[    0s] on X86_64, no limit mem size
[    0s] Using BUILD_ROOT=/root/gbsbuild-ROOT/NGBS-ROOT/worker/scratch.28
[    0s] Using BUILD_ARCH=x86_64:i686:i586:i486:i386
[    0s] 
[    0s] 
[    0s] d6d9ad58479e started "build autoconf.spec" at Mon Oct 28 01:40:25 UTC 2024.
[    0s] 
[    0s] Building autoconf for project 'Tizen-Base-ASAN' repository 'standard' arch 'x86_64' srcmd5 'adb56f16d759536d842c33f3a5dc2f62'
[    0s] 
[    0s] processing recipe /root/gbsbuild-ROOT/NGBS-ROOT/worker/scratch.28/.build-srcdir/autoconf.spec ...
[    0s] running changelog2spec --target rpm --file /root/gbsbuild-ROOT/NGBS-ROOT/worker/scratch.28/.build-srcdir/autoconf.spec
[    0s] init_buildsystem --configdir /root/gbsbuild-ROOT/NGBS-ROOT/run/worker/28/build/configs --cachedir /var/cache/build --clean --rpmlist /root/gbsbuild-ROOT/NGBS-ROOT/worker/scratch.28/.build.rpmlist /root/gbsbuild-ROOT/NGBS-ROOT/worker/scratch.28/.build-srcdir/autoconf.spec build ...
[    1s] cycle: nss -> libsoftokn3
[    1s]   breaking dependency nss -> libsoftokn3
[    1s] [1/41] preinstalling libmagic-data...
[    1s] [2/41] preinstalling libncurses...
[    1s] [3/41] preinstalling setup...
[    1s] [4/41] preinstalling filesystem...
[    1s] [5/41] preinstalling glibc...
[    1s] [6/41] preinstalling libgcc...
[    1s] [7/41] preinstalling libstdc++...
[    1s] [8/41] preinstalling libasan...
[    1s] [9/41] preinstalling bash...
[    1s] [10/41] preinstalling findutils...
[    1s] [11/41] preinstalling grep...
[    1s] [12/41] preinstalling libattr...
[    1s] [13/41] preinstalling libbz2...
[    1s] [14/41] preinstalling libfreebl3...
[    1s] [15/41] preinstalling liblua...
[    1s] [16/41] preinstalling liblzma...
[    1s] [17/41] preinstalling libpopt...
[    1s] [18/41] preinstalling libreadline...
[    1s] [19/41] preinstalling libsmack...
[    2s] [20/41] preinstalling libzstd1...
[    2s] [21/41] preinstalling nspr...
[    2s] [22/41] preinstalling sed...
[    2s] [23/41] preinstalling zlib...
[    2s] [24/41] preinstalling diffutils...
[    2s] [25/41] preinstalling libcap...
[    2s] [26/41] preinstalling libsqlite...
[    2s] [27/41] preinstalling asan-build-env...
[    2s] [28/41] preinstalling libacl...
[    2s] [29/41] preinstalling libelf...
[    2s] [30/41] preinstalling smack...
[    2s] [31/41] preinstalling bzip2...
[    2s] [32/41] preinstalling coreutils...
[    2s] [33/41] preinstalling libmagic...
[    2s] [34/41] preinstalling libxml2...
[    2s] [35/41] preinstalling util-linux...
[    2s] [36/41] preinstalling tar...
[    2s] [37/41] preinstalling util-linux-su...
[    2s] [38/41] preinstalling nss...
[    2s] [39/41] preinstalling libsoftokn3...
[    2s] [40/41] preinstalling rpm...
[    3s] [41/41] preinstalling asan-force-options...
[    3s] running setup postinstall script
[    3s] chroot: failed to run command '<lua>': No such file or directory
[    3s] running asan-build-env postinstall script
[    3s] running asan-force-options postinstall script
[    3s] /usr/bin
[    3s] grep: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[    3s] initializing rpm db...
