[06/02 08:32:41 PDT] mic 0.24 (imager2 openSUSE 12.2 x86_64) [06/02 08:32:41 PDT] Retrieving repo metadata: [06/02 08:32:41 PDT] DONE [06/02 08:32:41 PDT] Use detected arch armv7l. [06/02 08:32:41 PDT] Creating tizen bootstrap ... [06/02 15:32:41 UTC] Installing: mic-bootstrap-x86-ar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [1/1] [06/02 15:32:41 UTC] [06/02 08:32:49 PDT] Start mic in bootstrap: /var/tmp/mic-bootstrap/tizenYT1R60/bootstrap [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] mic 0.24 (imager2 tizen bootstrap) [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] cannot find config file: /etc/kvmic.conf [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] Retrieving repo metadata: [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] DONE [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] Use detected arch armv7l. [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] Target image/dir: /srv/snapshots/tizen/rd-pq/tizen_20140602.4/images/RD-PQ-boot already exists, clean up and continue? [y/n](y): y [06/02 08:32:50 PDT] Refreshing repository: mobile ... [06/02 08:32:51 PDT] zypp architecture is [06/02 08:32:51 PDT] Checking packages cached ... [06/02 08:32:51 PDT] Packages: 2 Total, 0 Cached, 2 Missed [06/02 08:32:51 PDT] Downloading packages ... [06/02 15:32:51 UTC] Installing: u-boot +++++++++++++++++++ [1/2] [06/02 15:32:51 UTC] Installing: linux-kernel ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [2/2] [06/02 15:32:51 UTC] [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Copying attachment files... [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Applying configurations ... [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Failed to apply RootPasswordConfig, skip and continue? [y/n](y): y [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Unable to set unencrypted password due to lack of /bin/echo [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Cannot add user using "useradd" [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Failed to apply UserConfig, skip and continue? [y/n](y): y [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Can't find /usr/bin/passwd in chroot [06/02 08:32:52 PDT] Running scripts ... [06/02 08:33:03 PDT] Checking filesystem /var/tmp/mic/build/imgcreate-t0zxBY/tmp-UNzmCH/boot.img [06/02 08:33:03 PDT] Pack all loop images together to tizen_20140602.4_RD-PQ-boot.tar.gz [06/02 08:33:04 PDT] The new image can be found here: /srv/snapshots/tizen/rd-pq/tizen_20140602.4/images/RD-PQ-boot/MD5SUMS /srv/snapshots/tizen/rd-pq/tizen_20140602.4/images/RD-PQ-boot/tizen_20140602.4_RD-PQ-boot.ks /srv/snapshots/tizen/rd-pq/tizen_20140602.4/images/RD-PQ-boot/tizen_20140602.4_RD-PQ-boot.packages /srv/snapshots/tizen/rd-pq/tizen_20140602.4/images/RD-PQ-boot/tizen_20140602.4_RD-PQ-boot.tar.gz /srv/snapshots/tizen/rd-pq/tizen_20140602.4/images/RD-PQ-boot/tizen_20140602.4_RD-PQ-boot.xml [06/02 08:33:04 PDT] Finished.