59s] Provides: curl-devel = 7.50.2-14.1 libcurl-devel = 7.50.2-14.1 libcurl-devel(x86-32) = 7.50.2-14.1 pkgconfig(libcurl) = 7.50.2 [ 59s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 59s] Requires: /bin/sh /usr/bin/pkg-config libcurl.so.4 [ 59s] Obsoletes: curl-devel < 7.50.2-14.1 [ 59s] Processing files: curl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686 [ 59s] Provides: curl-debuginfo = 7.50.2-14.1 curl-debuginfo(x86-32) = 7.50.2-14.1 [ 59s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 59s] Processing files: libcurl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686 [ 59s] Provides: libcurl-debuginfo = 7.50.2-14.1 libcurl-debuginfo(x86-32) = 7.50.2-14.1 [ 59s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 [ 59s] Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 59s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/curl-7.50.2-14.1.src.rpm [ 59s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 60s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-debugsource-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 61s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 61s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-devel-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 61s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 62s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 62s] Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.546Zjy [ 62s] + umask 022 [ 62s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD [ 62s] + cd curl-7.50.2 [ 62s] + /bin/rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i386 [ 62s] + exit 0 [ 62s] ... checking for files with abuild user/group [ 62s] [ 62s] RPMLINT report: [ 62s] =============== [ 62s] curl.i686: E: non-standard-group (Badness: 200) Applications/Internet [ 62s] curl.src: E: non-standard-group (Badness: 200) Applications/Internet [ 62s] The value of the Group tag in the package is not valid. Valid groups are [ 62s] listed here: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Packaging/Guidelines#Group_Tag [ 62s] [ 62s] curl.src:9: W: macro-in-comment %{name} [ 62s] curl.src:9: W: macro-in-comment %{version} [ 62s] curl.src:68: W: macro-in-comment %patch01 [ 62s] curl.src:69: W: macro-in-comment %patch02 [ 62s] curl.src:89: W: macro-in-comment %{_sysconfdir} [ 62s] There is a unescaped macro after a shell style comment in the specfile. Macros [ 62s] are expanded everywhere, so check if it can cause a problem in this case and [ 62s] escape the macro with another leading % if appropriate. [ 62s] [ 62s] 4 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 2 errors, 5 warnings. [ 62s] [ 62s] ... creating baselibs [ 62s] ... comparing built packages with the former built [ 62s] /usr/lib/build/pkg-diff.sh [ 62s] compare /.build.oldpackages/curl-7.50.2-13.1.src.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/curl-7.50.2-14.1.src.rpm [ 63s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 63s] comparing rpmtags [ 63s] comparing RELEASE [ 63s] comparing PROVIDES [ 63s] comparing scripts [ 63s] comparing filelist [ 63s] comparing file checksum [ 63s] RPM meta information is identical [ 63s] compare /.build.oldpackages/curl-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] Comparing curl-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm to curl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 63s] comparing rpmtags [ 63s] --- /tmp/tmp.XCSGO18701/tmp.LWVwV18713 2016-10-12 15:43:19.975910045 +0000 [ 63s] +++ /tmp/tmp.XCSGO18701/tmp.SYXZf18714 2016-10-12 15:43:19.987910044 +0000 [ 63s] @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ [ 63s] cpio lzma 5 [ 63s] [ 63s] (none) (none) (none) [ 63s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/b1804f7eda3ac6ccef2fbcc3d552815e-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/940f407872bb6c54809677099003ac26-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] RPM meta information is different [ 63s] compare /.build.oldpackages/curl-debuginfo-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] skipping -debuginfo package [ 63s] compare /.build.oldpackages/curl-debugsource-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-debugsource-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] Comparing curl-debugsource-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm to curl-debugsource-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 63s] comparing rpmtags [ 63s] --- /tmp/tmp.NhQci18732/tmp.cATzR18744 2016-10-12 15:43:20.183910037 +0000 [ 63s] +++ /tmp/tmp.NhQci18732/tmp.MmQcs18745 2016-10-12 