[    3s] reordering...cycle: bash -> libasan -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env
[    3s]   breaking dependency libasan -> glibc
[    3s] cycle: bash -> libasan -> libgcc -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env
[    3s]   breaking dependency asan-runtime-env -> bash
[    3s] cycle: bash -> libasan -> libgcc -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env -> coreutils
[    3s]   breaking dependency coreutils -> bash
[    3s] cycle: libasan -> libgcc -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env -> coreutils
[    3s]   breaking dependency coreutils -> libasan
[    3s] cycle: glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env -> coreutils
[    3s]   breaking dependency coreutils -> glibc
[    3s] cycle: libgcc -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env -> coreutils
[    3s]   breaking dependency asan-runtime-env -> coreutils
[    3s] cycle: libasan -> libgcc -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env
[    3s]   breaking dependency libasan -> libgcc
[    3s] cycle: libasan -> libstdc++ -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env
[    3s]   breaking dependency libstdc++ -> glibc
[    3s] cycle: libasan -> libstdc++ -> libgcc -> glibc -> filesystem -> setup -> asan-runtime-env
[    3s]   breaking dependency setup -> asan-runtime-env
[    3s] cycle: nss -> libsoftokn3
[    3s]   breaking dependency nss -> libsoftokn3
[    3s] done
[    3s] querying package ids...
[    4s] [1/96] installing libmagic-data-5.45-2.8
[    4s] [2/96] installing setup-0.9-1.21
[    4s] [3/96] installing filesystem-3.1-1.2
[    4s] [4/96] installing glibc-2.30-2.19
[    4s] [5/96] installing libatomic-9.2.0-1.50
[    4s] [6/96] installing libgcc-9.2.0-1.50
[    4s] [7/96] installing libgomp-9.2.0-1.50
[    4s] [8/96] installing libitm-9.2.0-1.50
[    5s] [9/96] installing libquadmath-9.2.0-1.50
[    5s] [10/96] installing libstdc++-9.2.0-1.50
[    5s] [11/96] installing libgfortran-9.2.0-1.50
[    5s] [12/96] installing coreutils-6.9-16.4
[    5s] [13/96] installing libstdc++-devel-9.2.0-1.50
[    5s] [14/96] installing binutils-2.33.1-1.61
[    5s] [15/96] installing libasan-9.2.0-1.50
[    6s] [16/96] installing libcc1-9.2.0-1.50
[    6s] [17/96] installing libubsan-9.2.0-1.50
[    6s] [18/96] installing bash-3.2.57-2.4
[    6s] [19/96] installing cpio-2.8-1.3
[    6s] [20/96] installing findutils-4.3.8-2.25
[    6s] [21/96] installing gdbm-1.8.3-2.9
[    6s] [22/96] installing hostname-3.23-1.3
[    6s] [23/96] installing libattr-2.5.1-2.9
[    6s] [24/96] installing libblkid-2.39.3-3.9
[    7s] [25/96] installing libbz2-1.0.8-1.62
[    7s] [26/96] installing libfreebl3-3.98-2.30
[    7s] [27/96] installing libltdl-2.4.7-2.10
[    7s] [28/96] installing liblua-5.1.5-1.59
[    7s] [29/96] installing liblzma-5.4.5-2.10
[    7s] [30/96] installing libpcre-8.45-2.9
[    8s] [31/96] installing libpopt-1.16-1.58
[    8s] [32/96] installing libsmack-1.3.1-1.57
[    8s] [33/96] installing libsmartcols-2.39.3-3.9
[    8s] [34/96] installing libuuid-2.39.3-3.9
[    8s] [35/96] installing libzstd1-1.5.5-2.9
[    8s] [36/96] installing m4-1.4.19-1.3
[    8s] [37/96] installing net-tools-2.0_20121208git-2.12
[    8s] [38/96] installing nspr-4.35-1.58
[    9s] [39/96] installing patch-2.7.6-1.57
[    9s] [40/96] installing pkg-config-0.29.2-2.9
[    9s] [41/96] installing sed-4.1c-2.8
[    9s] [42/96] installing update-alternatives-1.22.2-3.1
[    9s] [43/96] installing which-2.17-2.1
[    9s] [44/96] installing zlib-1.3-3.9
[    9s] [45/96] installing asan-runtime-env-9.2.0-9.2
[    9s] [46/96] installing diffutils-3.10-1.1
[    9s] [47/96] installing libcap-2.69-1.29
[    9s] [48/96] installing libopenssl3-3.0.13-1.39
[    9s] [49/96] installing libsqlite-3.44.0-1.23
[   10s] [50/96] installing build-compare-2023.06.18-2.4
[   10s] [51/96] installing asan-build-env-9.2.0-9.2
[   10s] libasan.so is already preloaded
[   10s] [52/96] installing cpp-9.2.0-1.50
[   10s] [53/96] installing gcc-c++-9.2.0-1.50
[   10s] [54/96] installing linux-glibc-devel-5.4-2.24
[   10s] [55/96] installing terminfo-base-full-6.4-2.9
[   11s] [56/96] installing gawk-3.1.5-2.1
[   11s] [57/96] installing glibc-locale-2.30-2.19
[   11s] [58/96] installing grep-2.5.2-2.7
[   11s] [59/96] installing libacl-2.3.2-1.36
[   11s] [60/96] installing libelf-0.189-1.62
[   11s] [61/96] installing libmount-2.39.3-3.9
[   11s] [62/96] installing nss-certs-3.98-2.30
[   11s] [63/96] installing smack-1.3.1-1.57
[   11s] [64/96] installing bzip2-1.0.8-1.62
[   11s] [65/96] installing libfdisk-2.39.3-3.9
[   12s] [66/96] installing libmagic-5.45-2.8
[   12s] [67/96] installing make-4.3-1.59
[   12s] [68/96] installing pam-1.1.6-2.8
[   12s] [69/96] installing xz-5.4.5-2.10
[   12s] [70/96] installing gzip-1.13-1.24
[   12s] [71/96] installing libxml2-2.12.5-1.24
[   12s] [72/96] installing perl-5.38.0-1.27
[   14s] [73/96] installing tzdata-2023c-1.3
[   14s] [74/96] installing gcc-9.2.0-1.50
[   15s] [75/96] installing build-mkbaselibs-20120927-2.1
[   15s] [76/96] installing automake-1.16.5-1.64
[   15s] [77/96] installing glibc-devel-2.30-2.19
[   15s] [78/96] installing file-5.45-2.8
[   15s] [79/96] installing tar-1.17-2.1
[   15s] [80/96] installing libncurses6-6.4-2.9
[   15s] [81/96] installing libdw-0.189-1.62
[   15s] [82/96] installing nss-3.98-2.30
[   16s] [83/96] installing libarchive-3.7.2-1.21
[   16s] [84/96] installing libncurses-6.4-2.9
[   16s] [85/96] installing less-643-2.1
[   16s] [86/96] installing libreadline-5.2-2.9
[   16s] [87/96] installing libasm-0.189-1.62
[   16s] [88/96] installing build-20120927-2.1
[   16s] [89/96] installing libtool-2.4.7-2.10
[   16s] [90/96] installing libsoftokn3-3.98-2.30
[   16s] [91/96] installing rpm-
[   17s] [92/96] installing asan-force-options-9.2.0-9.2
[   17s] /usr/bin
[   17s] [93/96] installing elfutils-0.189-1.62
[   17s] [94/96] installing util-linux-2.39.3-3.9
[   18s] [95/96] installing rpm-build-
[   18s] [96/96] installing util-linux-su-2.39.3-3.9
[   18s] now finalizing build dir...
[   18s] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[   18s] I have the following modifications for autoconf.spec:
[   18s] 9c9
[   18s] < Release:        0
[   18s] ---
[   18s] > Release:        1.67
[   18s] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[   18s] ----- building autoconf.spec (user abuild)
[   18s] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[   18s] -----------------------------------------------------------------
[   18s] + exec rpmbuild -ba --define '_srcdefattr (-,root,root)' --nosignature --define '_build_create_debug 1' --define 'disturl obs://' /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/autoconf.spec
[   18s] Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.Soqe89
[   18s] + umask 022
[   18s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD
[   18s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD
[   18s] + rm -rf autoconf-2.71
[   18s] + /bin/xz -dc /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/autoconf-2.71.tar.xz
[   18s] + /bin/tar -xof -
[   19s] + STATUS=0
[   19s] + '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
[   19s] + cd autoconf-2.71
[   19s] + /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .
[   19s] + cp /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/autoconf.manifest .