15:43:20.195910037 +0000 [ 63s] @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ [ 63s] cpio lzma 5 [ 63s] [ 63s] (none) (none) (none) [ 63s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/b1804f7eda3ac6ccef2fbcc3d552815e-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/940f407872bb6c54809677099003ac26-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] RPM meta information is different [ 63s] compare /.build.oldpackages/libcurl-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] Comparing libcurl-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm to libcurl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 63s] comparing rpmtags [ 63s] --- /tmp/tmp.uXaZO18761/tmp.AXldQ18773 2016-10-12 15:43:20.287910034 +0000 [ 63s] +++ /tmp/tmp.uXaZO18761/tmp.uArJU18774 2016-10-12 15:43:20.299910033 +0000 [ 63s] @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ [ 63s] cpio lzma 5 [ 63s] [ 63s] (none) (none) (none) [ 63s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/b1804f7eda3ac6ccef2fbcc3d552815e-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/940f407872bb6c54809677099003ac26-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] RPM meta information is different [ 63s] compare /.build.oldpackages/libcurl-debuginfo-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] skipping -debuginfo package [ 63s] compare /.build.oldpackages/libcurl-devel-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-devel-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] Comparing libcurl-devel-7.50.2-13.1.i686.rpm to libcurl-devel-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 63s] This is not a prerelease project. Compare the project name. [ 63s] comparing rpmtags [ 63s] --- /tmp/tmp.fPKzQ18792/tmp.pPlTY18804 2016-10-12 15:43:20.523910025 +0000 [ 63s] +++ /tmp/tmp.fPKzQ18792/tmp.LIVXt18805 2016-10-12 15:43:20.535910025 +0000 [ 63s] @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ [ 63s] cpio lzma 5 [ 63s] [ 63s] (none) (none) (none) [ 63s] -obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/b1804f7eda3ac6ccef2fbcc3d552815e-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] +obs://build.tizen.org/Tizen:Common/ia32-wayland/940f407872bb6c54809677099003ac26-curl Tizen:Common / ia32-wayland [ 63s] RPM meta information is different [ 63s] comparing /.build.oldpackages/rpmlint.log and /home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/rpmlint.log [ 63s] rpmlint.log files differ: [ 63s] --- /tmp/tmp.pPeCd18818 2016-10-12 15:43:20.539910025 +0000 [ 63s] +++ /tmp/tmp.OzCfv18819 2016-10-12 15:43:20.539910025 +0000 [ 63s] @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ [ 63s] are expanded everywhere, so check if it can cause a problem in this case and [ 63s] curl.i686: E: non-standard-group (Badness: 200) Applications/Internet [ 63s] curl.src: E: non-standard-group (Badness: 200) Applications/Internet [ 63s] -curl.src:65: W: macro-in-comment %patch01 [ 63s] -curl.src:66: W: macro-in-comment %patch02 [ 63s] -curl.src:86: W: macro-in-comment %{_sysconfdir} [ 63s] +curl.src:68: W: macro-in-comment %patch01 [ 63s] +curl.src:69: W: macro-in-comment %patch02 [ 63s] +curl.src:89: W: macro-in-comment %{_sysconfdir} [ 63s] curl.src:9: W: macro-in-comment %{name} [ 63s] curl.src:9: W: macro-in-comment %{version} [ 63s] escape the macro with another leading % if appropriate. [ 63s] ... saving built statistics [ 63s] ... saving built packages [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/curl-debugsource-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/libcurl-devel-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/curl-7.50.2-14.1.src.rpm [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/_statistics [ 64s] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/OTHER/rpmlint.log [ 64s] [ 64s] w05 finished "build curl.spec" at Wed Oct 12 15:43:20 UTC 2016. [ 64s] [ 65s] /.build/build: line 368: 240 Killed background_monitor_process [ 67s] [ 62.269159] SysRq : Power Off [ 67s] [ 62.386125] Power down. [ 67s] build: extracting built packages... [ 69s] curl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 69s] curl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 69s] curl-debugsource-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 69s] libcurl-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 69s] libcurl-debuginfo-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 69s] libcurl-devel-7.50.2-14.1.i686.rpm [ 69s] curl-7.50.2-14.1.src.rpm [ 69s] _statistics [ 69s] rpmlint.log Retried build at Sat Oct 15 21:46:23 2016 returned same result, skipped