[   19s] + exit 0
[   19s] Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.CE0fW9
[   19s] + umask 022
[   19s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD
[   19s] + cd autoconf-2.71
[   19s] + ref=/usr/lib/rpm
[   19s] + mints=0
[   19s] + case $(uname -m) in
[   19s] ++ uname -m
[   19s] + for s in guess sub
[   19s] ++ find -maxdepth 8 -name config.guess
[   19s] + for c in '$(find -maxdepth 8 -name "config.$s")'
[   19s] + grep -q config-patches@ ./build-aux/config.guess
[   19s] ++ sed -n '/^timestamp=/{s///;s/[-'\''"]//g;p;q;}' ./build-aux/config.guess
[   19s] ++ tr -d $'\r'
[   19s] + timestamp=20210125
[   19s] + test -n 20210125
[   19s] + test 20210125 -ge 0
[   19s] + for s in guess sub
[   19s] ++ find -maxdepth 8 -name config.sub
[   19s] + for c in '$(find -maxdepth 8 -name "config.$s")'
[   19s] + grep -q config-patches@ ./build-aux/config.sub
[   19s] ++ sed -n '/^timestamp=/{s///;s/[-'\''"]//g;p;q;}' ./build-aux/config.sub
[   19s] ++ tr -d $'\r'
[   19s] + timestamp=20210108
[   19s] + test -n 20210108
[   19s] + test 20210108 -ge 0
[   19s] + LANG=C
[   19s] + export LANG
[   19s] + unset DISPLAY
[   19s] + CFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -frecord-gcc-switches -Wl,-z,relro,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m64 -march=nehalem -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g'
[   19s] + export CFLAGS
[   19s] + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -frecord-gcc-switches -Wl,-z,relro,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m64 -march=nehalem -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g'
[   19s] + export CXXFLAGS
[   19s] + FFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -frecord-gcc-switches -Wl,-z,relro,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m64 -march=nehalem -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -I%_fmoddir'
[   19s] + export FFLAGS
[   19s] + LDFLAGS=
[   19s] + export LDFLAGS
[   19s] + AR=gcc-ar
[   19s] + export AR
[   19s] + NM=/bin/nm
[   19s] + export NM
[   19s] + RANLIB=gcc-ranlib
[   19s] + export RANLIB
[   19s] + CFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -frecord-gcc-switches -Wl,-z,relro,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m64 -march=nehalem -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g'
[   19s] + export CFLAGS
[   19s] + CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -frecord-gcc-switches -Wl,-z,relro,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m64 -march=nehalem -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g'
[   19s] + export CXXFLAGS
[   19s] + FFLAGS='-O2 -g2 -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat-security -fmessage-length=0 -frecord-gcc-switches -Wl,-z,relro,--as-needed -feliminate-unused-debug-types --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fdiagnostics-color=never -m64 -march=nehalem -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -I%_fmoddir'
[   19s] + export FFLAGS
[   19s] + ./configure --build=x86_64-tizen-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-tizen-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
[   19s] checking for a BSD-compatible install... /bin/install -c
[   19s] checking whether build environment is sane... yes
[   19s] checking for a race-free mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
[   19s] checking for gawk... gawk
[   19s] checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
[   19s] checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
[   19s] checking build system type... x86_64-tizen-linux-gnu
[   19s] checking host system type... x86_64-tizen-linux-gnu
[   19s] configure: autobuild project... GNU Autoconf
[   19s] configure: autobuild revision... 2.71
[   19s] configure: autobuild hostname... d6d9ad58479e
[   19s] configure: autobuild timestamp... 20241028T014044Z
[   19s] checking for a shell whose -n mode is known to work... /bin/sh
[   19s] checking for characters that cannot appear in file names... none
[   19s] checking whether directories can have trailing spaces... yes
[   19s] checking for expr... /bin/expr
[   19s] checking for GNU M4 that supports accurate traces... /bin/m4
[   19s] checking whether /bin/m4 accepts --gnu... yes
[   19s] checking how m4 supports trace files... --debugfile
[   19s] checking for perl... /bin/perl
[   19s] checking whether /bin/perl Fcntl::flock is implemented... yes
[   19s] checking for emacs... no
[   19s] checking for xemacs... no
[   19s] checking for emacs... no
[   19s] checking where .elc files should go... ${datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
[   19s] checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
[   19s] checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
[   19s] checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
[   19s] checking whether make is case sensitive... yes
[   20s] checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
[   20s] configure: creating ./config.status
[   20s] config.status: creating tests/atlocal
[   20s] config.status: creating Makefile
[   20s] config.status: executing tests/atconfig commands
[   20s] + make -j12
[   21s] make  all-am
[   21s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   21s] rm -f bin/autom4te bin/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] rm -f lib/autom4te.cfg lib/autom4te.cfg-t
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib/m4sugar
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/autom4te.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/autom4te.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/autom4te.in >bin/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib
[   21s] rm -f bin/autoheader bin/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from lib/autom4te.cfg.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ./lib/autom4te.in >lib/autom4te.cfg-t
[   21s] :;{ \
[   21s]   echo '# This file is part of -*- Autoconf -*-.' && \
[   21s]   echo '# Version of Autoconf.' && \
[   21s]   echo '# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009' && \
[   21s]   echo '# Free Software Foundation, Inc.' && \
[   21s]   echo  &&\
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_NAME],      [GNU Autoconf])' && \
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_TARNAME],   [autoconf])' && \
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION],   [2.71])' && \
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_STRING],    [GNU Autoconf 2.71])' && \
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_BUGREPORT], [bug-autoconf@gnu.org])' && \
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_URL],       [https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/])' && \
[   21s]   echo 'm4_define([m4_PACKAGE_YEAR],      [2021])'; \
[   21s] } > lib/m4sugar/version.m4-t
[   21s] rm -f bin/autoreconf bin/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] mv lib/m4sugar/version.m4-t lib/m4sugar/version.m4
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] rm -f bin/autoscan bin/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/autoheader.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/autoheader.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/autoheader.in >bin/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] rm -f bin/autoupdate bin/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/autoreconf.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/autoreconf.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/autoreconf.in >bin/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] rm -f bin/ifnames bin/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/autoscan.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/autoscan.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/autoscan.in >bin/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] if test 'no' != no; then \
[   21s]   am__dir=. am__subdir_includes=''; \
[   21s]   case lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc in */*) \
[   21s]     am__dir=`echo 'lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc' | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \
[   21s]     am__subdir_includes="-L $am__dir -L ./$am__dir"; \
[   21s]   esac; \
[   21s]   test -d "$am__dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$am__dir" || exit 1; \
[   21s]   no --batch \
[   21s]       \
[   21s]     $am__subdir_includes -L . -L . \
[   21s]     --eval '(if (boundp (quote byte-compile-dest-file-function)) (setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc")) (defun byte-compile-dest-file (_) "lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc") )' \
[   21s]     -f batch-byte-compile 'lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.el'; \
[   21s] else :; fi
[   21s] chmod +x bin/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w lib/autom4te.cfg-t
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/autoupdate.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/autoupdate.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/autoupdate.in >bin/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] if test 'no' != no; then \
[   21s]   am__dir=. am__subdir_includes=''; \
[   21s]   case lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc in */*) \
[   21s]     am__dir=`echo 'lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc' | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \
[   21s]     am__subdir_includes="-L $am__dir -L ./$am__dir"; \
[   21s]   esac; \
[   21s]   test -d "$am__dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$am__dir" || exit 1; \
[   21s]   no --batch \
[   21s]       \
[   21s]     $am__subdir_includes -L . -L . \
[   21s]     --eval '(if (boundp (quote byte-compile-dest-file-function)) (setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc")) (defun byte-compile-dest-file (_) "lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc") )' \
[   21s]     -f batch-byte-compile 'lib/emacs/autotest-mode.el'; \
[   21s] else :; fi
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] mv -f lib/autom4te.cfg-t lib/autom4te.cfg
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/ifnames.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/ifnames.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/ifnames.in >bin/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] mv bin/autom4te.tmp bin/autom4te
[   21s] autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         --language M4sh --cache '' \
[   21s]   --melt ./bin/autoconf.as -o bin/autoconf.in
[   21s] chmod +x bin/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         --language=M4sh ./tests/wrapper.as -o tests/wrapper.in
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib/autoconf
[   21s] chmod +x bin/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x bin/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] mv bin/autoheader.tmp bin/autoheader
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib/autoscan
[   21s] chmod +x bin/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] lang=`echo 'lib/autoconf/autoconf' | sed 's,.*/,,'` \
[   21s]   && if test $lang = autoconf; then \
[   21s]        lang=autoconf-without-aclocal-m4; \
[   21s]      else :; fi \
[   21s]   && autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         \
[   21s] 	--language=$lang \
[   21s] 	--freeze \
[   21s] 	--output=lib/autoconf/autoconf.m4f
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib/autotest
[   21s] chmod +x bin/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] mv bin/autoreconf.tmp bin/autoreconf
[   21s] mv bin/autoscan.tmp bin/autoscan
[   21s] echo '# Automatically Generated: do not edit this file' >lib/autoscan/autoscan.list
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib/m4sugar
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] mv bin/ifnames.tmp bin/ifnames
[   21s] sed '/^[#]/!q' ./lib/autoscan/autoscan.pre >>lib/autoscan/autoscan.list
[   21s] lang=`echo 'lib/autotest/autotest' | sed 's,.*/,,'` \
[   21s]   && if test $lang = autoconf; then \
[   21s]        lang=autoconf-without-aclocal-m4; \
[   21s]      else :; fi \
[   21s]   && autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         \
[   21s] 	--language=$lang \
[   21s] 	--freeze \
[   21s] 	--output=lib/autotest/autotest.m4f
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p lib/m4sugar
[   21s] mv bin/autoupdate.tmp bin/autoupdate
[   21s] lang=`echo 'lib/m4sugar/m4sugar' | sed 's,.*/,,'` \
[   21s]   && if test $lang = autoconf; then \
[   21s]        lang=autoconf-without-aclocal-m4; \
[   21s]      else :; fi \
[   21s]   && autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         \
[   21s] 	--language=$lang \
[   21s] 	--freeze \
[   21s] 	--output=lib/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4f
[   21s] lang=`echo 'lib/m4sugar/m4sh' | sed 's,.*/,,'` \
[   21s]   && if test $lang = autoconf; then \
[   21s]        lang=autoconf-without-aclocal-m4; \
[   21s]      else :; fi \
[   21s]   && autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         \
[   21s] 	--language=$lang \
[   21s] 	--freeze \
[   21s] 	--output=lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4f
[   21s] ( \
[   21s]   sed -n '/^[^#]/p' ./lib/autoscan/autoscan.pre; \
[   21s]   autom4te_perllibdir='.'/lib AUTOM4TE_CFG='lib/autom4te.cfg'         bin/autom4te -B ''lib -B '.'/lib         --cache '' -M -l autoconf-without-aclocal-m4 \
[   21s]     -t'AN_OUTPUT:$1: $2		$3' \
[   21s] ) | LC_ALL=C sort >>lib/autoscan/autoscan.list
[   21s] rm -f tests/autoconf tests/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] rm -f tests/autoheader tests/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|autoconf|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] rm -f tests/autom4te tests/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|autoheader|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] rm -f tests/autoreconf tests/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x tests/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|autom4te|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] rm -f tests/autoscan tests/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x tests/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|autoreconf|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] rm -f tests/autoupdate tests/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x tests/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/autoheader.tmp
[   21s] mv -f tests/autoconf.tmp tests/autoconf
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|autoscan|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] rm -f tests/ifnames tests/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x tests/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/autom4te.tmp
[   21s] mv -f tests/autoheader.tmp tests/autoheader
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|autoupdate|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/autoreconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x tests/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] mv -f tests/autom4te.tmp tests/autom4te
[   21s] rm -f bin/autoconf bin/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] input=tests/wrapper.in \
[   21s]   && sed -e 's|@wrap_program[@]|ifnames|g' -e 's|@abs_top_srcdir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e 's|@abs_top_builddir[@]|/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71|g' -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from $input.|g" tests/wrapper.in >tests/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] mv -f tests/autoreconf.tmp tests/autoreconf
[   21s] chmod +x tests/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/autoscan.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/autoupdate.tmp
[   21s] mv -f tests/autoscan.tmp tests/autoscan
[   21s] /bin/mkdir -p bin
[   21s] mv -f tests/autoupdate.tmp tests/autoupdate
[   21s] srcdir=''; \
[   21s]   test -f ./bin/autoconf.in || srcdir=./; \
[   21s]   sed -e 's|@SHELL[@]|/bin/sh|g' -e 's|@PERL[@]|/bin/perl|g' -e 's|@PERL_FLOCK[@]|yes|g' -e 's|@bindir[@]|/usr/bin|g' -e 's|@pkgdatadir[@]|/usr/share/autoconf|g' -e 's|@prefix[@]|/usr|g' -e 's|@autoconf-name[@]|'`echo autoconf | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autoheader-name[@]|'`echo autoheader | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@autom4te-name[@]|'`echo autom4te | sed 's&^&&'`'|g' -e 's|@M4[@]|/bin/m4|g' -e 's|@M4_DEBUGFILE[@]|--debugfile|g' -e 's|@M4_GNU[@]|--gnu|g' -e 's|@AWK[@]|gawk|g' -e 's|@RELEASE_YEAR[@]|2021|g' -e 's|@VERSION[@]|2.71|g' -e 's|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|GNU Autoconf|g' -e 's|@configure_input[@]|Generated from bin/autoconf.in; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir}bin/autoconf.in >bin/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod +x tests/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w tests/ifnames.tmp
[   21s] mv -f tests/ifnames.tmp tests/ifnames
[   21s] chmod +x bin/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] chmod a-w bin/autoconf.tmp
[   21s] mv bin/autoconf.tmp bin/autoconf
[   21s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   21s] + exit 0
[   21s] Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.qONzlc
[   21s] + umask 022
[   21s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD
[   21s] + cd autoconf-2.71
[   21s] + LANG=C
[   21s] + export LANG
[   21s] + unset DISPLAY
[   21s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64
[   21s] + mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64
[   21s] + /bin/make DESTDIR=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64 INSTALL_ROOT=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64 install
[   21s] /bin/make  install-am
[   21s] make[1]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   21s] if test 'no' != no; then \
[   21s]   am__dir=. am__subdir_includes=''; \
[   21s]   case lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc in */*) \
[   21s]     am__dir=`echo 'lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc' | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \
[   21s]     am__subdir_includes="-L $am__dir -L ./$am__dir"; \
[   21s]   esac; \
[   21s]   test -d "$am__dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$am__dir" || exit 1; \
[   21s]   no --batch \
[   21s]       \
[   21s]     $am__subdir_includes -L . -L . \
[   21s]     --eval '(if (boundp (quote byte-compile-dest-file-function)) (setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc")) (defun byte-compile-dest-file (_) "lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc") )' \
[   21s]     -f batch-byte-compile 'lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.el'; \
[   21s] else :; fi
[   21s] if test 'no' != no; then \
[   21s]   am__dir=. am__subdir_includes=''; \
[   21s]   case lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc in */*) \
[   21s]     am__dir=`echo 'lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc' | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \
[   21s]     am__subdir_includes="-L $am__dir -L ./$am__dir"; \
[   21s]   esac; \
[   21s]   test -d "$am__dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$am__dir" || exit 1; \
[   21s]   no --batch \
[   21s]       \
[   21s]     $am__subdir_includes -L . -L . \
[   21s]     --eval '(if (boundp (quote byte-compile-dest-file-function)) (setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc")) (defun byte-compile-dest-file (_) "lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc") )' \
[   21s]     -f batch-byte-compile 'lib/emacs/autotest-mode.el'; \
[   21s] else :; fi
[   21s] make[2]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/bin'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c bin/autoconf bin/autoheader bin/autom4te bin/autoreconf bin/autoscan bin/autoupdate bin/ifnames '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/bin'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/autoconf/autoconf.m4 lib/autoconf/general.m4 lib/autoconf/status.m4 lib/autoconf/oldnames.m4 lib/autoconf/specific.m4 lib/autoconf/autoheader.m4 lib/autoconf/autoupdate.m4 lib/autoconf/autotest.m4 lib/autoconf/autoscan.m4 lib/autoconf/lang.m4 lib/autoconf/c.m4 lib/autoconf/erlang.m4 lib/autoconf/fortran.m4 lib/autoconf/functions.m4 lib/autoconf/go.m4 lib/autoconf/headers.m4 lib/autoconf/types.m4 lib/autoconf/libs.m4 lib/autoconf/programs.m4 lib/autoconf/trailer.m4 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autotest'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/autotest/autotest.m4 lib/autotest/general.m4 lib/autotest/specific.m4 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autotest'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/build-aux'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 build-aux/config.guess build-aux/config.sub build-aux/install-sh '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/build-aux'
[   21s] if test 'no' != no; then \
[   21s]   am__dir=. am__subdir_includes=''; \
[   21s]   case lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc in */*) \
[   21s]     am__dir=`echo 'lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc' | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \
[   21s]     am__subdir_includes="-L $am__dir -L ./$am__dir"; \
[   21s]   esac; \
[   21s]   test -d "$am__dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$am__dir" || exit 1; \
[   21s]   no --batch \
[   21s]       \
[   21s]     $am__subdir_includes -L . -L . \
[   21s]     --eval '(if (boundp (quote byte-compile-dest-file-function)) (setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc")) (defun byte-compile-dest-file (_) "lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.elc") )' \
[   21s]     -f batch-byte-compile 'lib/emacs/autoconf-mode.el'; \
[   21s] else :; fi
[   21s] if test 'no' != no; then \
[   21s]   am__dir=. am__subdir_includes=''; \
[   21s]   case lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc in */*) \
[   21s]     am__dir=`echo 'lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc' | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`; \
[   21s]     am__subdir_includes="-L $am__dir -L ./$am__dir"; \
[   21s]   esac; \
[   21s]   test -d "$am__dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$am__dir" || exit 1; \
[   21s]   no --batch \
[   21s]       \
[   21s]     $am__subdir_includes -L . -L . \
[   21s]     --eval '(if (boundp (quote byte-compile-dest-file-function)) (setq byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (_) "lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc")) (defun byte-compile-dest-file (_) "lib/emacs/autotest-mode.elc") )' \
[   21s]     -f batch-byte-compile 'lib/emacs/autotest-mode.el'; \
[   21s] else :; fi
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/m4sugar'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4 lib/m4sugar/foreach.m4 lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/m4sugar'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/Autom4te/C4che.pm lib/Autom4te/ChannelDefs.pm lib/Autom4te/Channels.pm lib/Autom4te/Config.pm lib/Autom4te/Configure_ac.pm lib/Autom4te/FileUtils.pm lib/Autom4te/General.pm lib/Autom4te/Getopt.pm lib/Autom4te/Request.pm lib/Autom4te/XFile.pm '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/info'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 ./doc/autoconf.info ./doc/standards.info '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/info'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 man/autoconf.1 man/autoheader.1 man/autom4te.1 man/autoreconf.1 man/autoscan.1 man/autoupdate.1 man/ifnames.1 '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/man/man1'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/autoconf/autoconf.m4f '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autoscan'
[   21s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/autoscan/autoscan.list '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autoscan'
[   21s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autotest'
[   22s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/autotest/autotest.m4f '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/autotest'
[   22s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/m4sugar'
[   22s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/m4sugar/version.m4 lib/m4sugar/m4sugar.m4f lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4f '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/m4sugar'
[   22s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf'
[   22s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 lib/autom4te.cfg '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf'
[   22s]  /bin/mkdir -p '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf'
[   22s]  /bin/install -c -m 644 ./INSTALL '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf'
[   22s] /bin/make  install-data-hook
[   22s] make[3]: Entering directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   22s] for s in build-aux/config.guess build-aux/config.sub build-aux/install-sh; do \
[   22s]   chmod +x "/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/autoconf/$s"; \
[   22s] done
[   22s] make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   22s] make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   22s] make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71'
[   22s] + rm -f /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/info/dir
[   22s] + find /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64 -regex '.*\.la$'
[   22s] + xargs rm -f --
[   22s] + find /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64 -regex '.*\.a$'
[   22s] + xargs rm -f --
[   22s] + rm -f '/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/*.el*'
[   22s] + rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/info/dir
[   22s] + /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh -j12 --build-id-seed 2.71-1.67 --unique-debug-src-base autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64 -S debugsourcefiles.list /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71
[   22s] + cp /usr/lib/rpm/debug.manifest /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71/autoconf-debuginfo.manifest
[   22s] + cp /usr/lib/rpm/debug.manifest /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71/autoconf-debugsource.manifest
[   22s] + /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot
[   22s] + /usr/lib/rpm//brp-compress
[   22s] + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive /bin/strip
[   23s] + /usr/lib/rpm/brp-python-hardlink
[   23s] + /usr/lib/rpm/tizen/find-docs.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64
[   23s] + /usr/lib/rpm/tizen/find-isufiles.sh /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71/isu.list
[   23s] ~/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64 ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71
[   23s] ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/autoconf-2.71
[   23s] Executing(%check): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.Xy0pI9
[   23s] Processing files: autoconf-2.71-1.67.noarch
[   23s] Aptk: PG1hbmlmZXN0PgogPHJlcXVlc3Q+CiAgICA8ZG9tYWluIG5hbWU9Il8iLz4KIDwv
[   23s] cmVxdWVzdD4KPC9tYW5pZmVzdD4K
[   23s] 
[   23s] Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.BJs9Ic
[   23s] + umask 022
[   23s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD
[   23s] + cd autoconf-2.71
[   23s] + LICENSEDIR=/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/licenses/autoconf
[   23s] + export LC_ALL=C
[   23s] + LC_ALL=C
[   23s] + export LICENSEDIR
[   23s] + /bin/mkdir -p /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/licenses/autoconf
[   23s] + cp -pr COPYING COPYING.EXCEPTION COPYINGv3 /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64/usr/share/licenses/autoconf
[   23s] + exit 0
[   23s] Provides: autoconf = 2.71-1.67 perl(Autom4te::C4che) perl(Autom4te::ChannelDefs) perl(Autom4te::Channels) perl(Autom4te::Config) perl(Autom4te::Configure_ac) perl(Autom4te::FileUtils) perl(Autom4te::General) perl(Autom4te::Getopt) perl(Autom4te::Request) perl(Autom4te::XFile) = 1.2
[   23s] Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh
[   23s] Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
[   23s] Requires(post): /bin/sh
[   23s] Requires(postun): /bin/sh
[   23s] Requires: /bin/perl /bin/sh
[   23s] Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64
[   23s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SRPMS/autoconf-2.71-1.67.src.rpm
[   23s] Wrote: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/autoconf-2.71-1.67.noarch.rpm
[   23s] Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.i7clVc
[   23s] + umask 022
[   23s] + cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD
[   23s] + cd autoconf-2.71
[   23s] + /bin/rm -rf /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/autoconf-2.71-1.67.x86_64
[   23s] + exit 0
[   23s] ... checking for files with abuild user/group
[   24s] ... creating baselibs
[   24s] 
[   24s] d6d9ad58479e finished "build autoconf.spec" at Mon Oct 28 01:40:49 UTC 2024.
[   24s]